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Dover PWND my girl on FaceBook: Classic!!


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I will post the details and the story later, Full Story... it is juicy and for those few of you that know it, its good!


EDIT: Will post cliffs and details later, story still developing. As Shanton would so well put it "we're doing it live!!"

Edited by Rhett
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Dover is my roomate and he watched me get rocked like kimbo slice he picked me up off the ground we went to square up against guys 3 times our size and the cops came.


close one....



BTW our new place rules, JP was over causin trouble playing our neighbors for money in beer pong lol!

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She was talking to Rob, then rob Pissed her off, so Anthony Makes out with her. Than the following weekend I sexorz her. Friday, Sunday, Mon, Tues, Wed she wont talk to me really... find out she was sexorzing with Dover, but tells him not to tell me cause she "really likes me", and told me not to tell any one because she didn't want Rob and Andii to hate her. So we keep it on the DL. But Dover being my boy.. i told him about this girl I was fucking.. and He was like "I know, I fucked her too!" I was like "what, when she was with Rob!?" "Nope Wed night"... So I was like "Peace bitch!" But somewhere down the line I fucked up and had her back over to my house. Well when i did that she never left was there for like a month. But it was all good because we got along well... except for when she would text other guys asking them if they still liked her or not. Then her EX wigger Boy friend calling me starting shit.. wich now he is threatening to kill me (yea, he is a winner!). Oh and when she drinks.. I have to carry her out of the bar... like seriously carry!! But as soon as I deploy she starts going out geting shitfaced and throwing up drunk. With I think another member on here... not going to throw the name out. And breaking little promises. All she has done is give me reasons not to trust her... so she is all pissed that we are fighting with shit she keeps starting. oh another 2 words about shit while I have been her :: Pregnancy & Miscarriage:: Dont think any body knew about that shit...


But she is on her way out... she keeps making it worse and worse for herself,




edit: I forgot to mention she is 19 and "just graduated high school"... she hasnt yet new info I found out before I left too!

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For fuck's sake Rhett. Pull your head out of your ass man hahahaha. What did you think she was going to be like after all that shit to begin with? Ain't no half way decent guy on the planet that should put up with that shit. So wtf were you thinking haha that better have been the best pussy of your life.
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For fuck's sake Rhett. Pull your head out of your ass man hahahaha. What did you think she was going to be like after all that shit to begin with? Ain't no half way decent guy on the planet that should put up with that shit. So wtf were you thinking haha that better have been the best pussy of your life.


I doubt it. Is there pussy really worth that shit? I can tell you from experience, FUCK NO.

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