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I know we all loose it sometimes, but who has a bad/ short temper and what do you do to correct it and why do you feel like you loose it?


I'm asking because I have an evil temper. Ask most people who know me and they'll tell you I'm extremely easy going, I can roll with the punches and let a lot slide. But ask the people who have known me a while and are really close to me and they know every now and again I have a straight evil side. It scares me.


Today I was working on something and my boss rushes into my office and says something then turns around to walk out. I said hey and started to ask him a question. Then he just leaves. For whatever reason, I just got pissed! I remember feeling extremely insulted and disrespected. I mean he clearly heard me, he just said his peace and left. So I walk down the hall and said “John! Don’t fuckin walk away from me, I asked you a question. Now turn around and answer me!” He looked at me with just shock… I didn’t care. I said “What you did was rude!” Well he answered my question then that was it…It may not sound that bad, but cursing in a professional environment at your boss over nothing is kind of a big deal. I mean I could get written up or suspended or hells at the wrong time loose my job and or credibility.


What scares me is when I do, I don’t even give shit what happens. It’s calmed down over the years but has never left me 100%. When I was younger 17-18 I would get into fights. But most young men do I guess. Not goanna lie, I got the shit beat out of me for it sometimes. There was another situation when I was about 21 when I punched and choked the shit out of someone. He ended up passing out and it took a few people to pull me off. There is a lot of back round to that story, (no alcohol) some may say I did the right thing, but I don’t want to hurt people. I really don’t like that about me, but I feel like I may always have it. I’m 24 now and I’d say I may loose my temper once a month or maybe every 2 weeks if I’m really stressed... but when I do… it’s bad. :(. Since I’ve started boxing I think it’s gotten a lot better on the physical violence, but I still just get in a rage sometimes.


So what do you do when you get upset?

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I have a bad temper and like you I dont care at the time of the consequences. I dont care if the guy is 6'9 300lbs when I get pissed, I dont care if theres 10 of them that size. I dont do anything to correct it. I never cared if I lost my job or was written up. I am however a mild mannored individual for the most part and usually only get mad when I see someone trying to bully someone else or when I think something is wrong. I dont become a jerk for the sake of doing so. I remember a few years ago telling a contractor if he said one more word to me on a jobsite I was going to bash his head in with a rock til the white meat showed. He locked himself in his truck until 3 people from my office came out and told him to listen the next time I said what needed to be done. It happens.
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I used to have a temper. At some point I just stopped getting worked up over little shit. I cant tell you when it happened but I calmed down. I think everyone needs a little fire and passion towards something but getting in fights is not the answer.


I can tell you from experience tho Boxing did not help my temper at all. Only thing boxing helped me with was after I lost my temper I usually did not get knocked out.

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I used to have a temper. At some point I just stopped getting worked up over little shit. I cant tell you when it happened but I calmed down. I think everyone needs a little fire and passion towards something but getting in fights is not the answer.


I can tell you from experience tho Boxing did not help my temper at all. Only thing boxing helped me with was after I lost my temper I usually did not get knocked out.

:lol:, yeah , i guess if it comes down to it, I could say the same. I just have a new respect for hitting people now it's almost unfair. :D

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:lol:, yeah , i guess if it comes down to it, I could say the same. I just have a new respect for hitting people now it's almost unfair. :D


Oh boxing also taught me how to breathe properly.


I could also say I dont get as angry anymore cause I just starting ignoring more people. There are way to many ignorant people in this world and if you are going to hurt them all you will be wore out way before you run out of them.

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I wouldn't say I have a bad temper. I have a short fuse for disrespectful people. My biggest issue is when I am trying to have a discussion with someone and they fiddle with other things. I find that if someone is speaking to you, that you should participate in the conversation.. even if it isn't something you might want to hear. It's plain ole' respect. There has been a great many times I haven't wanted to hear what someone was saying, or I might have felt they had said the same thing over and over, but trying to have the respect to listen and hear them out is something I feel you should do.


Now granted I am far from perfect and when I feel that I have been patient and understanding and someone just keeps doing something else and comes across like they don't give one crap about what your saying.. It's on! It's just plain rude!


I guess what I find funny about that is when it's something they want to say, or something they want YOU to hear.. they expect you to do the same thing you were asking them to do... Priceless!

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I can't say much though I was listening to my iPod haha. Btw, on a serious note, try looking into Muay Thai or Boxing for anger issues! It helps concentrate your bad energy into good energy. Instead of bottling all the bad stuff up you get to beat the living daylights out of someone else hahahah
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I wouldn't say I have a bad temper, but I tend to "snap" at people more than I should.


