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Nutrition Question


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Well I am still having trouble with one of my wisdom teeth that was removed and can't really do solid foods yet. I have been doing soups, mac and cheese, shakes, and noodles.


From the body building work out guys what do you suggest for protein type shakes? Best place to get the protein and what to add in?


I have heard of some people getting the big bag from Sam's adding some flavor powder and mixing it to save money.

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The best type of protein is an Isolate your body can absorb some 90% compared to concentrate with somewhere in the 70's. The best BY FAR that I have ever had is American Whey. They sell it in tubs. It tastes like chocolate milk when you mix it with water. The misconception with protein and amateur lifters is they think the more you take the better you are off. Where in reality you have to space it out your body can only thoroughly absorb about 50 grams a serving. Make sure that you are absorbing your body weight in protein a day. Hope this helps.


Here's the link to American Whey:


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The best type of protein is an Isolate your body can absorb some 90% compared to concentrate with somewhere in the 70's. The best BY FAR that I have ever had is American Whey. They sell it in tubs. It tastes like chocolate milk when you mix it with water. The misconception with protein and amateur lifters is they think the more you take the better you are off. Where in reality you have to space it out your body can only thoroughly absorb about 50 grams a serving. Make sure that you are absorbing your body weight in protein a day. Hope this helps.


Here's the link to American Whey:



Holy shit that's a lot of protein. Maybe a gram of protein per lb of body weight :thumbup:.

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That sucks dude. Are you flushing the holes? I did solid foods 1hr after having all 4 removed earlier this year. I just had to flush for a week.


Yea but I am have a lot of trouble with one and had to go get it packed today due to very bad dry socket. I have a very high pain tollerance and this woke me up at 4am and about doubled me over.


I was not able to start using the little junkie needle looing thing to flush until yesterday. I am very worried about infection so taking it slow has been my way to go on this.


My concern is to make sure my body is getting enough good stuff to keep the healing going. It is really not a body building thing just a basic day to day nutrition question.

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I go with the rich chocolate, tastes great


the stuff at Sam's is disgusting, and GNC is way overpriced. I've always ordered that stuff, from that site, and been happy every time.


With protein though, you can overdo it, just as someone was saying earlier. It is slow to digest, which means if you take in too much of it at once, your body will decide to get rid of it the fast way and dirty way. One shake (around 40 grams of protein) every couple hours, at the most.

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i use the stuff from sams...the EAS brand. i was getting the stuff from meijer/walmart in the 2lb tub...had a little more protein and a couple other better features, but i tried the stuff at sams since it was like $28 for a 5lb bag


now that ive found out my dad's g/f works for abbott/ross, and she gets a fat discount on all that EAS stuff, im about to stock up

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All the whey


All flavors are awsome i just finished up a tub of cup cake batter.


17.99 for 32 servings 25g protein


comeback10per is a 10% discount code.



You should be consuming between .8-2.5g per lb in protein a day pending your goals. I consume around 3grams per lb, remember protein are the building blocks. Carbs/fat are for energy.




There is no percentage of absorbtion with protein. The percentages used above are for purity. whey isolate usually contains between 90-94% protein while whey concentrate has a protein ratio of 70-85%. Your body can absorb up to 45grams every 3 hours but should be kept to around 20-50 pending weight/gender/bf%.


Just want to remind you all...

Protein powder is a supplement and should be used just for that reason. Nothing beats food, its a far better source of protein.

Edited by 2pointslow
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The problem is right now I can't eat food. I am supposed to still be on soft food until at least monday.


Oh i know i was just making a public announcement. lol


Do you have a blender?

Protein powder, egg whites, milk, peanutbutter.


I hear it all the time, ya man i just polished off a 10lb bag of whey in a week. I have no idea why im not gaining any weight.

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Oh i know i was just making a public announcement. lol


Do you have a blender?

Protein powder, egg whites, milk, peanutbutter.


I hear it all the time, ya man i just polished off a 10lb bag of whey in a week. I have no idea why im not gaining any weight.


10lbs of protein in a week? That's disgusting.

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