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Question for any officers on the board.


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Seems like a no brainer to me. Take in a photo of the road, tell the judge the deer thing.


+1 Im not a city cop but I am a MP (military police), 9 times out of 10 if someone takes the time to go to court over a ticket... and brings evidence (the pics) and a believeable story the judge will take care of you. Id say take your chances.

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*Disclaimer* I am not a current police officer, but I have been through the OPOTA Peace Officers' Academy and my father is a career police officer/supervisor.


Fight this. Take a picture, remain calm and civil during court, explain why you (him) were driving down the center of the road, and take the judgement of the court. I would bet $5 cash American that if the young man does this, the judge will dismiss the fine.


Agree with everything. I'm in school for law enforcement.

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No brainier. Dark country un-lit road at night where he's seen plenty of deer, where kids and neighbors traditionally walk as they relax in their own neighborhood, where there are no sidewalks and moms are known to stroll in the street......seriously......that cop should be given desk duty for fucking with his own people.


He wasn't speeding, he wasn't drinking, he's a good citizen and didn't give the cop a hard time, etc.....fight it. I'm left of center all the time on my residential street too. Mainly because hugging the curb would mean killing several joggers and moms with strollers. Even at night, as dumb as the neighbors may be, it's not worth trying to squeeze down the road keeping to the right.

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No brainier. Dark country un-lit road at night where he's seen plenty of deer, where kids and neighbors traditionally walk as they relax in their own neighborhood, where there are no sidewalks and moms are known to stroll in the street......seriously......that cop should be given desk duty for fucking with his own people.


He wasn't speeding, he wasn't drinking, he's a good citizen and didn't give the cop a hard time, etc.....fight it. I'm left of center all the time on my residential street too. Mainly because hugging the curb would mean killing several joggers and moms with strollers. Even at night, as dumb as the neighbors may be, it's not worth trying to squeeze down the road keeping to the right.


I drive in the middle of my side streets at night and I live in the city. Every night I come home at 10pm someone is walking their dog or running. I don't feel like hitting someone.

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When will police officers start being held accountable for their bullshit? I mean I am far from FTP! kinda guy and the ones who really "protect and serve" I <3, but there has to be some recourse for cops who are just "out to get someone". The more stories I hear the more ridiculous it is.
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Thanks for the post, not sure why you removed it but I could read the unedited version.


cool glad you could read that. I should of just pm'd you. I just dont think most people on this forum have much respect for police nor understand there job. (no offense to anyone just an opinion.)

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cool glad you could read that. I should of just pm'd you. I just dont think most people on this forum have much respect for police nor understand there job. (no offense to anyone just an opinion.)


I had a ton of respect for the police at certain times throughout life. However it becomes really hard to respect a position when it is abused constantly. You know, you think hey the cops have a really rough job and they dont get paid much and you think maybe I should not have a bad outlook towards them. And then you have some dickhead in your face yelling at you for no reason because he has a badge and feels like that makes him god. I have gone through the police academy so I have seen both sides of things. If we could get rid of all the ego maniacs then cops would be ok in my book.

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