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Call it as I see it


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The forum is a drag right now. It feels like a second job. I'm starting to think we will have to just wait until the fire burns itself out.



BTW, The roundtable idea would not work. It would just be a bunch of people blowing smoke up each others asses. I give up.

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Then which sponsor stuff?i mean i dont thinks there is a issue with me and brian,other then him finding time to come out here and chat it up with me? or you talking GearheadZ IPS? i thought that shit was squashed? i take it , its not?


on a side note, bring me some white castles. im hungry and stuck at the shop..or wait..is her car here...shits been crazy around here.

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Then which sponsor stuff?i mean i dont thinks there is a issue with me and brian,other then him finding time to come out here and chat it up with me? or you talking GearheadZ IPS? i thought that shit was squashed? i take it , its not?


on a side note, bring me some white castles. im hungry and stuck at the shop..or wait..is her car here...shits been crazy around here.


You poke fun at them all the time... its subtle, but its there. Cut it out and it will be squashed.


Sliders at 5am ftw!

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whoever posted the exert from the Howard Stern movie pretty much hit the nail on the head.... yes, when I first joined, I was way more into cars and meets... now I get on to help pass the time at work. and honestly, half the time I log on to see what the "drama of the day" is.
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The forum is a drag right now. It feels like a second job. I'm starting to think we will have to just wait until the fire burns itself out.



BTW, The roundtable idea would not work. It would just be a bunch of people blowing smoke up each others asses. I give up.


Normally, this is what I do. No matter how much everyone tries to mediate, gasoline inevitably gets tossed in somewhere. It's best to keep the fuel to a minimum and let it die on it's own.

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CR is nothing like it was when I joined.


You say that like a bad thing. Seriously, how many organizations, businesses and even people remain the exact same for five years at a time? Healthy systems have a tendency to evolve. CR is great; this is just a hurdle.

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Seriously, my internet goes down and we end up with bullshit in a thread about stopping bullshit.


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Everyone involved should meet up for a round table. The problems are dividing the forum and making things more stressful than need be. We cant force you to like each other but you can at least be civil to each other.


I want everyone that is willing to talk this out like respectable adults to post it publicly in here. No more behind the scenes pm fights, threatening text messages, kitchen fights crossing the lines, etc. This is the only way I see to actually stop this.. anything else would be sweeping it under the rug.


So.. how about that roundtable? First of all it will have to be violence free. However to be safe we can have enough moderators (not actual moderators... big ass 250+lbs CR members :lol: ) to stop any bullshit from jumping off. Debate it out in a private setting without the CR instigators getting involved. See if we can find common ground and go from there.


Keep this in mind... Most involved have their own business and this is not good for any of you. When you fight online you dont see the many lurkers that you are losing business from for the simple fact that they dont want to be involved in the drama.


^^^^ What he said^^^^

Somebody needs to put a bullet in the drama lama and make a coat out of it.


These issues need to be settled in person by the people involved, not on the internet with the help of all these people not involved.


I think a lot of people need to remember to not post something if you won’t say it to somebody’s face.

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“A proud man is always looking down on things and people; and, of course, as long as you're looking down, you can't see something that's above you.” -CS Lewis


“No one ever choked to death swallowing his pride”


“Pride makes us artificial and humility makes us real” -Thomas Merton

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Not that I have a solution, but I don't think there's that much wrong with CR. I frequent this forum and one other one for my Stealth, and there's not much difference in the two in terms of what good and bad shit that goes on. The difference here obviously has to do with the local aspect, where people meet eachother at least occasionally and stupid exchanges online that would fizzle out on more anonymous forums are made personal and taken too far on here. That said, it's to be expected, and on CR the good still far far outweighs the bad in my opinion.


I'm on here a lot either waiting for classes to start during the day, or late at night doing homework, and even if I'm not posting I enjoy reading. I've got a lot of technical help, met some cool people, great vendors, and attended some good events through CR and will continue to do so. I would hate to see it die, and I don't see it doing so.


I do honestly believe that probably 90% of the serious problems that arise are a result of maybe 5% of the active members - which says something. I've got no idea how to fix the few problems here, but a lot of is pretty isolated, and I for one don't have much difficulty staying out of it. A lot could be avoided if threads that effectively involve two parties could stay that way, rather than involving the entire board. If they were limited to that they could be resolved more quickly, or at least die on their own.


I have to agree with Spankis' post, I try not to get caught up in in too much bullshitery but sometimes I just want to put my 2 cents in. The growing pains of this site seem to be really showing themselves. How do you police your friends? CR is getting big enough that there are such big differences between members. I don't understand what the problem is with having a strong woman on here, because as much as I'd like it for my wife to join she is the same way. If you can't have respect for someone like that how can this place work?


I do however think some of the sponsers on here could get a few things from Dyno Brian. He is extremely professional, runs his bussiness, and trys to support the local scene, no more no less. Everyone else take note of that.

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I have to agree with Spankis' post, I try not to get caught up in in too much bullshitery but sometimes I just want to put my 2 cents in. The growing pains of this site seem to be really showing themselves. How do you police your friends? CR is getting big enough that there are such big differences between members. I don't understand what the problem is with having a strong woman on here, because as much as I'd like it for my wife to join she is the same way. If you can't have respect for someone like that how can this place work?


I do however think some of the sponsers on here could get a few things from Dyno Brian. He is extremely professional, runs his bussiness, and trys to support the local scene, no more no less. Everyone else take note of that.


