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The Man of Steele

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Has any one taken a canoe/raft camping trip? I am an avid backpacker and was looking for a different way of enjoying remote scenery. What I am looking for is something where you put in at spot and camp/hike along the way down the river stream what ever preferably in the west (not Cali,Oregon, or Washington).


I leave sat. so in a cram for planning please help

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daniel boone natl forrest in KY for hiking


cannoeing/hiking/portaging in boundary waters MN


Cannoeing/hiking/portaging in Algonquin provincial park in Canada


pm me if you want specifics, routes or pics.


you need to sell me that KZ

/thread hijack

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daniel boone natl forrest in KY for hiking


cannoeing/hiking/portaging in boundary waters MN


Cannoeing/hiking/portaging in Algonquin provincial park in Canada


pm me if you want specifics, routes or pics.


thanks for the info I was aware of the boundry waters but the remote boarder permit is a 4 week ordeal and Rigsby and I leave sat. We are going through south Dakota to the black hills and Yellowstone/Shoshone national forest areas . So I was looking for things in Colorado , Nebraska ,Wyoming , Montanan South Dakota

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I know this isn't in your direction this trip, but you should check this out:



Big South Fork River:


Every Forth of July weeked for 5 years. Canoeing, Primative Camping, Fishing. I have 5 consecutive successful trips through Devil's Jump (Class 4 rapid) in a canoe without getting wet.


Pristine, Scenic, and You may not even see another soul for the 17.5 mile trip.


Big South Fork River:



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Ive been rafting 3 times on the Nantahala River... This is a great trip down the river because its tame enough that you dont need to go down with a guide. Makes for a more interesting trip with no authority figure on board. Halfway down you can stop and eat at a pizza joint. Kick ass trip every time with category 3-4 rapids for the most part. If you catch it when it has been raining heavy recently you will see some mild category 5.


Ive also been down the Upper Gauley River. I havent been whitewater rafting since this trip. It was extremely vicious. The 5+ at times were for the extreme. Guided only and a fucking blast if you can hang. Not for the weak or first timers unless in good fucking shape because chances are you're going swimming. I have a video that was made when we went down. I watch it from time to time when I need a reminder that I'm not shit...

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Ive been rafting 3 times on the Nantahala River... This is a great trip down the river because its tame enough that you dont need to go down with a guide. Makes for a more interesting trip with no authority figure on board. Halfway down you can stop and eat at a pizza joint. Kick ass trip every time with category 3-4 rapids for the most part. If you catch it when it has been raining heavy recently you will see some mild category 5.


Ive also been down the Upper Gauley River. I havent been whitewater rafting since this trip. It was extremely vicious. The 5+ at times were for the extreme. Guided only and a fucking blast if you can hang. Not for the weak or first timers unless in good fucking shape because chances are you're going swimming. I have a video that was made when we went down. I watch it from time to time when I need a reminder that I'm not shit...


That Nantahala is fun. Stupidly cold water sometimes though. I've never been on a guided tour yet, it costs to much and to me would be annoying.



I know there are a few places around the east coast that do multi day trips. I've only done one back in my Boy Scout days. 6 day trip on the Muskingum River here in Ohio. That was a lot of fun, but of course no rapids just lots of rowing and hauling all our gear over the dams. The total was about 65 miles.



If you just want an all day or I'm pretty sure they do 2 day trips and really like to enjoy the view I recommend the Cheat River in West Virginia. I've been on every white water river on the east coast and its very nice. Its not extreme white water by any means class 2 and 3, but the cheat narrows will get nasty if it rains (class 4-5).

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