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Next time your in SE Ohio and think you're alone


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I have seen grizzly bears in the wild no less than 6 times. My favorite was near fishing bridge in yellowstone. The rangers had everyone held back at the bottom of a hill and said there was a bear on the other side. I went back to the parking spot and followed the road a couple hundred yards to a tree line. We followed it to the lip of the hill and saw a grizzly bear about 200 yards away eating bugs out of a dead stump. After a few minutes two rangers on horseback came from over another ridge. They were riding at full tilt. The bear jumped up and started hauling ass. They were pretty close to him when he started running but he quickly smoked there ass. I was shocked at how fast it was. Anyone that thinks they will elude one with the ninja speed will be dinner for sure.


On another note I recieved a pic on my camera today that is a cougar with a dead white tail. Supposedly it was a recent picture from a trail cam near Perrysburg.

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Never occurred to me that there were bears here for some reason.


We had them where I lived when I was a kid in Tahoe...


My dad met a couple that bear hunted. As the story goes, she evidently had her chap stick in the pocket with her shotgun shells and loaded a chap stick into the gun in presence of an angry bear. If it wasn't for her husband's *correctly* loaded shotgun she would have been...



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Flippin awesome. But that's why you always bring a slower friend with you when hiking. You don't have to outrun the bear, just your friend. :D


No, that is why you bring me: You don't need a gun, you got a Donk. I'm bigger and harrier than that bear, and I roar louder.

I cut him so bad he wish I don't cut him so bad!



Good find on the bear, I've only seen tracks in Ohio. He's small enough I'd have been looking for a mama in the area, that's really all you have to be worried about with Black bears: The Irate ones.

Most are small and scared, and there are many stories of simple people fighting them off with no weapons.

Of course, they take damage, bu who cares!? That disfiguring scar came from a fucking bear!

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No, that is why you bring me: You don't need a gun, you got a Donk. I'm bigger and harrier than that bear, and I roar louder.

I cut him so bad he wish I don't cut him so bad!



Good find on the bear, I've only seen tracks in Ohio. He's small enough I'd have been looking for a mama in the area, that's really all you have to be worried about with Black bears: The Irate ones.

Most are small and scared, and there are many stories of simple people fighting them off with no weapons.

Of course, they take damage, bu who cares!? That disfiguring scar came from a fucking bear!


you think fight a bear is cool, but i am the only one in here to eat bear...:p

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yea I lol when people say bears aren't in Ohio. Buddy of mine down around Logan had a good sized black bear in his yard last year and got a bunch of pics. There are also reports of them being around here(Somerset)


when I was 12-13 and lived in West Virginia we used to have a bunch of beehives. Baby black bear(good sized but could tell it was young) came down from the mountains and knocked a few of them over before my little doggah chased it off. We caught up with it and my stepdad and his buddy fed it a couple sandwiches. The friend ended up play wrestling with the bear and trying to get him to chase him into the woods before a ranger could come and relocate it.


Got the bear back into the mountains minutes before the ranger got there. Apparently the friend has done this before and he's crazy as fuck by the way.

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