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cops get off easy


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FWIW, in the case of the unionized trooper, his credibility in court is pretty much shot for a while. I'm sure most judges will be hard pressed to convict if he's the charging officer.
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Chris wouldn't that be another reason to not keep him around. I mean if he pulls someone over who really is breaking the law and that gives them the chance to get away with it because of his history makes him kind of a liability to what he is trying to do.
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For those following the story......The Gahanna officer was fired. The Trooper reassigned and on probation for 2yrs.


Good news in my book. The trooper got off easy. That right there is justice, at least 1/2 of the time. Props to Gahanna for having the decency to make a point.


That is all.


he'll likely just get a job in another district or city.

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The irony is how can you be a Ohio Highway Patrol officer and completely disobey the speed limit on an Ohio Highway, I mean sure everyone speeds, but 147 and you keep your Patrolman job, Seriously? Didn't he violate his oath? Can't wait to make fun of the next OHP officer to his face that pulls me over for +7,10 MPH over the limit with the "you need to slow down speech". What a joke. :nono:


I'm going to print my own "Get Out of a 149mph ticket" cards. Then when I'm caught at only 80-85mph, I'll just say "oh, is that all?"

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Um... Cops are fuck sticks. This is bull shit. These people are law enforcement officials. They of all people should deffinately be held accountable for their indescritions. They are the ones who directly enforce the law. Therefore they should be subject to the exact same laws that and punishments as the rest of us. In fact because they are the ones trusted to uphold the law, they should be held more responsiable than the rest of us. They are ones that need to set the example. Fuck cops. This is bullshit. believe this... Had that been one of us, (non law enforcement personel) We'd still be in jail... and we'd not have a driver liscence for like the next decade, oh, and the fines would cause us to declare bankruptcy. it's double standard bullshit. And the longer it's allowed to occur, the worse it's going to get.
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One step closer to just start shooting people......especially cops. I'm sorry but I've never personally had a good experience with any police officer, ever. I even know a few and knowing them just adds proof to my belief they are all two-faced egotistical pieces of shit.


FTL......your cool

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Chris wouldn't that be another reason to not keep him around. I mean if he pulls someone over who really is breaking the law and that gives them the chance to get away with it because of his history makes him kind of a liability to what he is trying to do.


Yep. Thank the trooper's union for saving his job.

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Not quite what I wanted to hear. These guys probably have families to support, and losing their jobs does not help anyone. No No No, I do not sympathize with them, just stating a point. If any of us here commited these crimes we would be in jail. I would just like for this to brought up in every street racing case to prove that they do not care so much about the public. If they cared about the publice those guys would have been thrown in jail. Now the Gahanna officer, well maybe he should have thought twice about doing something like that while on leave for injury.


Just remember to tell the police that there was noone flagging, so that they cannot get you for street racing. Oh and make sure you have your own badge, just in case that idea fails.


Maybe some punitive letters, or leave/ temporary suspension, but not taking their way to support their family away.

If they have families to support they shouldn't be riding 150 mph on public roads.

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If they have families to support they shouldn't be riding 150 mph on public roads.


No shit. Nothing says "I could give a fucking flying piss about my family, fuck them" like doing 150 on a motorcycle on a public road.


It says fuck yours, too.

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I've said it once and I'll say it again. Someone who is in a position of authority like a policemen, elected/appointed officials, etc should have STIFFER penalties than the general public. They're supposed to be incorruptible models and they pull this shit? Take it to the track. That being said, I'm sure some of us might not drive like that if it meant getting fired. ouch!
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One step closer to just start shooting people......especially cops. I'm sorry but I've never personally had a good experience with any police officer, ever. I even know a few and knowing them just adds proof to my belief they are all two-faced egotistical pieces of shit.


Might as well just start with you, because you're a complete dumb fuck.

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  • 6 months later...




Officer Who Got 149 MPH Ticket Gets Job Back

Wednesday, March 10, 2010 12:08 PM



GAHANNA, Ohio — A police officer who was fired after he was caught riding his motorcycle nearly 150 mph along Interstate 70 will get his job back, 10TV News reported on Wednesday.

An arbitrator ruled that the city of Gahanna did not have just cause to fire Officer Christopher Thomas for a speeding infraction.


Gahanna police said Thomas will still serve a 90-day suspension without pay before he will return to duty.


Thomas was pulled over and ticketed in July along I-70 in Licking County after a state trooper clocked his motorcycle speed at 149 mph, 10TV News reported.


A state trooper who was riding a motorcycle with Thomas was clocked at 147 mph.


The city of Gahanna later fired Thomas, saying he "flouted" the law he was sworn to protect. In an interview with 10TV, Thomas said he understood that what he did was wrong, but did not think it facilitated his termination.


"My entire life has been destroyed for a 30-second, actually a 10 or 15 second lapse in judgment," he said. "This is probably the worst thing that could have ever happened to me in my entire life."


The officer that was riding with Thomas, Trooper Jason Highsmith, served a 5-day suspension and was placed on probation for two years.

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Fuck that. 130 down any street in Gahanna. Fuck em. If i cant do it, he shouldnt either. HE FUCKING ADMITTED TO DOING IT! Christ, what more evidence do you need!
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So, you should lose your job automatically if you get a speeding ticket ?


Such a blatant disrespect of the laws that you have taken an oath to enforce should cause you to lose your job.

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