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Random Crime: Rock at our windshield...


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My wife's Yaris, not the Evo. We were going roughly 50 miles an hour, 10pm, on the 4th, on Westerville Rd. 1 foot higher and we might have been seriously hurt.


Naturally I slammed on the brakes, ran into the neighborhood, found out the kid's name and phone number as well as the name of his accomplice.


Tyler Boggs .


The police stopped by his house and the parents claimed that he and his little friend were in bed all night... on the 4th of july.


In all fairness, I cannot be 100% that these are the kids responsible, but the 10 or so people in the neighborhood seemed confident.


The issue is that since the parents provided the alibi, it looks like they are off the hook.

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Some kid did something similar several years ago and thru a good sized rock (about the size of a softball) off an overpass. It's smashed through the windshield and pretty much shattered this guys face…. I was a kid once, but I can honestly say the worst shit I ever did was TP houses and knock and run when we lived in apts.
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start throwing rocks through their parents windows (while parked or driving... doesn't matter since they are a waste of a parent that won't force their child to take accountability for their actions) :) this is of course fictional, I wouldn't do anything because that would be illegal, I'm just say'in... :D
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Well, if you can't prove it ...who told you it was him ? Could someone be trying to place the blame on someone else ?


If I had looked like that at 19, I might have thrown rocks at the world too.



True ... lol

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Well, if you can't prove it ...who told you it was him ? Could someone be trying to place the blame on someone else ?


I gathered in the parking lot a fairly significant chunk of the apartment complex. An older gentleman who saw them running away, a woman walking her dog, a group of kids who know of the local trouble makers and recognized them from the older man's description. All in all about 15 people assisted me in tracking them down.


I felt validated that it was them when the parents told the police that their 19 year old son and his friend were in the house sleeping all night... on the 4th of July.

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death threats FTW


I left him a message that night... I am smart enough to avoid threats of imminent danger, but I definitely said "I know who you are and I will find you". The police frowned upon it and said the parents tried to press charges on me. The officer seemed to understand my visceral response to the fact that these thug wannabes could have killed me or my new wife.

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that happened to me once in Gahanna. i was only going 25-30mph and heard this thing hit my windshield. naturally i stopped too, but never found anyone outside. i did let a neighbor know incase they saw.


that sucks though

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Be very careful what you leave on a voicemail or text.....it really can get you in hot water.


It got me a misdemenor 4, and 2 years non reporting probation


Agreed, which is why I was very careful to not threaten impending harm.

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For future reference to all those who might happen to find out who tried to kill them:


© "Threat" means an expression, by words or action, of an

intention to:

(1) unlawfully injure the person threatened or another person,

or damage property;

(2) unlawfully subject a person to physical confinement or


(3) commit a crime;

(4) unlawfully withhold official action, or cause such


(5) unlawfully withhold testimony or information with respect

to another person's legal claim or defense, except for a

reasonable claim for witness fees or expenses;

(6) expose the person threatened to hatred, contempt, disgrace,

or ridicule;

(7) falsely harm the credit or business reputation of the person

threatened; or

(8) cause the evacuation of a dwelling, a building, another

structure, or a vehicle.


Had I not said "I am not %100 sure it was him" this thread would be more illegal than my voicemail.

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I knew there was no way that kid was 19 from his Facebook wherever you got that number from...


MySpace says 15 and he looks like a douche. You win in the long run because he has to look like he got rocks thrown at his face the rest of his life.

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I knew there was no way that kid was 19 from his Facebook wherever you got that number from...


MySpace says 15 and he looks like a douche. You win in the long run because he has to look like he got rocks thrown at his face the rest of his life.


yea his facebook says his high school is WSHS '12 which would make him one old ass soph.

I just want to beat this kids ass for this one pic. Guys who wear white sunglasses = gay.


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Someone friend him on myspace and see if theres any activity during that time on the 4th.


Oh, and if his parents can say he didn't do it, I'm certain someone in the neighborhood who doesn't like the kid will go forward and say they saw him do it. :)

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Someone friend him on myspace and see if theres any activity during that time on the 4th.



Well, you seem to be closest in age, so I nominate you ;)

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