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Feel like I am getting old.

DTM Brian

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It just seemed like the other day I would spend hours and hours in the parking lots talking cars and hanging out with friends. I always thought to myself I would never lose the feeling of wanting to do this. My twin turbo mustang has been sitting since 2004. The motorcycle has been ridden twice this year. I pretty much think of Kenny anytime I consider riding which causes me to leave the bike parked. I am so focused on work that everything else has gone by the waste side. Before I know I will be an old man and not be able to do the things I enjoyed as a young adult.



LOL. Sorry for the out of character post. Just sitting here at home tonight which too much time on my hands.

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I def am feeling this way in the past year. I guess everyone grows up and changes. Even small things as driving a loud modded car for a daily will never fly anyone. In the past id drive whatever daily but now I like to keep my fun and work car seperate.
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I feel the same way most days and not being a productive part of society being injured for over 3 months now doesnt help. Hell I have teenage kids at this point. If my son, god forbid is like me, I will be a grandpa in 3 years. I may now be forced to look for an entirely new career with no education and a body not fit any more the type of jobs I always thought I would have.
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Guest Removed

shit all i do is work anymore...hell tonight was the first time i was out in a long time...i was trying to jump at the chance to talk car. then doc asked me to put a ls1 in his lotus, and was talking about putting a sr20 in his buett thingy...


i wanna go pick up this 58 volve duett and sbf that bitch..if it will fit.


see here i go again..


brian why is the turbo car just sitting?

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Was just talking to Faigley about this today. I'll be 30 in a year and half, and I feel old. I am lucky enough to still take a bunch of vacations every year to try and enjoy life before I get old and feeble, but I know it is coming.

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Jeez, Louise .......... what a macabre group you old guys are :rolleyes:


To paraphrase a bumper sticker: you don't stop doing the things you love because you get old -- you get old because you stop doing the things you love. When you start feeling the way you describe, it's time to re-invent yourselves. Time for a quickening. Time for a motorcycle ride. Time to go howl at the moon with your buddies, even if your buddies are dogs.


I took a lesson from these lines which I had to memorize in high school English class (do students still memorize poems? if not, it's a damn shame):


An aged man is but a paltry thing,

A tattered coat upon a stick, unless

Soul clap its hands and sing ..... -William Butler Yeats


Do not go gentle into that good night.

Rage, rage against the dying of the light. -Dylan Thomas


I refuse to get old because it would mean having to give up my toys .... and I do love my toys. ;)

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  Gearhead said:
shit all i do is work anymore...hell tonight was the first time i was out in a long time...i was trying to jump at the chance to talk car. then doc asked me to put a ls1 in his lotus, and was talking about putting a sr20 in his buett thingy...


i wanna go pick up this 58 volve duett and sbf that bitch..if it will fit.


see here i go again..


brian why is the turbo car just sitting?


Same here, seems like as soon as I get home it's time for bed to start the routine over again.

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Guys, I'm reading this thread and chuckling. OLD..:D

Look at the ages you guys have posted, Then look at Mine.:p

Age is just how many birthdays you have been lucky enough to see. Old is in the hart and Body (lol) ..

ever hear the diff. between a boy and Man is the price of our toys? lol..

you all are still young, and So am i @ 46. At least Most days i still feel young.

Yes the weekdays i generally am working, but we feel young weds. nights when we go to the race track and go racing. Uh thats it, the racing is keeping me young!

Now get off your Ass's and go have some FUN, and enjoy life,:bangbang: the more years that go by, the faster they go.



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Life is what you make of it and sometimes it is not easy. I will be 30 in a few months and just want to squeeze even more out of life. Don't take life for granted or live by the way you are told things should be.


Life is to short you need to enjoy every day like it could be your last. That does sound dark but you will be a much happier person and do a ton more.

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Guest tbutera2112
im 19....IM SO OLD! im farting dust and cant enjoy my life...im just waiting to die from old age...glad ive only got 11 more miserable years until i crumble away
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I know what you mean Brian. Since you are self employed it's kinda the same for some of us with a family and jobs. It seems to me that when you have kids, life really starts to speed up.


My problem is that I have too many interests and never have enough time for them.


Give some more thought about what we talked about the other day.

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brian, I've known you for awhile and I still haven't seen that car. start going to track days, meets, I know there are people on here that will be glad to help motivate you. sounds like your just tired of the same old routine. since I've had a kid life is completely different. its hard to explain the feeling you get from it. it makes me feel old to even though im 20. hang in there man
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