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Leaving soon...getting nervous.


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Well..I know pretty much nobody on here knows me, but I will be leaving 3 weeks from today for the Air Force basic training. I've been in the DEP (delayed entry persons) program for the past 4 months waiting to leave, and now that it's here I'm starting to freak out a tad. On one hand I'm absolutely pumped and ready for it, and on the other I'm nervous. Any input from people that have been through basic and all that?
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Guest tbutera2112
Dude.. it's the fucking air force. If you were joining the Army or Marines I would say good luck, but.. it's the fucking air force. Have fun with your paid vacation of a "basic training." I would also say I appreciate your service, but from how good I've seen that they have it wherever I was deployed in the army, kiss my balls. The overflowers who "had" to live in the same housing as us (army) got paid extra money for "unstandardized living" or some shit. My best advice is practice sitting in a chair enjoying air conditioning and being around sexy girls but not being able to get any ass because they'll want some good army dickin'. Go to a strip club vip section to get the same effect and soak it in, you'll be a sergeant or whatever the fucked up rank the chair force has in no time.


I've been drinking.



omg wow lol epic

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Dude.. it's the fucking air force. If you were joining the Army or Marines I would say good luck, but.. it's the fucking air force. Have fun with your paid vacation of a "basic training." I would also say I appreciate your service, but from how good I've seen that they have it wherever I was deployed in the army, kiss my balls. The overflowers who "had" to live in the same housing as us got paid extra money for "unstandardized living" or some shit. My best advice is practice sitting in a chair enjoying air conditioning and being around sexy girls but not being able to get any ass because they'll want some good army dickin'. Go to a strip club vip section to get the same effect and soak it in, you'll be a sergeant or whatever the fucked up rank the chair force has in no time.


I've been drinking.


omg wow lol epic



^ What he said... Good Luck.


Obligatory top gun quote...


That's a negative ghostrider.

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Dude.. it's the fucking air force. If you were joining the Army or Marines I would say good luck, but.. it's the fucking air force. Have fun with your paid vacation of a "basic training." I would also say I appreciate your service, but from how good I've seen that they have it wherever I was deployed in the army, kiss my balls. The overflowers who "had" to live in the same housing as us got paid extra money for "unstandardized living" or some shit. My best advice is practice sitting in a chair enjoying air conditioning and being around sexy girls but not being able to get any ass because they'll want some good army dickin'. Go to a strip club vip section to get the same effect and soak it in, you'll be a sergeant or whatever the fucked up rank the chair force has in no time.


I've been drinking.


Quoted for accuracy.


What is it, like six weeks long? Sounds like summer camp to me... good luck.

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Dude.. it's the fucking air force. If you were joining the Army or Marines I would say good luck, but.. it's the fucking air force. Have fun with your paid vacation of a "basic training." I would also say I appreciate your service, but from how good I've seen that they have it wherever I was deployed in the army, kiss my balls. The overflowers who "had" to live in the same housing as us got paid extra money for "unstandardized living" or some shit. My best advice is practice sitting in a chair enjoying air conditioning and being around sexy girls but not being able to get any ass because they'll want some good army dickin'. Go to a strip club vip section to get the same effect and soak it in, you'll be a sergeant or whatever the fucked up rank the chair force has in no time.


I've been drinking.


That made me lol. Typical Marine/Army attitude I always seem to find though.


I haven't been drinking.


See what I did there?


Quoted for accuracy.


What is it, like six weeks long? Sounds like summer camp to me... good luck.


8 1/2.

Edited by Massie02GT
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notbrian took the words out of my mouth. we are just jealous we didnt join the airforce.lol you will have it made and dont worry it is like summer camp. if you were joining the army or marines i would have some advice. good luck and thanks.
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I don't know how the Air Force is compared to the Navy, but a friend of mine is in the Navy and all he does is take pictures for their newspaper. He gets to go all over the place and take pictures, he jokes about how easy he has it. Right now his leaving port from Carolina (I think) and they'll travel all the way down the coast of North and South America back up the other side and to San Diego. If it’s anything like the Navy then I’d say you’re in good shape.
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God you guys can be jerks.. Just because they dont need the type of training the Marines or Army does, doesn't make his service to this country any less important.


Good Luck, and though it will be rough at points, just remember, its not gonna be like that forever.


Do you hvae any idea of what you plan to be doing in the AF?


Thank you for your service, and good luck. (that goes to ALL of you military people :bangbang:)

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Nervous about Air Force boot camp? You'll be fine, it is just the change that you are worried about. AF boot camp will be as tough as you make it, just like Marine boot camp. Don't sweat it. Just keep you mouth shut, do you what your told, and lead from the front!


You are going to have a good time! Embrace the change!

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God you guys can be jerks.. Just because they dont need the type of training the Marines or Army does, doesn't make his service to this country any less important.


Good Luck, and though it will be rough at points, just remember, its not gonna be like that forever.


Do you hvae any idea of what you plan to be doing in the AF?


Thank you for your service, and good luck. (that goes to ALL of you military people :bangbang:)


Holy hell there is a nice person on this board. Thanks for the kind words to the few that had them.


I'll be doing Meteorological and Navigations Systems on Aircraft and Towers. Sounds like a pretty fun job to me anyway.

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Just busting your balls dude :) you'll have fun, meet great people, and have an all around great experience to remember the rest of your life. At least you're serving unlike other fat worthless fucks in this god forsaken country who do nothing but bitch about the world and want a free ride. Also unlike us retarded grunts who get off on big explosions and bang bangs you'll have real-world job experience that employers would rather have than some pimply kid out of college with nothing but a parent-paid-for piece of paper.


The hardest part, no matter what branch, is being away from friends and family. Reading their mail daily is a definite sanity-keeper. Keep your head up, be proud, and enjoy it :cool:


In addition to this, don't assume that staying out of trouble and being good at your job will help you climb the promotion ladder. The Air Force is one of the slowest promoting branches out there. My "equals" in Air Force EOD, as far as pay grade/rank, all have 2-3 years on me. One way to help yourself out... college. If you don't have a degree after your first four years in, then you're behind the curve. Other than that, don't ever turn down an opportunity to travel, even if it is to some shit hole in the middle east. Trust me, they're all worth it...

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Thanks guys. I really can't wait. I went on a base visit/tour to Wright Pat today and it gave me the much needed "reassurance" (can't really think of a better word right now) about all this. Like someone said..I think the hardest part will be being away from all my friends/family for so long.
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