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Got flagged for illegal downloads by Insight


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yea on the old lime wire there was an option to not share them the new one doesnt. but anytime any one trys to download i disconnect them an yea it snever left open


i dont ahve the newest newest version but I do have the updated one... try clicking on your download an then you can say stop sharring.

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yea on the old lime wire there was an option to not share them the new one doesnt. but anytime any one trys to download i disconnect them an yea it snever left open


1byte is all it takes unfortnly. actually just showing that your offering the file as a peer is enough

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you are 100% incorrect.


if you run p2p and allow anytype of upload you will get busted. insight/rr are not the one flagginjg we get letters from studios and such. they hire compaies to look for stupid people who share files.


newsgroups or go home.


so eather pony up the 12$ a month and download at Good speeds or prentend like i don't know what im talking about. And next time you don't get flagged for abuse you get a subpeona. Do me a favor and stop p2p.


Didn't you do something like that only a larger scale years ago...? I think I know who you are now. :ninja:

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People that download Music/Movies are a huge part why our economy sucks dick. You may think your sticking it to the millionair movie/rock star, but your not. They make more touring and on merchandise then they do cd's. However you are killing all the small people such as secretary at record label that just went under, or concession guy at theater because ticket sales are low. Therefore your putting more people into a already small job market, making it harder to find jobs.


Point blank its stealing and I feel no sympathy for those busted.


For the record I do not download and burn a damn thing.

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People that download Music/Movies are a huge part why our economy sucks dick. You may think your sticking it to the millionair movie/rock star, but your not. They make more touring and on merchandise then they do cd's. However you are killing all the small people such as secretary at record label that just went under, or concession guy at theater because ticket sales are low. Therefore your putting more people into a already small job market, making it harder to find jobs.


Point blank its stealing and I feel no sympathy for those busted.


For the record I do not download and burn a damn thing.


:jerkit: so i take it you dont watch porn online then? even if oyu stream it after all your still watching i tonline not paying for it ? lameeee

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People that download Music/Movies are a huge part why our economy sucks dick. You may think your sticking it to the millionair movie/rock star, but your not. They make more touring and on merchandise then they do cd's. However you are killing all the small people such as secretary at record label that just went under, or concession guy at theater because ticket sales are low. Therefore your putting more people into a already small job market, making it harder to find jobs.


Point blank its stealing and I feel no sympathy for those busted.


For the record I do not download and burn a damn thing.


Theres 2 problems here.


1. It isn't stealing. Stealing removes a physical copy, that a store would have to replace at their expense. Downloading makes a copy.


2. When big companies like the RIAA sue someone for downloading music, none of that money goes towards that small job market.


Now, I'm not saying its the right thing to do, and it isn't entirely harmless, but there are millions of people doing it. It doesn't make it right, but socially I don't think most people give a damn.

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:jerkit: so i take it you dont watch porn online then? even if oyu stream it after all your still watching i tonline not paying for it ? lameeee


The major porn sites make money and pay through advertising so someone is still being paid for the material. Downloading a program and taking things from other computers is impacting the ecomony. Now that one person that paid for it is sharing it with 500 people the profits are minimal at best. Like stated the big stars dont need the money.. but the small ma and pop owned movie theaters and record stores do.

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Theres 2 problems here.


1. It isn't stealing. Stealing removes a physical copy, that a store would have to replace at their expense. Downloading makes a copy.


2. When big companies like the RIAA sue someone for downloading music, none of that money goes towards that small job market.


Now, I'm not saying its the right thing to do, and it isn't entirely harmless, but there are millions of people doing it. It doesn't make it right, but socially I don't think most people give a damn.


I think that watching you try to hold these defenses in a courtroom would be hilarious.

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Mike Haze is right, stealing does not require physical removal. Lets say someone takes money from a bank. Then you transfer money from them to an account you own. You are just as guilty as they are if you knew the money was stolen.


If you transfer something from someone knowing its illegal its stealing because all the material is copy right protected. If you use your friends lawnmower that would not be stealing becasue its not copyrighted...

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How about if your buddy rents or buys a movie and has people over to watch it. None of the people watching it paid a cent to see it. They still got to view the product for nothing.


Now making a profit off of copywritten material is really wrong. The guys on the conrner selling burned DVD's is an example. You don't see it much in Ohio but try walking down the street in New York and see how many you run into.


Now I know what I do is wrong, but to me it's just a little wrong. I'm not going to stop. I will continue to download anything and everything I want. I'll just do it on my neighbor's wireless network....LOL

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How about if your buddy rents or buys a movie and has people over to watch it. None of the people watching it paid a cent to see it. They still got to view the product for nothing.L


This is equivalent to saying reading a magazine at a bookstore is wrong. That is not what is being argued; by having buddies over to watch a movie that you rented, you do not own the product and therefore do not possess it. Hence why you PAID to BORROW it.

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How about if your buddy rents or buys a movie and has people over to watch it. None of the people watching it paid a cent to see it. They still got to view the product for nothing.


True, but its not being copied if people are over to watch it. Just as its not illegal to let a friend borrow a movie. Its the fact that you are copying material that is protected legally from being coppied.

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People that download Music/Movies are a huge part why our economy sucks dick. You may think your sticking it to the millionair movie/rock star, but your not. They make more touring and on merchandise then they do cd's. However you are killing all the small people such as secretary at record label that just went under, or concession guy at theater because ticket sales are low. Therefore your putting more people into a already small job market, making it harder to find jobs.


