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I'm so angry and there is nothing I can do about it.


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So while on lunch I get a call from the wife asking me what our deductible is on for our home owners policy. "Why"? I ask. Well it turns out one of the boys (Elliott) decided to throw a empty storage tub at our LCD TV and destroying the screen lower left corner is black and ther are now lines spider webbing out from there. TV has a picture but is fucked. Well guess its time to upgrade to a 46 or larger. Also banning toys from the living room.
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ooo that sucks. why dont you take it to a tv repair shop an get an estimate on how much it woudl be to fix might be cheaper then you think... goodluck hope you have good patientce ide kill em lol


what do you think it would cost for a 42 inch LCD screen?

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Every stain has a story.....or in this case, every broken LCD TV Panel has a story.


When he's 18, bitch slap him and remind him with a photo of what he did.



Also banning empty storage tubs from the living room.



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haha.. found on online for just over $1000.


haha wow, i bought a new 50" for under $900 from best buy, lol. these things are so cheap now repairing them almost don't make sense.


sucks to hear, luckily my girls haven't damaged our big screen yet


but where do you buy a screen protector? just curious

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All the ones I have seen are just plexiglass. They are sized the OD of the TV, and use Velcro to attach to the surround of the viewing area...




most that I have seen on the web are about $150 which is awfully high unless they have a anti-glare covering on them.

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