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So...Does Vick deserve the right to play?


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For sure, he's a football player, as you said he served his time, paid his debt to society, and found another job with the Eagles. This is America. Too many have forgotten that. These fucking Animal rights fucks can kiss my ass, these same people that bitch about proper food and shelter for animals don't think twice to look down their nose or ignore humans without food or shelter.
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No, he should be savagely mauled to death by dogs, torn to shreds and than have his entrails stretched across an open field full of birds, groundhogs and other varmints so they might urinate or defecate on them as they see fit.
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No, he should be savagely mauled to death by dogs, torn to shreds and than have his entrails stretched across an open field full of birds, groundhogs and other varmints so they might urinate or defecate on them as they see fit.


I think that would be fair, but it was decided by our justice system the time he was to serve for his crimes. He served it, did his time, now he's out. If someone wants to hire him, whatever that's for, so be it. Same thing can happen with Clarette once he gets out. But who would hire him for what job? I've had friends who've committed felonies, been caught, did their time, and now are (very) productive members of society. You would have no idea they were 'criminals' from just meeting them.


I agree about Daunte, 30 days for killing someone. That's bullshit. To that effect, without some very good lawyers I think Vick would have been away for a lot longer. What he did was basically organized crime, disregarding the dog fighting issue.


Proves you can buy your way out of most trouble. If anyone doesn't like that, don't take issue with these particular cases, take issue with how our justice system is set up.

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...and gets he head torn off on the field.


That might make pro ball worth watching, never thought about that. Might have to start DVRing the Eagles games and watching the plays he's in. Other pro's that are big animal/dog people are going to be gunning for him. :D

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As an animal person, he doesn't deserve to play.


Say he worked at Wal-Mart before he when he was convicted for what he did and served the same time....Do you think he should be allowed to get his job back at Wal-Mart when he got out of jail.(Assuming we're talking about john doe). Or since he was convicted of a crime he doesn't deserve to have a job anymore...just live his life jobless and a bum? This flaw in America that felons can't get jobs is what causes the relapse into crime. They can't do shit else positive to get back on track. Vicious cycle begins...In and out of prison.

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That might make pro ball worth watching, never thought about that. Might have to start DVRing the Eagles games and watching the plays he's in. Other pro's that are big animal/dog people are going to be gunning for him. :D


Fuck yes. I think a bunch of 300+ plus guys crushing him on the field is a better punishment that sitting in a jail cell. :)

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I think him spending more time in jail than a murderer is a bunch of bullshit. I love dogs but they are still animals. What he did was stupid, but have we really made it to the point that animals get more respect than humans? He deserves to play... he's a dog killer of a breed of dogs that half the world wants put to sleep anyway.


Side note, did you know that if PEDA rescues your dog it has over a 90% chance of being put to sleep. Since they do it with needles its ok though :rolleyes:

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No fuck him, He got off to fucking easy. If I had the chance to meet him in person I would fuck him up with a ball bat and show him what its like to be abused and hurt. He got off way to easy. If he had like I dunno 13 years in jail (Average life span of a large breed) and tons of fines yes but he got off like a little bitch..



Anyone who wants to argue the walmart bull shit if he would have worked at walmart he would have not got off so easy.








Does not deserve


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I think him spending more time in jail than a murderer is a bunch of bullshit. I love dogs but they are still animals. What he did was stupid, but have we really made it to the point that animals get more respect than humans? He deserves to play... he's a dog killer of a breed of dogs that half the world wants put to sleep anyway.


Side note, did you know that if PEDA rescues your dog it has over a 90% chance of being put to sleep. Since they do it with needles its ok though :rolleyes:

Actually what did it in for him was the fact that he lied about it. Killing the dogs was just what got all the attention. The opperation of a gambling/ dog fighting ring and housing the events then lieing about it is probably what cost him the time in the slammer. If he would have come clean about it all in the first place he probably would have been better off.

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Guest tbutera2112

thorne...theyre fucking animals...chill out



people kill animals every day.... what is the difference in a dog and a cow? nothing.


he did his time, he should be able to do whatever he wants now... how does dog fighting have anything to do with playing football?

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I think him spending more time in jail than a murderer is a bunch of bullshit. I love dogs but they are still animals. What he did was stupid, but have we really made it to the point that animals get more respect than humans? He deserves to play... he's a dog killer of a breed of dogs that half the world wants put to sleep anyway.


Side note, did you know that if PEDA rescues your dog it has over a 90% chance of being put to sleep. Since they do it with needles its ok though :rolleyes:


At least its a human way to kill them. Not beat the shit out of them abuse them and leave them to die.

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I think him spending more time in jail than a murderer is a bunch of bullshit. I love dogs but they are still animals. What he did was stupid, but have we really made it to the point that animals get more respect than humans? He deserves to play... he's a dog killer of a breed of dogs that half the world wants put to sleep anyway.


Side note, did you know that if PEDA rescues your dog it has over a 90% chance of being put to sleep. Since they do it with needles its ok though :rolleyes:

I think his punishment fit the crime for the most part. It's the murderers and rapists who are getting off too easy.


thorne...theyre fucking animals...chill out



people kill animals every day.... what is the difference in a dog and a cow? nothing.

"They're animals" - Yes, genius, that's the fucking point of why it's so horrible. And yes, cows and animals are killed everyday, but it would not be acceptable to fight them for entertainment or kill them inhumanely.

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Actually what did it in for him was the fact that he lied about it. Killing the dogs was just what got all the attention. The opperation of a gambling/ dog fighting ring and housing the events then lieing about it is probably what cost him the time in the slammer. If he would have come clean about it all in the first place he probably would have been better off.


They let people off easy for making their job easy. Since he lied and made them work harder he got more time.



I'm officially and Eagles fan too!

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I'm a true animal lover and think what happened to the dogs in his "care" was appalling and despicable to say the least.


But after 23 months in federal prison, Millions in attorney fees, court cost and retribution (MOST of the dogs in question are doing very well, and he paid for their recovery), he has paid his debt to society and should be able to play football.


He won't be playing for at least the first six games, but from what I understand is eligible to play in the pre-season. His past and personal life aside, he is an amazing player, and I will watch a game he is in.


I also believe in Karma 100%. What comes around goes around. If he were to die a horrible slow death from ass cancer then there would be justice in the universe ;-)


Here is a reminder of his work....


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I agree he should play aswell. And the point about cows not getting killed inhumanly. What does it matter there getting killed! Doesn't matter how they are. Pitts are def very vicious animals. I'm not saying what he did was fine, but it doesn't deserve some of the shit he's gotten. Pitts have harmed small children before. There just unstable
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