I really don't mean to, but I tend to speak too soon about things. Thankfully, I have two really good friends that are very low key and mild mannered and when I feel myself coming un-glued, I think of them and try and handle the situation as if I were imitaing them.


I did it last night with my son who was just acting up and making me very angry. He actually responded.

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Anger Management Services Anger Management Services



1620 E Broad St

Columbus, OH 43203-2072


(614) 235-5219‎


seek help


Hahaha.... Hey, FUCK YOU ASS HOLE!!! You don't know me!! :lol:


And I already box, 3 days a week.

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I flip out probably 3 times a week, I cannot control it, Ill go with it cause Im Irish. The only thing that makes me feel better is punching shit. I had a bag as a kid, but I need one now that I live on my own. I got no advice for you, if you think of something let me know.
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ive always had a horrible temper. when i was in highschool it was almost uncontrollable. I ended up having to go thru anger management for a little while. i think it kind of helped, i dunno. I'm pretty much happy in life right now so i dont blow up like i used to, although i still have my moments
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I'm the same way, almost nothing bothers, but every now and then something big happens and i snap. it's never little things, just big things. I really don't think anyone could believe i could be that mean unless they have seen it. Recently, if it's even possible in the situation, I try to think of some smart ass comment to make whoever feel like a complete idiot. I have a friend who does this often and i think it's hilarious, so i just try to make a joke out of it.
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I control it way better then I did as a teenager, and hell most people never see it anymore. Once in a while it still comes out, the biggest problem I have is when I'm mad I want people to KNOW I'm mad. I cus, scream, throw, and break shit. I really don't hit people, I just don't want to hit people. The other thing is I is I just don't give a shit at that time either. I tend to just want to get away from what's pissing me off and it's cost me quite a few jobs, biggest problem in my life honestly. I've made the most improvement in the past couple years, but I don't really do anything, I just think I'm growing out of it. Hell usually when I get mad I think of how much its hurt me in the past and that calms me down, guess those are some virtues of getting a little older.
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i havent assaulted someone in over 9 years now...knock on wood. i have came very close too killing 2 people once when i found my son was abused. i was 2 seconds from kicking the door in and totally going ape shit. but i realized, im better then that, and if i did do it, who would my son have looking after him..... i have one bone in one hand broke in two places from losing my temper(when i was younger). it reminds me alot why not to do the things i used to do.i have learned you cant fix stupid. you can try to educate someone with lesser brain power.
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I had an ex talk me into going to Anger Management classes. I was doing real good until one day the ex was drunk and wouldnt stop smacking the newspaper I was reading out of my hand. I then got up and locked all the doors in the house and stabbed her in the cheek with a car key.


I realized then that my problem with anger was pretty much solved once I got rid of what was causing the problem in the first place.


It turns out I didnt need Anger Management at all. Im just an asshole...

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I too am a very extemely easy going guy. Ask anyone on here that knows me and they will tell you I am always joking and always having a good time but ever since I can remember I have always had a switch. I can go from one extreme to the other. As I have gotten older it has seemed to calm down quite a bit and I find myself thinking things out a little more, but there are still times I just get pissed and it is sometimes for no big deal. My anger used to turn straight to violence, I spent half of my Junior High/High School career suspended for fighting and unfortunatly still have the biggest "file" in all of Jonathan Alder School history. I am very embarassed of my anger issues because more often than not I make myself look like a fool. Especially with my GF. I have never and will never become violent towards her but I do get upset easily and sometimes I catch myself lashing out and yelling. She has helped me so much with just being able to think things through before I react that now she gets irritated with me because I just let so much go and don't let things that arent important bother me.


I have had an issue since I returned to the States lately that when I drink my anger comes back and is multiplied. I have found myself acting like I was 17 again and just wanting to start shit with everyone because they looked at me wrong or bumped me. Not trying to be a bully but I just won't put up with any shit. So I have limited my drinking as of lately.


I think for the most part its something you have to just grow through and mature to use your head before you let things get to you. I feel very much more controlled these days compared to what I was so I am alright with things. I even tolerate people talking shit to myself, just dont fuck with my friends or family and I am ok, I am not afraid to go to any extreme for any of my close friends or someone that is related to me. Oh and don't drive like a retard, most of my frustration comes from dumb ass fucking drivers.

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