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How do I get out of Jury Duty?


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Hey guys,


I got a notice in the mail that I have to attend Jury duty next month. I need to get out of it since I am going to be on my last course for my MCSA at Techskills and don't want to delay it any longer. I can get a letter from my school stating I am going to school "full time" but it might not work so need a back up plan.


What are some legal ways to get out of it without looking like an idiot?


I think it would be cool to do and be on a jury but the timing is all wrong for me right now.





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Guest tbutera2112
if you lie and say stuff about being a bad candidate, they wont pick you...then you just get to sit in a little room with all the other people who didnt get picked...you still have to show up!! (according to my mom, who had to do this last year)
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I had Jury Duty two weeks ago and still couldn't get out of it. Here's the kicker.. I have 3 officers in my family, going to school and working. When I told them about each of these they just shrugged and said, "Okay? That's fine." I wasn't a full time student so that didn't help me, I wasn't working full time, so I got fucked, and they didn't care about my brother who's a cop.


I sat two weeks with no assigned case.. and after everything was said and done I made $32. They don't pay for your parking, or lunches, but they will pay you $20 whopping dollars a day :rolleyes:

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I had Jury Duty two weeks ago and still couldn't get out of it. Here's the kicker.. I have 3 officers in my family, going to school and working. When I told them about each of these they just shrugged and said, "Okay? That's fine." I wasn't a full time student so that didn't help me, I wasn't working full time, so I got fucked, and they didn't care about my brother who's a cop.


I sat two weeks with no assigned case.. and after everything was said and done I made $32. They don't pay for your parking, or lunches, but they will pay you $20 whopping dollars a day :rolleyes:


llol that sucks my work pays me full pay to take jury duty..with out taking any vacation days so frankly i want to get jury duty lol

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llol that sucks my work pays me full pay to take jury duty..with out taking any vacation days so frankly i want to get jury duty lol


People would talk to me and tell me how happy they were on Jury Duty and i'd stale face the fuck out of them, and then proceed to tell them how much I'm pissed off that I'm even there.

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I had my office manager write a letter on my behalf stating how losing me for the service would be a hardship for the company (it would have been) and they let me out of it with no push-back.
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