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Considering the military, Army or Air force?

Guest fist302

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Guest fist302

Im looking to get my real life and career started. After alot of thought i am considering joining the military for a few reasons. I want to do more with my life than get my degree and start my never ending 9-5 career. I want to do something exciting and get out of ohio and of course get paid. I would also love to serve my country. That said here is my situation.


I am a high school graduate with one quarter completed at Columbus State for auto tech. The technical field is were i am best at and it is were i want to stay. One problem is in this economy it is hard to find a good job and even if i did find one i still would be bored here. So, i am considering joining the Air Force or maybe Army as a Mechanic. Here is what i wanna know.


Which branch would be best for a wheeled vehicle mechanic? Are there positions similar to this in the Military that are available now? I am biased towards the air force because my gradfather served in WW2 in the air core and my father was in vietnam as a officer in the airforce so its in the family. I dont mind the idea of the Army. I dont like water so Navy is out of the question.


If i end up joining either branch, how likly is it that i will sign the papers to be a mechanic but end up being forced doing something totally different?


Is it worth it? This is certainly not the first time i considered serving but its the first time i think i have my shit together well enough that i could.


Any advice in general?



Thanks alot for your time.

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I have no military input but from the point of getting a degree in the automotive field and getting a good job in this economy is slim to none! So you hit the nail on the head ion that one. My friend is a mechanic in the army but he does more than just wheeled stuff. Good luck with your decision
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I've heard that being a mechanic in the miltary is horrible. The only things you'll be working on are huge diesels. My buddy was telling me about throwing a starter on one of the vehicles and the starter weighed like 50lbs. So he's trying to hold this 50lb starter up and get a bolt started. It's funny how he talks about it though.


I've been thinking the same thing though lately. I'm not sure I would do it b/c I have a 2 year old son and I'd miss out on 4 years of his life. If I wasn't in this position I'd already be in the military.

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Guest fist302

Brandon, yup it sucks these days trying to get work in this field :\ I wouldnt be scared to work on something without wheels if they needed me to but i just want something that can help my career after the military.


Jon, haha 50 pounds starters dont sound fun but what the hell else am i gonna do? Cars is all i know durrrr :p. I am single with no family and have a open future which is one reason i think now is the best time to join.

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Army all the way, I not an expert but I think the Army might have more jobs than Air Force. Also Army might have another job that might be a better fit for you. I too went to Columbus state to be a mechanic. I graduated but just don't have the patience at all for it. I have friends in every branch, My best friend is an E-5 in the Army, and my other really really good friend just left last week to try and be a frog man. I have thought about the Military a lot and my choice is the Army.
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Guest fist302
Are there any special requirements for the Air Force? I qualify for all the basic stuff but i do have a dui on my record from my stupid days, will that stop me from doing what i want in any branch?
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Go be a Machinist Mate on a Submarine in the Navy.


Army = Grunt 100% of the time.


Air Force = Harder entry requirements but very good programs for mechanics.


UG DUI, that's going to be a PITA for you.


Marine = Grunt


Navy = Pretty much locked into the rate you qualify for.

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air force


Listen to this guy.


Search this topic its been covered before. In short, if your going ANY service go Air Force. You'd be surprised how many different jobs they have and they treat their personel alot better than other branches.

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Guest fist302
Go be a Machinist Mate on a Submarine in the Navy.


Army = Grunt 100% of the time.


Air Force = Harder entry requirements but very good programs for mechanics.


UG DUI, that's going to be a PITA for you.


Marine = Grunt


Navy = Pretty much locked into the rate you qualify for.


I have heard the Air Force can be hard to get into if you have a record and no degree yet. Is it worth a shot to try?

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Are there any special requirements for the Air Force? I qualify for all the basic stuff but i do have a dui on my record from my stupid days, will that stop me from doing what i want in any branch?


I didnt see this. You can talk to a recuiter about getting a waiver (im sure there's some BS rule about not allowing anyone with a criminal record in but considering personel requirments im sure they're giving out waivers)


If you cant go Air Force I'd say Coast Gaurd, yeah you'll spend time on a cutter out to sea but eventually you'll be stationed stateside. My good friend was in the Coast Gaurd in Florida, the shit he told me and the stories he had were halarious.

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Guest fist302
I didnt see this. You can talk to a recuiter about getting a waiver (im sure there's some BS rule about not allowing anyone with a criminal record in but considering personel requirments im sure they're giving out waivers)


If you cant go Air Force I'd say Coast Gaurd, yeah you'll spend time on a cutter out to sea but eventually you'll be stationed stateside. My good friend was in the Coast Gaurd in Florida, the shit he told me and the stories he had were halarious.