Plus rep for summing all fo this fuckery up in under 500 words, not attacking with a wall of text, and no LOL cat picture.

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If it were me trying to make this place better.

I would get rid of the kitchen first off. It really adds no value to the board at all.

Then I would let the mods be mods. If a mod feels someone needs a time out then let it be. If a mod abuses that power, replace them.


I believe the big difference in the board is its size. At one time I knew 90% of the board by face. Now I know maybe 1%. That was several years ago, but you get the point. Even if I do go to a meet I just end up finding the few people I know and hang out with them. I think its the same for most people on here.

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You say that like a bad thing. Seriously, how many organizations, businesses and even people remain the exact same for five years at a time? Healthy systems have a tendency to evolve. CR is great; this is just a hurdle.



it's definitely not a good thing. Most organizations get better and its members don't attack one another. Don't get me wrong I still like CR but I don't partake in as many discussions as I used to. I mainly come for the tech help threads anymore.


CR needs more bans, more often.

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it's definitely not a good thing. Most organizations get better and its members don't attack one another. Don't get me wrong I still like CR but I don't partake in as many discussions as I used to. I mainly come for the tech help threads anymore.


CR needs more bans, more often.


They funny thing is there were some people complaining how things were to soft. Well things all of the sudden got real based on running their mouth on-line and now everybody is freaking out?


The moral is that when you do something on the interwebz if it is bash a shop, run your mouth, or post naked pics of your wife there could be a possible bad outcome.


Long story short treat people with respect, don't be a fucking asshole on-line ( do it in person), and for god sake stop this insanity.


Back to cars maybe?

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HUH? I haven't read a word past this but please show me examples of either one...



Something tells me that rumors start to fly and then all of the sudden people assume that is what is going on. I guess in a way it really is shop vs. shop, since you guys compete for business, but not to the extent that some seem to think.

As far as this whole pissing contest on CR, people need to grow up around here. If I took everything personally around here and in life, I'd be a miserable son of a bitch. Like Chris said, shut up and drive. Look outside today. This is what we have been waiting for. Clear skies and sunshine. Time to drive/ride or whatever the hell it is that you guys do when it's nice out. Enjoy and remember kids this isn't high school.

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Guest tbutera2112

holy fucking shit jason.... youre worse than the people you bitch about on a daily basis


the first 5 or so pages of this thread are you arguing with people over some stupid shit after anthony just told everyone to stfu


youre not allowed saying shit to me anymore jason, youre just as bad

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The good part of CR is there is no role. Everyone is allowed to have opinions on everything. The problem is the senior member area is not used enough. If you put something in plane site we cant be mad at people posting about it.


I do have an issue with all of personal attacks on people and businesses. I have been nice in trying to referee the stuff and let people have it out in the "kitchen"... but if this is going to be the result then we will have no choice but to police things a lot more.


Bottom line, CUT OUT THE BULLSHIT! I will say it again like I did a few weeks ago. Its a forum... have fun, use common sense, and enjoy your time online. Help the new members, try to make a few meets, and be more like family. Kitchen posting is a lot more fun when you actually know the people. Now that schools almost out (and I will have more than 1 day a week with my kids) I plan on mixing real life fun with posting here. Hopefully I see most of you this weekend at the car show so we can discuss this in person.


Well said Brian!


I think it’s the whole keyboard tuff guy shit! I can’t imagine half the people saying the stuff they type to people face to face. If you wouldn’t say it to their face, why type it? So how do we fix that?


I say we need to get tougher on the infractions, and bans! If you’re going to bash a vendor or stir up unnecessary drama both parties should get a vacation! CR isn’t for you to hash out your personal BS; at least I don’t think so. I know bickering is part of the kitchen but I think most people know when shit has crossed the line from a harmless call out, to personal attacks and at that point someone needs to step in and put the fire out. If not it gives others the impression that if they have beef with another member or vendor that it’s okay to start attacking them on a forum. And then the cycle begins! And if you don’t like it then either stop being an instigator or GTFO! I know Anthony doesn’t want to loose members, but if you’re not the ones causing problems then life should be just fine for you here on CR. But if you are an instigator and have nothing but bullshit to contribute then I say what good are you here?


As for vendors going after vendors, that’s a lose lose IMO. Vendors that get on here and argue make themselves look stupid. If this is how you handle your business affairs, will you take care of me as a customer the same way, should there be an issue?

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Here's the solution: We're all enthusiasts. So everyone go outside, drive your fuckin' cars, and shut the fuck up.


It's not January anymore.


when was the last time you got the mustang out lol?


btw i drive my bike an cxar everrrrry day woo

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Seriously, my internet goes down and we end up with bullshit in a thread about stopping bullshit.


Back on topic

Everyone involved should meet up for a round table. The problems are dividing the forum and making things more stressful than need be. We cant force you to like each other but you can at least be civil to each other.


I want everyone that is willing to talk this out like respectable adults to post it publicly in here. No more behind the scenes pm fights, threatening text messages, kitchen fights crossing the lines, etc. This is the only way I see to actually stop this.. anything else would be sweeping it under the rug.


I sent Rob a PM yesterday afternoon asking him if he wanted me to stop by his shop so that we could sit down and talk like adults.


I got no reply, then get online to see Dana's post. Rob let me know if you want to talk.

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