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Worst Realtor in history Julie Judge HER


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Fuck Julie Judge! She is the worst realtor of all times! if you want to get led down a false path of what you have to bring to closing and then get legal action threatened against you because you tell her you cannot afford a payoff that she gives you 2 weeks before closing when you were up front to what you could afford then go to her, otherwise, go see anyone else.... all she is looking for is to make her boat payment.
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ya, gotta love getting told your payoff will be a certian price and then get told less than 2 weeks before closing that you don't have a choice (legal action will be pursued on her end and the buyers), but your payoff will be 17,000 dollars!
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details? im not quite grasping exactly what youre talking about. payoff for what?


negative equity i'm assuming from this previous posts.


but i dont get it either, he has posted before about him needing to bring $15k to closing just to sell the house, so $17k doesn't seem like that much more, $2000 difference, not hard to have happen I'd say, shit that doesn't even cover closing costs most times.

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dude, I have no negative equity in the house, I'm actually selling the house for more than I owe on it... the issue is realtor fees, closing costs, etc.... when I gave my realtor my payoff, she told me I would need to bring 15,000 to closing in order to sell the house, I told her this was sthe MAX I could bring, now 2 weeks before closing she's saying, that I need to bring 17,000 to closing... 2k might not seem like alot to you but when you'er already paying that much, 2k is a big fucking deal
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because of realtor fees (6% of selling price) and closing costs and taxes


aye, they can add up fast. so you probably sold it for very close to pay off i'm assuming, reason being why you need so much for pay off? I hate thinking about selling my house, lol. Even though I've got nearly 40% equity, it just sucks thinking about all the money I'll lose the minute I go to sell it, commission, closing costs, taxes, etc. gheyyyyy.

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yes, I sold it for around what I owed... here's the kicker, how was appraised 2 years ago for 40k more than what I sold it for and that was before I finished the basement, replaced flooring, and did the landscaping... gotta love this economy
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burn....but i'm nearly in the same predicament. i have put countless dollars into the house and it hasn't appreciated much over what it did initally when i did the major renovations. But I guess the use/enjoyment factor has to be worth something.....right?
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and the fact that these new developments are inflated in price while the builder is here and then when they move out the area drops in value because no one is in there holding the prices of the houses at an unrealistic value.
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that sucks. makes sense now. im with the guy above though...i realized youre pissed, but 2k isnt that big of a deal. i thought i was only going to need like $700 at closing with my earnest money, but my realtor f'ed up my bid to hud and instead of being able to finance my escrow into the loan, i had to bring like 3200 more to closing for escrow.
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dude, there's a big difference from 3200 and 17,000.


we have a limit to what we have, I'm already not happy about bringing money to closing on a house that I put a fat down payment on it. 2k might not seem like much to you guys, but when you're already stretching your wallet, 2k is a VERY BIG DEAL

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Sounds like the house was sold to low to me. Thats something that you had control of. You should have stood your ground. Never let a realtor talk you into lowering your price. Have your asking price and your realistic price, and dont go further then your realistic price.


Im sure (i hope) you did some basic math to figure out what all you needed to come up with, and didnt just rely on what the realtor told you. Always watch your own back. Dont let someone do it for you. You get screwed in the end.

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see that's the problem, I gave her what we could afford to "lose" and gave her our payoff info, she gives us all the figures, we say looks good, then we go into contract.. .BAM prices are different.... guess that's what we get for assuming that we actually hired her to look out for our best interests.


Realtors are like lawyers IMO, they are out to take your money for as little work as possible.


BTW, this has turned into what it was not meant to be, I wanted to just warn anyone from going to Julie for your realty needs... I think I've made that point :)

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ya, gotta love getting told your payoff will be a certian price and then get told less than 2 weeks before closing that you don't have a choice (legal action will be pursued on her end and the buyers), but your payoff will be 17,000 dollars!



The thread you made before accepting the bid said 17k to closing.

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Joe, that's why we didn't accept that offer and then they countered with 2k more making us THINK we had to bring 15k to closing. Thus the offer of 146 was turned down and we accepted 148... imagine if we would have accepted 146, then we would have had to bring 19k to closing!!!


If you read on page 2, I mented accepting for 148 and mentioned 146 was brining 17k to closing. reading > you


the 8k tax credit is pushing ALOT of people through the house, and we've had 2 offers this weekend... the issue is, our realtor originally led us to believe that if we sold for 142,500 and paid sellers closing, we would have to bring 15k to closing.... now I'm finding out with the offer of 146 that we got on friday, we have to bring almost 17k to closing....

my house appraised for 181 when I purchased it back in '05... I have since done landscaping, fininshed the basement, new flooring, new light fixtures, brick paver patio, and it is in contract for 148....


the house behind me just sold for 113 so I guess my neighborhood is a sinking ship and I need to get out while I'm ahead... err not as far behind....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sounds right to me I sold my house for 100k and I net to seller around 89,900 thats with the basic 6% commish and transfer title fees and getting the taxes current for new owner. So I can see 17k for a house that is 130-150 and if you are paying any closing costs for the buyer.


Thats what really sucks for those who bought a house with 0-3% and try to move in less than 4-5 years and did not buy the house for a real good price


Market sucks

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Market sucks to sell right now that is for sure. I feel bad that the guy that we got our house for still owes 40K that he is taking over a few years or something like that. I guess it is glad to have the payment that he has now, but being in your 50-60 and having to move in with your parents has got to suck. Main reason he lost the house was his wife left him and then lost his job.
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