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Save & Save Often... FML!


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So I've been working on a file for advertisement for about the past 2 hours. Pulling numbers from reports compiling important info so that we can put together a media packet for potential advertisers... I was closing a few windows because I was just about done... and... well I closed the file I had been working on. I thought it was something else and didn't save it. Is there any way to get it back? FML!!! :mad::(
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well, since you didn't say what program.... I am unsure if we can help you.


If it was microsoft, it saves it automatically in "saved documents" or something like that. Open the program and file-open recent. The next time it asks "are you sure you want to quit without saving" say no.

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well, since you didn't say what program.... I am unsure if we can help you.


If it was microsoft, it saves it automatically in "saved documents" or something like that. Open the program and file-open recent. The next time it asks "are you sure you want to quit without saving" say no.


It's an excell file... So I should checked saved documents

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Yes, it'll make a saved backup and you can define in the options settings how often it'll save said copy automatically.


Well how to I recover it now? I closed the file and didn't save it, can I find it somewhere? Or is this just a lesson learned?

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I'm going the fuck home now.... What a waist. :doh:


Thankfully it was Excel and had lots of numbers.....words aren't your forte.


Waist = "I'm a fat ass with a 38 inch waist"

Waste = What you did with all the time you spent on the spreadsheet.



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excel usually dumps the auto save when you specifically tell it you dont want to save that file.

The problem with computers is they do what we tell them to do, not what we want them to do.



Yeah, that's the best way to put it. I came in this morning at 7:00am and re did the spreadsheet. It's been sent out. I went in and set the "auto save" or what ever, to save the doc. every 3 minutes, lesson learned.

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