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Felony Record In Ohio


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How does one go about having a felony conviction removed from their record in Ohio?


The event took place about 4 years ago and was an assault charge.

Charges were filed by the state NOT the person involved in the assault.

Apart from minor traffic violations there is no other criminal background.

Jail time was served and all fines and fees paid.


Is there a way to have a felony removed from someone’s record? I did some looking online but the info I found was very general. I'm sure contacting and working through a lawyer will be necessary, but what I want to know is... Is it a long shot to have a felony removed? I'm sure it's not easy but does anyone know how it works in Ohio?

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I was never convicted..... just charged for 4 (same case). Mine were all dismissed but still showed on my record. Which has given me problems with renting and im sure jobs in the past as well. I just recently went to the courthouse downtown and filed to have them expunged. All you do is go to the criminal clerk of courts and fill out a paper. Then wait to hear back on if you are approved or not? They base it off of your record prior to the case and if you have had anything after. The lady there told me it could take around 6 months to get a response, but was not likely. I guess they have been really fast with these and responding within 30 days.
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I had a criminal mischief charge expunged 2 years ago. I had to write a letter to the judge stating why I needed it expunged (you can say making it hard to find a job, house or something like that), I then got a paper stating I had a court date, walked into court house didn't even go in front of judge. Baliff handed me a paper and told me to goto clerk of courts. Paid $50 bucks and record was cleared.


Now there is only certain types of felonies that can be expunged. It cost $1500 bucks to have a felony expunged (atleast in licking county, had a buddy try getting a felony theft expunged). Best bet is to call your local clerk of courts they will give you the details on how to have it taken off and if it can even be done

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