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~~ Austin's official Western U.S. hunting trip thread ~~


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7/11/09 = Day 10


We slept most of the day from our previous night's hog hunt. Around 3pm, we decided to check out some prairie dog towns that another guy had let us know about. We shot about 20 dogs total between the two of us using our .17's and .22-250's. We didn't get many pictures of them because the thieving little bastards kept dragging our kills down into their holes. :mad: I'm not quite sure if they eat their own, or not.


Shot with a .17



Shot with a .22-250



Random Jackrabbit I ran into. I'm pretty sure I pushed his heart out the side of his chest. :D. It was shot with my dad's 12FVSS shooting Winchester Silvertips. They aren't nearly as destructive as the Hornady V-Max's I run in mine. Still, they are quite effective:



Driving back home, I spotted this little guy taking a shit way out in a field. So, I pulled over and took a shot at him. Range finder said he was a little over 250yd out.


Shhhhhhh. Puppah is sleeping.



Oh. Nevermind.



Mission Accomplished! That's what I really wanted to get while I was out there, since I've never got one before.

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7/12/09 = Day 11


We got up super early to try to call in some coyotes. After trying 2 different location with my dad calling (who's pretty good at it), nothing came in. We gave up and resorted to driving around looking for them. We never did see any more, but I did take some Jackrabbits as a going-away present.


All were shot with my 12FV shooting 50gr. Hornady V-Max's. These things do some destruction.


When I walked up to him to take a pic, I could see his heart slowly stop beating inside the hole. Kinda freaky.



He managed to make it about 20 or so feet after being shot. He left a hell of a mess in his wake.



And my last kill of the trip. This guy didn't make it very far. V-Max > soft tissue.






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