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Just had a guy threaten to beat my face in


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Someone tell me where this "show car" sits. I will do a drive by super soaker shootout. And I am not talking about those kiddy water guns where they hold water in just the tanks in the gun. No I play with the big boy water guns. My gun consists of a 2 gallon container with straps that I wear on my back.


OH NOES TEH WATER STREAM run for your lives!


Now see, if you actually went through with this you would get ur ass beat, just sayin. I could just imagine someone looking out they're front window to see some dude supersoaking they're freshly waxed car. You'd seroiusly would have to have you're car started and in gear for me not to catch you but then i'd prolly just jump in the beater and chase ya down LOL.

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Now see, if you actually went through with this you would get ur ass beat, just sayin. I could just imagine someone looking out they're front window to see some dude supersoaking they're freshly waxed car. You'd seroiusly would have to have you're car started and in gear for me not to catch you but then i'd prolly just jump in the beater and chase ya down LOL.


It would be a few blocks away down a few streets. I am very good at jumping fences even 6 foot privacy ones. Don't ask. ;)

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It would be a few blocks away down a few streets. I am very good at jumping fences even 6 foot privacy ones. Don't ask. ;)


that or wait til he just finishes wiping the car down and pull up in a truck w/ a generator in the back along w/ a high powered pressure washer and spray him along w/ the car while saying " u mad? u mad? u mad? yea u mad. u mad?..."

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Mike, I know how you are about your car, so it dosent surprise me that you did this, the guy way over reacted IMO. What does surprise me is that you posted this up on THIS board, knowing (I hope) that the douche bag patrol would tear into you.


How did the guy over react? He stopped in front of his house and asked him to move his spinkler so his car didnt get wet as he was driving by. He is lucky the guy didnt beat him up. I could understand if it was the next door neigbor and his spinkler was getting the car wet in the driveway but stopping to ask this guy this on his own property is just asking for trouble. I love cars but if his car is that much of a beauty queen then he should put it on a trailer and get it off the road.

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How did the guy over react? He stopped in front of his house and asked him to move his spinkler so his car didnt get wet as he was driving by. He is lucky the guy didnt beat him up. I could understand if it was the next door neigbor and his spinkler was getting the car wet in the driveway but stopping to ask this guy this on his own property is just asking for trouble. I love cars but if his car is that much of a beauty queen then he should put it on a trailer and get it off the road.


I think you are over reacting

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Ok, so I went and told my neighbor his porch light glisten keeps me up all night. He seemed kind of irritated, but eventually gave in. Well, then his living room light is on and also glistens through my window. So, I went back over there and asked him politely if he could live in the dark or in candle light when I want to sleep. He told me to go fuck myself and now there is a 16000000 candle power halogen moose spotting light pointed at my window. What a douche right?
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Ok, so I went and told my neighbor his porch light glisten keeps me up all night. He seemed kind of irritated, but eventually gave in. Well, then his living room light is on and also glistens through my window. So, I went back over there and asked him politely if he could live in the dark or in candle light when I want to sleep. He told me to go fuck myself and now there is a 16000000 candle power halogen moose spotting light pointed at my window. What a douche right?


Be careful. I had a freind that lived in Lakeview Terrace and asked his neighbor to stop pointing his light at his house... in the end there was a big brush fire, the guy shot at his wife and made her wreck, and a bunch of police came who ended up shooting the guy.

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Be careful. I had a freind that lived in Lakeview Terrace and asked his neighbor to stop pointing his light at his house... in the end there was a big brush fire, the guy shot at his wife and made her wreck, and a bunch of police came who ended up shooting the guy.


So the jack ass ended up getting shot? Did he die? Sounds like your friend won!

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wow, you are an idiot


A fact I won't argue. But if the police shot him, that saves the guy the trouble of sniping the offending jackass from a decent distance the next time he is outside, and then destroying the rifle, and thoroughly cleaning all the gsr off.. and creating an alibi as well..ect ect... which is what i would do if someone shot at my wife..

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A fact I won't argue. But if the police shot him, that saves the guy the trouble of sniping the offending jackass from a decent distance the next time he is outside, and then destroying the rifle, and thoroughly cleaning all the gsr off.. and creating an alibi as well..ect ect... which is what i would do if someone shot at my wife..


He was referring to a movie. This is all fiction and ur treating it like it actually happened

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