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Vid of reporter getting waterboarded


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Fear > Pain ? Whatever it takes. I wouldn't likely believe what anyone tells after going through it all but if they are the bad guy who tried shooting me with an AK or blowing up my friends with a road side bomb, I can see doing this to them while hanging out with some buddies drinking before call it lights out for the terrorist.


I know.....that makes me a bad person.

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It's not a good example if you puss out before it gets really bad. Take away his ability to tell them to stop, we'll see how it goes.


Seals don't count, they HAVE to drown at least once before they even get the title, they're well prepared for that and various other forms of torture.

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that was very interesting, i would like to see how well i do, never having done any training for it, or not really knowing what the sensation was like.


to be honest, it didnt seem like that was anything special he was doing...get someone you trust, lay down on a bit of an incline, put wet towel over your face, have person pour water over towel. oh yeah...make sure you have something to signal them to stop


i'd try it to, but im having enough troubles breathing right now with allergies and no water going down my face at all. hahaha

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