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Sat Night, "Party Rock Crew"


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My honest opinion...


We see the "118 in a 65" or whatever it was and go "lol ya this guy is an EASY ticket" Your prior speeds have sealed your fate when it comes to getting pulled over sir.


that too. its always about what have you done in the past.

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it's also a percentage thing i mean how many times can i speed before i get caught. i used to drive 140-160 the whole way from polaris to canal everynight just to stay awake and i've seriously fallen asleep at 140 before no joke thats when i had to start doing the slalom across 3 lanes and slamming on the brakes to wake up but of all the stuff i've done in that car the top 10 closest times i've came to wrecking it was from falling asleep. and if speed keeps me awake it's worth it. that being said i've never been pulled over speeding from trying to stay awake. and PS this story is totally made up and not true at all.
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also it is luck. the poor guy gets caught all the time. obviously it has something to do with where and when he pushes the gas pedal to the floor lol. but when you break the law be ready to accept the consequences. its luck of the draw if a cop sees you doing it in a place you dont think a officer could hide or be at.


Haven't known Rob long, eh? Rob's got the pedal to the floor EVERYWHERE he goes. He's got GREAT luck when it comes to tickets. I, on the other hand, have horrible fucking luck. When I had my Z06, I rarely got on it. Maybe every month or so. But, when I did, you could bet your sweet ass there was cop right fucking there. :mad: And I never seem to see them before doing something stupid.

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