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Jon & Kate Plus 8


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my wife is a 'junkie' when it comes to this show, and all of the above appears to be true. i can't stand to watch the show, and go out to our living room to watch repo man, when this show is on. jon gets beat-down constantly by that controlling bitch. the show needs to end if there's any chance of their marriage working out. $75k/show---41 episodes last year alone--over 3 million. that crazy bitch charges $20 per autograph, $3k per hour to speak, and $125 per person to eat lunch with her--all the while, poor jon is elbow-deep in diaper shit and barf


He needs to get a badass lawyer and take HER to the cleaners. It has happened before, though it's a rarity.

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On WCOL this morning they were talking about how sources (Kate's sister-in-law) says all of this is fake and just trying to drive up the ratings of the show. It's obviously working.
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This morning, on the CBS National News, they interviewed Kate's Brother, and Siter-in-Law. They said that the producers have been the driving force behind the Vacations, Trips and Parties, all to get better ratings.


I believe this.





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This morning, on the CBS National News, they interviewed Kate's Brother, and Siter-in-Law. They said that the producers have been the driving force behind the Vacations, Trips and Parties, all to get better ratings.



and this my friends, is the sad state of america. north korea is going to start ww3 and the national news is talking about these assholes :nono:

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and this my friends, is the sad state of america. north korea is going to start ww3 and the national news is talking about these assholes :nono:


At least they didn't talk about the state of the nations economy. :rolleyes:

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my g/f watches this shit...ALL THE TIME. i sat down the other day, she had it on. i paused it, said "if i can tell you what he says next, ive obviously seen this episode too many times, which means you have too, and im going to change the channel"


called it damn near word for word, and off it went.

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seriously, can anyone here say they'd put up with her ass? I'd have been gone a long time ago. I hate that show. I call it jon and bitch plus 8. My wife dvr's it and I leave the room when she watches it. Every episode is the same. The bitch complains about how much work she has to do while someone else is doing the work and bosses jon around like he's her bitch. Maybe there will be a last episode where jon puts a 9 iron upside her head.......I'd probably watch that one.
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