Problem is im not much of a swimmer/water guy so idk about navy/coast guard.

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Are there any special requirements for the Air Force? I qualify for all the basic stuff but i do have a dui on my record from my stupid days, will that stop me from doing what i want in any branch?


YES it will I went into the marines and having a DUI on record will keep you away from anything in the MT field so pretty much you cant drive anything and that was even with the marines (less strict). Depending on how bad they need people the DUI will hurt you becuase its more easy to fill the spot with another joe with a clean record.

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I am currently in the AF, have been for 3.5 years. I love it. As for being a mechanic... I would not know from hands on but from wht I have heard it is annoying. It isnt go and rip it apart. It is get out a fucking book and "Turn bolt one, 3/4 turn then move to bolt two, turn 3/4 turn then... ect" It isnt you have to follow exact directions.


Break down of the branches


Army- Life Sucks, go-go-go all the time... lots of fucking retards

Marines- "hell ya I am a fucking Marine... get some..." life still can suck

Navy- ehhh it sucks but I am safe


Air Force- Safe, good "Team" spirit, deployments are basicly vacations...


But money should not be an option in choosing... there is no difference... a e-3 in the Army makes the exact same as a Navy e-3...


I can talk to you more abut this if you want... PM any questions or call me

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and if you join to further your education you are crazy because they will do what they want with you. The people who make it are usually the ones who join because they want too not because jobs are bad or this or that. I am telling you first hand it will either be a good time or the worst time of your life. Thats why 60% of military guys barley last 4 years the other 30% cant hack it or get introuble and kicked out.
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I dont know how hard the other basic tranings are but I know in Paris Island even in the first 2 weeks you will see them clean house because they cant hack it that far. Just remember they can do what they want with you, if your enrolled in school and you have to go do somthing, looks like you will not be there. Plus the pay sucks so you have to love what you do or you will go crazy.
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they dont equal grunts unless you cant score anything higher than a 36 on the asvab...to which you would have to get a waiver to join any branch. those who tell you not to join anything else have either never been in the military and are going by what other unhappy people tell them or just made the mistake of choosing to be a grunt and are pissed off they had to live with their mistakes.


i have worked with all the other branches in the military while i was in the marines...and marines were the best in my opinion. Others may disagree because they have their own perspectives based on what branch they were in, but i had spent time with all 4...marines were the most honorable and the most composed group...


Choose for yourself and dont listen to others...what was or was not right for them does not mean that it will be right or wrong for you. I commend you for wanting to do your country a service regardless what branch you choose. We are still on the same side.

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and if you join to further your education you are crazy because they will do what they want with you. The people who make it are usually the ones who join because they want too not because jobs are bad or this or that. I am telling you first hand it will either be a good time or the worst time of your life. Thats why 60% of military guys barley last 4 years the other 30% cant hack it or get introuble and kicked out.


ummm where are your facts coming from??

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I dont know how hard the other basic tranings are but I know in Paris Island even in the first 2 weeks you will see them clean house because they cant hack it that far. Just remember they can do what they want with you, if your enrolled in school and you have to go do somthing, looks like you will not be there. Plus the pay sucks so you have to love what you do or you will go crazy.


where are you getting this crap from?


beside pay (which i wont argue)...housing, medical and food is free leaving more in your pocket and the benefits are not bad...without a masters here anymore you are stuck in the same spot as a civilian but with the above not paid for...

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Guest fist302
Well if i cant get into the Air Force i guess il start looking at other branches. I will still give it a shot and see what i can do. Damn that dui, its amazing how one bad night can fuck your shit up forever, but thats life.
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But money should not be an option in choosing... there is no difference... a e-3 in the Army makes the exact same as a Navy e-3...



Not true. If you are in an arduous duty station you make more money. If you qualify for FSA, that's more. If you are in a hazardous duty area, that's even more...


I was an E-4 when I got out of the submarine force. I made a little over $30,000/year in 1997. Most of that was incentives for the submarine and being deployed.


I learned how a nuclear reactor works, how hydraulics systems work, pneumatic systems, electronics, explosives, really basically how anything mechanical operated. I took this knowledge and experience and turned it into 6 figures after about 6 years. I didn't even have a job that relates to mine now, I do not listen to whales mating presently.


Say what you want but my chAir Force buddies haven't even come close to that after getting out. Put into the military all you can, you will come out way ahead.

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We are still on the same side.


I really wish more people had this mindset. I've met way to many people that think "oh..I'm in such and such branch, so I'm better than you."


I signed into the Air Force about 2 months ago. I leave in 33 days for Basic and Tech School. I'll let you know in April when I'm out of Tech how it is. Smart decision no matter what branch you choose though.

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