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Should I be pissed.....


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I just got my budget #s through the end of July.


Gross Profit + 7% to budget Even With 2008

Payroll Expense - 2.4% to budget - 16.4% to 2008

Total Expenses - 3.3% to budget - 21.9% to 2008

Net Income + $77k to budget + $211.5K to 2008


The department I took over 14 months ago has NEVER turned a profit in the 33 years of existence, losing more than $200K a year. We are on pace to turn a $26k profit this year.....



....yet I just took a 10% pay cut?

Edited by Rotarded
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I just got my budget #s through the end of July.


Gross Profit + 7% to budget Even With 2008

Payroll Expense - 2.4% to budget - 16.4% to 2008

Total Expenses - 3.3% to budget - 21.9% to 2008

Net Income + $77k to budget + $211.5K to 2008


The department I took over 14 months ago has NEVER turned a profit in the 33 years of existence, losing more than $200K a year. We are on pace to turn a $26k profit this year.....



....yet I just took a 10% pay cut?


Yeah, I feel your pain. I'm working on my budget numbers now and I'm + 9% to my budget and + 11% to 08. That and I just took on another department and exceeded on my annual evaluation yet I get no more $$$ for doing either.


I just decided to do what I do and forget worrying about it. I’ll get what I’ve earned someday.

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Fuck that saying! I'm so sick of hearing that.



While I understand the sentiment, it IS something you should be grateful for. At my place of employment, I was part of a LEAN team that made changes that were going to save our company more than 2 million a year, as well as LEADING a LEAN team that developed an entirely new concept in quality assurance thats projected to save another 1.5 million. Unfortunately, that wasn't enough to save my job. In fact, it may not be enough to save the company, as there have been still more cuts since I left. It is what it is, I guess.:(

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I've seen what goes in to Mike doing his job. It's not that he's good at it. It's that he's the best at it. I've help outthere a few times and it's multi multi tasking. And there are always complimnts on how goodeverything went. Yet, they cut his pay and now, I think, he's doing the job of another position they let go. Yeah Mike, I'd be pissed. Have that resume at the ready and updated. Never hurts to put it out there.
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I've loved Ramen since college. Still have them at least once a month. I add chicken/beef/shrimp and always extra pasta/noodles.



I guess that'll have to be a couple times a week now, if I wanna keep my hookers and blow habit going.....


Check out the pre-made noodle boxes they have at kroger. They have veggies and 2 sauce packets all ready to go. You just add water and microwave. Very easy to make and horrible to your body. Win win for everyone.

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are you allowed to just publicly talk about budget numbers?


As long as he doesnt mention the name of the company he can.


Is the 10% cut the only way for them to keep you employed? If they did it to stay in business I would be less pissed. If they did it to make themselves more money and its not needed I would be really pissed.

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Mike, that 26k track your on probably barely pays your salary alone.


Not even close, but you must understand my department is considered an ammenity. Most Clubs only try to break even on Food and Beverage, with a majority of income coming in from the dues structure, and guest play.


My department has gone from 5 salaried managers, to 2 in the last 4 years. Yes, they were running fat, but not 3 people fat.


Here's the kicker. We are a top 20 U.S. club in every category and the expectations are in the stratoshpere. The attention to detail, the cleanliness of every square inch, and the level of service cannot, and has not, suffered in any way.

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are you allowed to just publicly talk about budget numbers?



Just like putting them on a resume on MONSTER or other web sight.


As long as I do not pubically state the actual numbers, in my case I stated either the percentage of and the $ over/under, there is no violation of policy/disclosure/law.

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