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cops get off easy


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Guest tbutera2112
  360Iroc said:
We need to hold onto this....


" Taulbee said. "Usually, with drag-racing, you have to observe them stopped and then taking off."


lol this ^

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When I first head about this story I almost went ballistic. Such a double standard bullshit group they are.


WTF is that pussy even on the force collecting disability for.....he fucking slipped on the ice back in Dec. and is out living on my dime doing this shit and not working. GET REAL People. Such benefits and bullshit need to stop. That's EXACTLY why I think Coleman can stick a big fat one in the right place about extra taxes and keeping the budget balanced. Fix this shit and consider it my contribution to his plan. FIRE THEM BOTH! and collect the appropriate fines from them.


The other dude is just as big of an asshole. I hope he thinks about his actions the very next time, if ever...hopefully never, that he writes someone up. I hope that person recognizes him too.


The system is fucked up and this proves it.


/rant for now.

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One step closer to just start shooting people......especially cops. I'm sorry but I've never personally had a good experience with any police officer, ever. I even know a few and knowing them just adds proof to my belief they are all two-faced egotistical pieces of shit.
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  Thorne said:
chad your so GANSTAH . Wow....


There are members of rhte law enformcent on this site who are cool.


Not trying to be a keyboard gangster, just saying don't hold double standards. There are bigger problems in the world. Just pisses me off when I go 40mph in a 35 in front of a cop then the dumb bastard does 80 to catch up to me.....that make sense to you?






Oh wait, he's a cop, he's aloud to right? :rolleyes:

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  Nick said:
I know both of them personally. They're both losing thei jobs.



Not quite what I wanted to hear. These guys probably have families to support, and losing their jobs does not help anyone. No No No, I do not sympathize with them, just stating a point. If any of us here commited these crimes we would be in jail. I would just like for this to brought up in every street racing case to prove that they do not care so much about the public. If they cared about the publice those guys would have been thrown in jail. Now the Gahanna officer, well maybe he should have thought twice about doing something like that while on leave for injury.


Just remember to tell the police that there was noone flagging, so that they cannot get you for street racing. Oh and make sure you have your own badge, just in case that idea fails.


Maybe some punitive letters, or leave/ temporary suspension, but not taking their way to support their family away.

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NEWARK, Ohio—The Ohio State Highway Patrol released video Friday after an off-duty trooper and off-duty officer were ticketed for allegedly driving nearly 150 mph on an interstate highway.


NBC 4’s Patrick Preston reported with the FAST FACTS.


An OSP radar plane clocked the men allegedly going those speeds, and troopers made the traffic stop.


The video was taken by two troopers’ cruisers.


Authorities said off-duty state trooper Jason Highsmith, 35, was clocked going 147 mph on Interstate 70, east of Columbus, where the speed limit is 65 mph.


Authorities said Christopher Thomas, 33, was clocked going 149 mph on I-70.


The incident happened Sunday, June 28.


Thomas has been on injured leave from the Gahanna police department since last December after he slipped and fell on ice.


Thomas continues to receive pay and benefits, including vacation time.


Here’s an abbreviated transcript of the dash-cam video:


Trooper Bryan Lee: “Either one of you have anything on you I need to know about?”


“No sir. A couple badges is all,” one of the motorcyclists said.


(Highsmith does most of the talking on the video, but it was unclear which one of the two men were responding each time.)


The conversation with Trooper Bryan Lee changed tone.


Lee: “What’s your name? Bryan. You? Highsmith. Did you say Highsmith? Yeah. I think you were at the academy when I was there. Did I train you? I think you beat the [expletive] out of the guy who had me. Oww.”


“You gotta do what you gotta do, man. We were pushing it today.”


The men shake hands and laugh and joke about the speeding.


Lee: “You’re a motorcycle cop? What? How fast were you going?”


Highsmith said they were driving in an open stretch. And Lee apparently took him at his word, despite traffic in the background.


“If you guys don’t mind, just tell them we’re a bunch of cops. Don’t tell them I’m a trooper ’cause that will get back.”


Lee turned off his audio before ever discussing the possibility of a ticket, of a reckless driving charge or even asking if the men were racing.


They talk another four minutes, exchange handshakes and drive away. No paperwork was filled out. Driver’s licenses weren’t checked.


A third motorcyclist also was part of the group but was not clocked on radar and was not ticketed.


An OSP spokesperson said Lee’s microphone should have remained on during the entire traffic stop and the issue will be addressed later.


As for the joking and lack of questions about reckless driving and racing, OSP said no two traffic stops are alike and the speeding charge was explained.


Four days later, troopers issued Highsmith a ticket, and eight days later Thomas was issued a citation.


Neither man has been charged with reckless driving currently.


Highsmith entered a plea of not guilty before Licking County Municipal Court Judge David Branstool Wednesday.


Branstool said the lack of charges didn’t matter and that he could use his discretion to suspend Highsmith’s license for as much as three years for driving in reckless circumstances.


“I don’t expect the court to have any leniency. What I did was 100 percent wrong. I made a mistake,” Highsmith said in court.


One Columbus defense attorney said he thinks the case will be scrutinized heavily.


“I think it’s going to have a big ripple effect for criminal defense attorneys,” Michael Probst said.


Probst said his clients have been charged with reckless driving for going 20 miles over the speed limit.


He said he’s never had a client drive 147 miles per hour, and he said he thinks fellow lawyers will cite the officers’ case in contesting reckless driving charges against their clients.


“I absolutely think that local criminal defense attorneys will point to this case, especially considering that they’re police officers,” Probst.


Thomas was expected in court next week.



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  TimTaylor75 said:


Not surprising. There's perhaps a handful of truly good cops. The rest are like this group of impostors. I say let Coleman lay them all off. I sure as hell won't contribute one dime to save their jobs.

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  • 1 month later...

For those following the story......The Gahanna officer was fired. The Trooper reassigned and on probation for 2yrs.


Good news in my book. The trooper got off easy. That right there is justice, at least 1/2 of the time. Props to Gahanna for having the decency to make a point.


That is all.

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The irony is how can you be a Ohio Highway Patrol officer and completely disobey the speed limit on an Ohio Highway, I mean sure everyone speeds, but 147 and you keep your Patrolman job, Seriously? Didn't he violate his oath? Can't wait to make fun of the next OHP officer to his face that pulls me over for +7,10 MPH over the limit with the "you need to slow down speech". What a joke. :nono:
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  pdqgp said:
For those following the story......The Gahanna officer was fired. The Trooper reassigned and on probation for 2yrs.


Good news in my book. The trooper got off easy. That right there is justice, at least 1/2 of the time. Props to Gahanna for having the decency to make a point.


That is all.


yep he was fired and already replaced with a new officer.

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