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Free wood from fence AND I WILL DELIVER!


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I had a LARGE triangle fence in the back corner of our property, where the previous owners kept Saint Benards or something (don't know, forclosed homes). I kept the back two sides, as it lines the property, but the front side was an eyesore, couldn't get the mower back there, and sucked in general. Here is a pic of the fence that remains:




Same wood pulled, other than a POS gazebo entrance. The fence posts are almost all broken, due to them putting an 8' post 4' into the ground (literally 4'...some with concrete even). A few came out of the ground intact.





I need this gone ASAP...sooner the better. I need to use my car hauler as soon as I can, and this wood is more than in the way. I will deliver within reason (I live in Powell...I'm not driving to Pataskala for free).


Free...you just do the unloading; I will help. Build with it, burn it...I don't give a crap, I need it gone.


I may even deliver TODAY. I am leaving for a couple of hours; if there is a response when I get back (PM me your phone number), I will haul it off this afternoon.

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Yeah, because I want a big burn mark in my yard. No.


Anyone else...I want this gone in the next couple of hours. Fuck, I will drive to Pataskala for free at this point. I need to use my trailer today.


I live in Powell, so I will be driving from there...I will be back home in an hour.

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