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im f!@##$ pissed!!!!!!!!!!

Red Beard

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^^^^^ ha ha ha thats a good one ^^^^^


anyway, i went to work to find out what was going on today. i get there and the other guy i work with (tom) said that tim and mark told him to tell me that i was not to clock in, that if i were to show up to work today that he should tell me that i was fired and to go home. so i went to speak with the boss. im not stupid but i want to hear it from their own mouth face to face, that i am fired. when i got to the main office none of the managers was there. so in stead of calling them i went to the police department to make a report of what was going on so they could guide me in the right direction. they ran my record which came back clean, then called tim to find out what was going on. the officer then came back and said he has filed a report and it was being investigated. so now i have to wait and find out what is going to happen next.


im not a stupid person, i knew i was going to be fired, but i have never once met an employer that did not have the balls to either bring me into work, or say it to my face. Tim (my boss) is sending boys to do a mans job. It just seems a little fishy to me how i could be fired with out seeing the tape that suposidly has me "stealing". its just really unprofessional how he as a bussiness owner is going about terminating me. I just dont want to be set up for something that i did not do that is all.

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its just really unprofessional how he as a bussiness owner is going about terminating me.


no a-typical at all. ever work at a large company? HR calls you in, gives you a folder with the papers, covers the exiting stuff and you're on your way.


I've released people before and believe me, in the end, there's nothing to be gained by delivering the news personally. I made my decision and have better things to do then get involved in the drama that is waiting to happen. Has zero to do with being a man and making it personal. It's not personal at all. Sounds like he just didn't want to create drama that he knew you would start and likely was onto other things.


If you're guilty of not caring or stealing, or just plain being insubordinate and causing your own demise, then you and only you have to face that. Not saying you did, but if so, deal with it. If not, just move on the same. It's a piss-ass job dude. Go get a real job and change your situation. Only you can do that. Personally, I'd start by changing your screen name. It's hard to change anything job related if you consider yourself a redneck.

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The reality is that it's an hourly job at delco drive through that lasted like 2mos. It's not like it's going on your resume. Just move on.


I'm sure you could move on if someone filed a report on you for theft and is still holding a $400 paycheck. And you know, that's not even the goddamn point. I've lived in many places and doing so, I've worked for alot of places that pull shit like this to get rid of people. If he is being wronged, why should this store owner be allowed to get away with shit like this? So, he can do it to someone else? What if he does it again to someone who has a family to support? Who isn't young and fresh out of college? Either way, this could fuck up a person's future. The type of job has ZERO RELEVANCE.


And so does his online screename on a fuckin local car forum. :rolleyes: Christ.

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that screen name is just for here and these kind of forums. its for amusment pourposes. as far as it being a piss ass job i agree 100% there, it was just a hold me over job untill i could find something better. i have always given 110% when at work, i have never been one to stir up trouble where it didnt need to be. I was not looking to create drama, all i wanted was proof of me alegidly stealing what ever it was i was said to have stolen. the boss calling me on his personal cell phone, while im off the clock was very disrespectful to me and unprofessional ingeneral. thats all was try to get at. I really am not worried that i am no longer employed there, like it was said before a job like this is dime a dozen. i just cant afford to have a theft charge on my record, that would screw me over for life. especially when i am being accused of a crime i did not commit. if i had done something i wouldnt try to fight it, thats not who i am. if i do wrong and am caught i would fess up instead of trying to hide it.
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I don't recall seeing anything about him holding a paycheck, let alone a $400 paycheck?


I also don't see where any formal charges were filed so he really hasn't been wronged. Besides, if he gives such a statement to anyone as a bad-reference, the owner would be facing legal charges, so it's unlikely the incident would go anywhere from here. If it did the OP will profit $.


So far as doing it again or ditching employees for any other reason he wants, Ohio is an employment at will state and a private company doesn't need a reason to fire you. He can cut any employee he wants without reason.


Fucking up his future? See my point above. Doubt it, unless he's proven to have stolen.


The type of job is completely relevant. NO ONE would put such a job on a resume. Not just because of the job type, but mainly because of it being only a 2 month stay. Hourly jobs like this don't require a resume anyway.


Screen names IMO can be a lot like stereotypes but I won't even go there as I don't know the OP, but I'm just saying.....besides, at some point in some fashion "if" an employer got a hold of his internet history, and it's not difficult, I would certainly see it coming up as a point of question. It's not like a hiring manager doing a background check is just going to let it slide as internet fun that he calls himself a redneck racer. Dismiss it completely if you want. Again, I'm entitled to my opinion just as everyone here is.



I'm sure you could move on if someone filed a report on you for theft and is still holding a $400 paycheck. And you know, that's not even the goddamn point. I've lived in many places and doing so, I've worked for alot of places that pull shit like this to get rid of people. If he is being wronged, why should this store owner be allowed to get away with shit like this? So, he can do it to someone else? What if he does it again to someone who has a family to support? Who isn't young and fresh out of college? Either way, this could fuck up a person's future. The type of job has ZERO RELEVANCE.


