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Road Trip!!!


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Edit*** pics from trip









Okay so I know I'm a little early but I'm pretty excited. I'll be going on an adventure at the end of October. ROAD TRIP!!! It started off because I just wanted to go on a road trip and friend of mine found something about the 50 highest mountain points in the US. So we mapped out the highest points on the east coast (or at least on our way) Going through KY, VA, TN, NC, SC, GA, AL, MIS, LOU. I'm pretty sure this is goanna be one of those once in a lifetime experiences too. We're goanna be on a tight budget and limited supply’s (by design) sleeping in cars, maybe meeting random people and crashing where ever. Instead of Harold & Kumar go to White Castle it will be Chris & Anthony go to Texas Hahaha. Here are some of our stops….



So who all has gone on an actual road trip before? I'm really excited about it, I'm 24 and have never done anything like this because of all my responsibilities (Owning a house, full & part time job, steady G/F) I feel like I'm 45 years old. So I told everyone to fuck off for a week and a half I’m gone! I’ll post all the pics I can when I get back, like I said, I know it’s early another 2 ½ weeks to go but I’m looking forward to it!

Edited by super_gtp
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I have done a few in my younger years. Don't take the freeway.


Nope, don't plant too. As long as it doesn't end in death I can't see how this can go bad, hahaha. We all have that 1 friend who can talk us into pushing our limits and Anthony is that friend to me. He's kind of the opposite of me. So I'm looking forward to just not giving a fuck for a while and having fun!

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That's awesome dude. I am jealous of just being able to go on a road trip. I have way too much shit going on all the way through the end of the year. I sure wish I could tell everyone to shove it and leave me alone for a couple weeks.


Hope you have a great trip. Definitely post pics when you get back.

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I'm sure there will be camp sites along the way... not a bad idea. I hope the weather is decent. The views should be great with the fall weather, but the cold... well, I just hope it's not too bad but even if it is just adds to the adventure.
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Road trips are always fun. I suggest camping like others have said. It is really easy to find campgrounds while traveling and it is cheap. Don't bitch about the cold it really isn't that bad in October and you can get sleeping bags that are made for cold weather.


Once you camp in yellowstone where it becomes 30F at night at 70F at 7am then you can complain about the cold. Sleeping in hat, coat, gloves, and shoes ftl. :/

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