Point blank its stealing and I feel no sympathy for those busted.


For the record I do not download and burn a damn thing.


But it was ok for those record labels to STEAL all of the artists money and turn many millionaires in to washed up broke asses so the record labels could pay those overpaid secretaries. Thats calling the kettle black.

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People that download Music/Movies are a huge part why our economy sucks dick. You may think your sticking it to the millionair movie/rock star, but your not. They make more touring and on merchandise then they do cd's. However you are killing all the small people such as secretary at record label that just went under, or concession guy at theater because ticket sales are low. Therefore your putting more people into a already small job market, making it harder to find jobs.


Point blank its stealing and I feel no sympathy for those busted.


For the record I do not download and burn a damn thing.


Speeding is illegal! So is half the crap that was probably attached to the previous civic "projects". :p

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True, but its not being copied if people are over to watch it. Just as its not illegal to let a friend borrow a movie. Its the fact that you are copying material that is protected legally from being copied.


There are way to many fine lines when it comes to copyright. I think where people justify downloading is because it's not a "physical" thing. It is data on a drive. You don't "see" it, you can't "touch" data. It IS different than going into a store and physically taking something without paying.


I don't see why I should pay for HBO if I only want to see ONE show on it like True Blood or get Showtime just to see Dexter. I pay my cable company $90 a month for my service and I don't have a single pay channel and the basic internet speed.


I probably have 300-400 CD's I've bought over the years and I still download material that I actually own, just too lazy to find the CD and rip it. Other times I will listen to an album I've "acquired" and if I like it enough I'll buy the original. I watched the new Transformers movie on my PC, and liked it enough to go see it in the theaters.


Downloading copyrighted material is illegal. So is jay walking, ripping the tags off of mattresses, even going 2mph over the speed limit is BREAKING THE LAW. Hell, sodomy is illegal in some places, people still do it anyway.


I love how high and mighty people get in theses discussions that break laws on a daily basis themselves. They just choose which laws they want to break like alittlelessordinary does, then they chastise you for breaking other laws. Can you say hypocrite?

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There are way to many fine lines when it comes to copyright. I think where people justify downloading is because it's not a "physical" thing. It is data on a drive. You don't "see" it, you can't "touch" data. It IS different than going into a store and physically taking something without paying.


I don't see why I should pay for HBO if I only want to see ONE show on it like True Blood or get Showtime just to see Dexter. I pay my cable company $90 a month for my service and I don't have a single pay channel and the basic internet speed.


I probably have 300-400 CD's I've bought over the years and I still download material that I actually own, just too lazy to find the CD and rip it. Other times I will listen to an album I've "acquired" and if I like it enough I'll buy the original. I watched the new Transformers movie on my PC, and liked it enough to go see it in the theaters.


Downloading copyrighted material is illegal. So is jay walking, ripping the tags off of mattresses, even going 2mph over the speed limit is BREAKING THE LAW. Hell, sodomy is illegal in some places, people still do it anyway.


I love how high and mighty people get in theses discussions that break laws on a daily basis themselves. They just choose which laws they want to break like alittlelessordinary does, then they chastise you for breaking other laws. Can you say hypocrite?

This "excuse" for an argument is just not right. Consider this:


There is a difference between justifiable and just. You have found justification for your actions and are somewhat arguing that that alone makes them just. Yet, your actions simply are not just.


It is never a good thing to defend illegal actions by comparing them to illegal actions followed out by others. There are several differences between your illegal downloading and others' activities. If one were to jay walk, they are either not-knowingly doing it, or they are ignoring the law but are acknowledging that what they are doing is mostly only putting themselves at risk. By downloading, you are theoretically stealing the work of others for your own benefit and/or distribution.


I hate the RIAA with a passion, but their targets are equally lame.

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This "excuse" for an argument is just not right. Consider this:


There is a difference between justifiable and just. You have found justification for your actions and are somewhat arguing that that alone makes them just. Yet, your actions simply are not just.


It is never a good thing to defend illegal actions by comparing them to illegal actions followed out by others. There are several differences between your illegal downloading and others' activities. If one were to jay walk, they are either not-knowingly doing it, or they are ignoring the law but are acknowledging that what they are doing is mostly only putting themselves at risk. By downloading, you are theoretically stealing the work of others for your own benefit and/or distribution.


I hate the RIAA with a passion, but their targets are equally lame.


cant you be ignoring the law as well? I pay for my cable and watch alot of TV, i also pay for my internet and download shows to watch....there is no difference, i pay for both services and USE both the same way..

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This "excuse" for an argument is just not right.


I have never made excuses about MY conduct regarding this matter. In my post I said it was both wrong and illegal what I was doing. I don't call that making excuses.


All I'm saying is MOST people break the law on a daily basis. Be it something petty like jay walking, or something much more serious like drinking and driving, excessive speed (if you are NOT guilty of that you have no business on this forum..LOL)


Although some would disagree, I believe my "crime" is basically a victimless crime, like prostitution is.


We all choose on a daily basis which laws we respect and which we ignore. If I download the latest episode of Dexter and watch it, never making copies for anyone else and not making a penny profit from it. I've given Showtime plenty of money over the years. I don't feel the least bit bad about what I do. Never have, never will.


I'm downloading four movies as we speak just for spite :D

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