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Billy Mays here for Crack Cocaine!!!


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not really a shocker if you ask me...


you could see coke wow all over his face.




hell the idea of the slap cop and sham wow sounds like a weekend coke binge

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Meh. It was still heart disease so it sads that they say cocaine also. It didn't help but it didn needed to be told to the world


Actually, I'm glad they spilled the truth. Needs to be heard. I liked him a lot and was happy for his quick-found fortune and leap up the ladder, but hearing the truth puts things in perspective.


I'll never understand the need for the ultra rich to try shit like that. I think it's very clear that it's not safe and isn't going to do anything but harm. With so much money and so many other things in life to get a high from, drugs are the last thing he should have been trying.


RIP to a decent guy nonetheless.

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You guys are all so suprised... How could he NOT of been on cocaine? Seriously...




I still think that it was the oxycotin + the cocaine. Hearts cant handle that, takes many out.

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