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?'s For Guys Over 25 Who Are Single Abt Dating Sex etc


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Well I have been out of the game for awhile. I am not sure what the dating rules are these days. Is it still assumed the guys pays for dates? Even if the girl asks them out? How about sex? I have had a few all over me and have sex the first night but on the second date wont give you any. Then I have had a few who say they want to take things slow. I guess I am just confused I wonder if I am the only one or what. How many dates do most of you guys have before sex etc...



Yes the guy should pay until its serious like said above then you split it.


If a girl wants it she goes for it so if shes down enjoy I dont think many girls wait very long to fuck...that was so 10 yrs ago :)



You dont have to spend a ton of money to have a good time its the small things that count dont forget that one ;)


enjoy the single life :)

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I am this way too.... fuck I was working on this girl for like a week or so. Sunday night she comes over... fucks my brains out... now wont leave... is telling me she will wait for me while deployed and what not.. She is a great girl... but how do I tell her gtfo


Cliff Notes: Stage 5 clinger


that is easy..get caught banging another chick when she comes over..if she wants to join, keep her..if she leaves crying, hope she isnt crazy psyco and try to fuck your life all up .

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If she is an average chick alternate paying for activities. Example: If you go see a movie buy tickets, drinks etc. If you go to eat afterwards and its within 5 bucks or so she pays. If she is really hot, or you know its a wrap later.... pay for everything!!
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that is easy..get caught banging another chick when she comes over..if she wants to join, keep her..if she leaves crying, hope she isnt crazy psyco and try to fuck your life all up .


This not advised, bitches be crazy lol. Find a quality she does not like in her man, do or act like that repeatedly. Or just be an asshole

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Be an asshole and ignore her all night. Then when you go to drop her off have sex with her. She'll think she's the one who won your heart at the end. Don't answer her calls for the next couple days, she'll go insane thinking about you every minute. When you finally answer give her some bullshit story about being busy with other girls. She'll want you way more than some goody little faggot. When you get back together for a 2nd date put it in her ass and wipe shit on her face then say her mom's ass is tighter.



haha wow, full of win.

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just depends on what your looking for, I go out on dates I'll pay for dinner, drinks and entertainment, if they don't hint anything about sex etc... then move on, I have a nasty habit of hit it and quit it, I'll say or do whatever they want then after sex never call them again :D

lies all lies. you dont get any. and they dont call you.

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Well I have been out of the game for awhile. I am not sure what the dating rules are these days. Is it still assumed the guys pays for dates? Even if the girl asks them out? you any. Then I have had a few who say they want to take things slow. I guess I am just confused I wonder if I am the only one or what. How many dates do most of you guys have before sex etc...


Ok I'll be honest, I havent read any of the response's simply b/c i wanted to answer your question first.


1. Whether you ask her or she ask's you dont be a chump, pay for the meal. If she offer's politely decline, if she insist's simply tell her she can pay the tip if it makes her feel better. HOWEVER if your seeing this bitch for a long time and shes still making you pay for everything something wrong.


2. Sex is fucking great. But Ive always thought if she puts it out there the first date its a warning sign (that is if your looking for a relationship anyway), on the other hand if your kicking it with this girl for a few weeks and she still wont put out somethings wrong. Now if your not looking for anything serious then who cares?


As far as number of dates before getting some tap tap, its up in the air for me. If I like her and want to keep her around I'll give it some time. If I dont see any potential for long term then she's just another number. Best advice I can give is no girl is the exactly the same, just try and maker her laugh or have a good time and you'll be fine.

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Depends are we talking older women, or are we talking 25 and below? I've noticed most 26+ want babies, and a hubby ASAP. I'd pay unless she states otherwise and is a "sugar mama". Sex, get it while you can, I wouldn't wait for it myself. I don't think I've waited more than 2 dates to get what I seek personally.


Its disgusting how right you are. The last 19y/o girl i fucked was awesome but no ties, she didnt want a relationship and we were both good to go. The last 25 y/o wanted a ring... im not fucking kidding you a fucking god damn ring. Bitch was crazy.


'blame it on the goose'

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From my experience, girls who usually want to "take it slow" have some sort of bush/pussy stank issues or their puss looks like a catcher's mit. They may also have redneck titties that they are embarassed about or they are usually self-conscious about their weight. There is, however, there is a small chance that she is a nice, hot, and intelligent girl... but this is highly unlikely.


Any one final note, if you want to fuck right when you meet a girl... YOU GOTTA EAT THAT SHIT!!!


i lol'd


im a fucking prude and born again virgin. we'll see how long that lasts.

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I am this way too.... fuck I was working on this girl for like a week or so. Sunday night she comes over... fucks my brains out... now wont leave... is telling me she will wait for me while deployed and what not.. She is a great girl... but how do I tell her gtfo


Cliff Notes: Stage 5 clinger

Sack up and just be honest with her. Break it off and tell her you're not looking for a relationship right now. Don't string her along because she'll just be more hurt, resentful and pissed off (and probably a little psycho) later when you do really break it off.
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If you fucked them the first "date" and they didn't want any dick the second time you hang out, then you are DEFINITELY NOT pouring the peter correctly. Just try to watch more porn and you'll eventually get better.


From my experience, girls who usually want to "take it slow" have some sort of bush/pussy stank issues or their puss looks like a catcher's mit. They may also have redneck titties that they are embarassed about or they are usually self-conscious about their weight. There is, however, there is a small chance that she is a nice, hot, and intelligent girl... but this is highly unlikely.


Any one final note, if you want to fuck right when you meet a girl... YOU GOTTA EAT THAT SHIT!!!


EL OH EL!!! i just spit up on my computer in class hahahahaha i showed it to a couple guys sitting next to me.....EPIC....simply EPIC.

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Its disgusting how right you are. The last 19y/o girl i fucked was awesome but no ties, she didnt want a relationship and we were both good to go. The last 25 y/o wanted a ring... im not fucking kidding you a fucking god damn ring. Bitch was crazy.


'blame it on the goose'


I find that I attract the mid to upper 20's, and you tend to have to play a smart game. They won't give up their panties, unless you con them out of em. It's a battle that I enjoy winning the most, for when given the promise land, it is most epic. Especially a girl that hasn't "had any" for a while :nod:

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Be an asshole and ignore her all night. Then when you go to drop her off have sex with her. She'll think she's the one who won your heart at the end. Don't answer her calls for the next couple days, she'll go insane thinking about you every minute. When you finally answer give her some bullshit story about being busy with other girls. She'll want you way more than some goody little faggot. When you get back together for a 2nd date put it in her ass and wipe shit on her face then say her mom's ass is tighter.


You should start a consulting business for dating... Similar to one seen in the movie "Hitch".

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