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Steelers Rule......again

max power

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As much as this hurts me to say this.... Congrats, well played last two minutes. And game I hate to tell you, your eyes really don't matter all that much. There were a couple of plays that were called wrong in my eyes as well but it happens welcome to the game.

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whatever. bullshit calls. they didnt win in my mind.

Did we watch the same game?????

The only reason Arizona even caught up was because of calls against the Steelers. Don't get me wrong, the Steelers fucked up and were called on it. They were good calls. But I definitely didn't see any bad calls in favor of the Steelers.

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whatever. bullshit calls. they didnt win in my mind.

Every key call was reviewed from 10 different angles, and Whisenhunt even got a 3rd challenge since he won his first 2.....So what exactly are you grumblin' about???

Steeler's dominated 3 quarters & the last drive in the 4th. Had they not run every friggin' time on 1st down, and played a 20 yard cushion, prevent defense.....Cards never even smell the comeback they made.

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Tonight and against Baltimore the Steelers were not helped at all by the officials. They've been tough on them.

theyre been hard on everyone...i think next year we need some changes. I think officials "upstairs" should look at every play like they do in college football, field officials no longer have the ability to make the best calls IMO...

Edited by exSRAaron
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Every key call was reviewed from 10 different angles, and Whisenhunt even got a 3rd challenge since he won his first 2.....So what exactly are you grumblin' about???

Steeler's dominated 3 quarters & the last drive in the 4th. Had they not run every friggin' time on 1st down, and played a 20 yard cushion, prevent defense.....Cards never even smell the comeback they made.

again I state the facts only confuse them.... let them Cry into their 20 plus year old who dey kool aid....

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It was a great game.. The Steelers never let me down... They, as usual, they went into prevent on DEF and run on OFF when we had the 11 pt lead. Which yet again almost cost us a win. But hey Big Ben gets another 4th qtr win..

There was a couple of calls I didn't quite agree with. I think the safety was BS.. The defender ran over our center and they both fell down and the defender actually landed on our center. How is that holding?

I think in general there was way to many holding/false start calls on both sides. Every single play you can call a hold or false start. You really just need to let the teams play...

But I'm sure there will be the asshats that call BS... I think it has to do with fans of teams that have birds as mascots or fans of Ohio teams...:rolleyes:

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^ haters never prosper. They won fair and square so suck it.

yeah they also beat up the kicker too :rolleyes: fucking savages...

wtf was dude thinking? they should have tossed his ass out of the game.

i mean, this shit is being watched by everyone in america, including all these kids who look up to you, and then you go and do some pussy shit like that... way to set an example jerk.

Edited by John
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It was a great game.. The Steelers never let me down...

They did me when they decide to try to run it right up the middle when they were so far in the inzone Ben was against the goal post.:nono:

Other than that, I loved the rush down the field at the end and Holmes keeping his feet inbounds for the win.

Also, lets not forget that 100yard run by James Harrison! :badgerrock:

Also, what was with Harrison BEATING on that guy (can't remember) then slamming him down after the ball is already down field. They even mentioned he should've been EJECTED for that. Anyone?

Edited by NinjaNick
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It was a great game..

There was a couple of calls I didn't quite agree with. I think the safety was BS.. The defender ran over our center and they both fell down and the defender actually landed on our center. How is that holding?

I think in general there was way to many holding/false start calls on both sides. Every single play you can call a hold or false start. You really just need to let the teams play...

But I'm sure there will be the asshats that call BS... I think it has to do with fans of teams that have birds as mascots or fans of Ohio teams...:rolleyes:

The holding call in the endzone was legit. As an O-lineman, you just can't have your hands outside of a guys shoulder pads. That is an easy call. Hartwig had handfulls of the DTs jersey outside the pads, regardless of how gravity was affecting the two of them. Maybe Justin should have gotten better pad leverage and he wouldn't have been blasted on his ass.

As far as officiating overall, I think that it was average. Some of the calls, while consistent to either side of the ball, were ticky tack at times, and then there were two times, one for each side, where a guy should have gotten tossed. Harrison, as great of a game as he played, should have gotten the hook for going UFC on that Cardinal blocking him. Jimmy, you just punked yourself out of an otherwise stellar game. And in the first half, some Cardinal lineman chucked a haymaker at a Stiller. Again. Thanks, for playing, please exit to the showers. Both teams were subject to the same amount of bad calls and no calls. Though looking back, it's hard to aruge that the officiating had any affect on the outcome of the game. On not just the big plays, but big play drives, there weren't any calls that gavei either side a decided advantage. And if the Cards could have exercised a modicum of discipline on the Stillers FG drive in the 3rd, those 3 points would never have been scored. They kept Pittsburg on the field, and cannot blame the zebras for that one bit.

All that shit aside, it was a great game! Even being a diehard Browns fan, I found myself rooting for the Stillers as I think Mike Tomlin is one of the best coaches I have ever seen. I am a huge fan of the Rooney family, and have been around foot ball long enough to know that you don't have to like a team to respect what they do. Their fans can all eat shit, but I respect what Pittsburgh has done over the years.:D The Cards obviouly belonged in that game, and looking back on the AFC playoffs, I can't imagine a better team than Pittsburgh to be there. Holmes catch, while not quite Tyree's grab against his bran bucket last year, was one of the top 5 SB catches of all time. The kid was freaking money on that last drive.

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The holding call in the endzone was legit. As an O-lineman, you just can't have your hands outside of a guys shoulder pads. That is an easy call. Hartwig had handfulls of the DTs jersey outside the pads, regardless of how gravity was affecting the two of them. Maybe Justin should have gotten better pad leverage and he wouldn't have been blasted on his ass.

You can call holding on any given play in the NFL

As far as officiating overall, I think that it was average. Some of the calls, while consistent to either side of the ball, were ticky tack at times, and then there were two times, one for each side, where a guy should have gotten tossed.

See above

Another BS one was where Taylor got called for Unsportsmanlike when holding onto the guy as they fell out of bounds. Things got a bit chippy when he got up, including Hightower getting a shot in....As well as one of the Cardinal coaches, it looked like.....But Ike got the call :rolleyes:

All that shit aside, it was a great game! Even being a diehard Browns fan, I found myself rooting for the Stillers as I think Mike Tomlin is one of the best coaches I have ever seen. I am a huge fan of the Rooney family, and have been around foot ball long enough to know that you don't have to like a team to respect what they do. Their fans can all eat shit, but I respect what Pittsburgh has done over the years.:D The Cards obviouly belonged in that game, and looking back on the AFC playoffs, I can't imagine a better team than Pittsburgh to be there. Holmes catch, while not quite Tyree's grab against his bran bucket last year, was one of the top 5 SB catches of all time. The kid was freaking money on that last drive.

Good on you for bein' open minded like that

I am a football fan, I like the steelers and other noteworthy programs.... I don't care much for the suck ass programs... including my lions... I am originally from detroit....

Just wonderin'. I was gonna send you an invite for BlitzBurgh if you were

Yeah, except the most important one of all :rolleyes:

You're right....It must've been a conspiracy John ;) How 'bout that BS safety mentioned above

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