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Is the 5hr energy drink worth it over other energy drinks?


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Well, i've tried most of the energy drinks out there from monster, redbull, rockstar, etc... and i've also tried 5hr energy a few times.


One thing I noticed is that 5hr uses mostly vitamins and its in a tiny bottle compared to the big cans of the other drinks that have guarana and ginseng in them. So what do you guys think is a good energy drink and do you like 5hr energy?

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I drink 5 hrs before drinking or if I Need a boost. The extra strentgh 5 hrs are reAlly good too. They seem to work better then monsters for me. When I was IN Iraq I would mix 5 hours with a monster that would lite me up pretty good. If youdont want to drink alot or want all that sugar five hours are the way to go.
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I don't like the taste of any of the other energy drinks out there. But I will use the 5hr ones when I am working the overnight ghost hunts at the old Mansfield prison. If I time it right, they will keep me awake enough to get everyone out of there, clean up and make it the drive home before I crash. Plus with it, I can add a little caffene to take the edge off.
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5hr works great for me. Used it twice this week around 3pm which is about when my afternoon crash begins to set in. I usually toss down a 5hr with a cup of coffee and I'm good to go until bedtime.


Another thing I've found really helps in the morning is a good B-Vitamine complex with my breakfast.

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Try being a man? Men have made it through their day for millions of years now without any fucking Mario Power-ups to keep them going. You'll be just fine without them.


If I hear one more faggot say, "Woah, I need an energy drink.", I'm going to come uncorked. No Pussy, you really don't.

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guy at work ordered some stuff online, i think it was called hollow point. i looked at the bottle...on one vitamin, it said it was like 8,000x the daily reccomended intake. it says on the bottle "do not drink if you have any disease" "drink 1/2 bottle to learn effect before drinking the rest"
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