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Red boom was teh suxor


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i agree what was with the 2 that went up then nothing for like 2 mins lol. I was right by the bridge on broad and marconi laughing at all the white trash that was there.


I was told by some COSI staff that VETS caught fire in the beginning causing the delay.

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If you guys wanna see some fireworks go to whitehall on country club road there's a carnival for the kids and when the big mortors hit you feel it in you chest. RED WHITE BOOM was weak if I didn't have kids I would never go


We use to go to the Whitehall ones when I was a kid. They didn't have it roped off very well and you would get hit with the mortor shells as they fell out of the sky. A few people got hurt pretty good back in the day. Aaahhh, good times!

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I got plenty trashed afterwards, so all in all... a good night.




Well not the ash part, but the trashed part. Actually saw Zach, Phil, and Mopar at Brothers. Was the best Red White and Boom ever for me...though the fireworks had very little to do with it haha.

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myrtle beach fireworks > *


started at 830 with random people on the beach, then the city did theirs at about 930 i think, lasted about 1/2 hour, and right now (11:12pm), there are still people out on the beach firing them off.


i shark fished for the whole time they were going off...caught 9 little ones. win.

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Guest tbutera2112

we were at a camper in the parking lot at vets right under the fireworks...even those perfect seats werent enough to make up for the disappointment of the show


that bourbon chicken stand is the shit though

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Last time I went to RWB I caught up in the middle of a little gangfight trying to walk to the bathroom. Fucking worthless little shits flashing gangsigns back and forth, and a pretty good fight broke out and I had to push through crowds of people that were shoving and throwing punches. Oh, and I was carrying my 6 yr old sister trying to keep her from getting hurt. So that's the last time I'll ever be there. Hell I was in Times Square some years back and it was less tense.
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Best show I have ever seen was the day after we commissioned my submarine in Groton Ct. Is the the NYC guys, they move up the river the week after the NYC show. I was on a friends 3 mast sail boat, the show was really great. The guys on watch on the boat had a pretty good view too.
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My wife got free tickets to watch them from Huntington Park. It wasn't bad spot to watch them from, but yeah the fireworks were pretty crappy comparied to previous years. We parked at Nationwide, and ended up taking us 2 hours to get home. I still don't know what the hold up was but I saw about 8 cops running toward the exit and a few meat wagons heading to and from that area.


Oh well, saw a nice looking chick pissing in the parking lot between a few cars.

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My wife got free tickets to watch them from Huntington Park. It wasn't bad spot to watch them from, but yeah the fireworks were pretty crappy comparied to previous years.




I must be old because I enjoyed sitting in the quiet, non wannabe-thug infested, Huntington Park drinking $6.50 beers and watching the fireworks. It is a lot more pleasant than trying not to get shanked walking along the riverfront.


However, the fireworks were lame.

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Fireworks :yawn:




I don't even bother w/ RWB anymore. The only reason I went in the past was to meet up with friends and drink. Now I just cut the fireworks part out and just hit up a bar away from all that shit.


It's like going to Comfest. People get excited about it each year and all I hear from them after was "..it was alright". It's never worth the crowds.

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