And so does his online screename on a fuckin local car forum. :rolleyes: Christ.

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First of all, don't fuckin run your mouth and judge people without knowing them. You don't know the situation, you weren't there, so try to control yourself. Just because you're friends with them, doesn't mean it applies to this situation. You're comparing apples and oranges.

And just to be clear, you defending the gentleman is perfectly acceptable. Where you screwed up was your biased, disrespectful attack on the other party. Do you recklessly react this way all the time? I see you're in the Army. I hope not.


Oh, and let's not forgot that the person you are defending has more than one strike/post against him already in this thread. Should everyone else go fuck themselves, too?


Yes we do react this way in the Army. It's a little saying called "fuck it, drive on". It is not about beating someone to the point where they can't recover. But to the point to see how they recover. I will apologize to the OP about my ignorant ass comments but I do know they family very well and they would not fire somebody without cause.

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get your money. if you trully didn't do anything that they are accusing you of tell the bastard to watch what he says about you. inform him that slander is illegal and to have a nice day. make sure nothing shows up without proof on your police record. make sure you get your money. i forget how long they have to get you your paycheck after termination.
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Screen names IMO can be a lot like stereotypes but I won't even go there as I don't know the OP, but I'm just saying.....besides, at some point in some fashion "if" an employer got a hold of his internet history, and it's not difficult, I would certainly see it coming up as a point of question. It's not like a hiring manager doing a background check is just going to let it slide as internet fun that he calls himself a redneck racer. Dismiss it completely if you want. Again, I'm entitled to my opinion just as everyone here is.


Since when does a background check include looking at internet history :wtf: I know you put the "if" there, but you are acting like people are actually looking for it. A hiring manager wouldnt know I go by Dirk the Goat Fucker online. All they would know is my credit report, criminal background, job history, and educational background. I have conducted over 1000 interviews for a fortune 500 company and have never once had browsing history come up. I could see if he was interviewing for a special government job... but 99.999999873% of jobs dont go that far when checking a person out. The only time you really have to worry about your browsing history is when you do it on company owned equipment... and at that point you already have the job.


P.S. Being a redneck that likes racing doesnt come across as a bad thing to me. Most rednecks love racing and plenty are gainfully employed across the United States ( but mostly in the southern states :lol: ) /my opinion

Edited by V8 Beast
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Stay at Verizon and don't interview at Panasonic then. they will and do conduct deep research to find you on the net. so do many others including small companies.


Since when does a background check include looking at internet history :wtf: I know you put the "if" there, but you are acting like people are actually looking for it. A hiring manager wouldnt know I go by Dirk the Goat Fucker online. All they would know is my credit report, criminal background, job history, and educational background.
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If this guy really thinks either the owner, or his brother that runs the pizza shop would try to screw him over he had a bad trip when he wrote his post. I worked for them one summer during college and their neiphew is my best friend. I go to their Thanksgiving and Christmas parties if I am in town. They never say one bad word about their employees outside of work, they will say it right to your face on the clock. Here you are trying to start an E-war. They have hired many people on a whim to give them a chance in the Delaware community and start over. You must be one of those whims and couldn't let go of your past and tried to get over on them. Go fuck yourself, I hope you rott. Delaware doesn't need people like you.


This guy sounds like he is right in line with the rest of the Del Co Drive Thru crew.

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Since when does a background check include looking at internet history :wtf: I know you put the "if" there, but you are acting like people are actually looking for it.


My employer does. Facebook/Myspace, etc. Anything they can see. It's all public.

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how can u really do a faceboook when its mostly locked down unless ur a friend?


"...unless you are a friend?" Many people don't have private accts. or still have some available info to be gleaned from internet accts.


I used to work for a company who would utilize any way (that would result in a negative view of the employee) to fire their employees. This could be for any reason including just not liking the person. THis has happened on more than one occasion to what happened to be excellent workers. When one thing didn't work, they'd move onto the next, ie; random drug tests on only one individual who had done nothing to warrant it, internet searches (one person was fired for having a resume online, I shit you not), crazy changes in schedule, you name it. They've even gave someone else 2 drug test in a row trying to oust the guy. This particular gentleman had worked flawlessly for them for 2.5yrs. But, one of the owner's "didn't like the look of him", he didn't seem to care he was one of the best workers. I seriously could go on for days with, i might add, completely unbiased views and accounts of the shit this company pulls and gets away with. THings that would blow your mind and seem unbelievable simply becuz they seem like completely illogical business moves/chances. But is happens. And not just in this company. And no, I no longer work there becuz they pulled this with me. I had to quit becuz my boss became my gf. Oops. :D

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Screen names IMO can be a lot like stereotypes but I won't even go there as I don't know the OP, but I'm just saying.....besides, at some point in some fashion "if" an employer got a hold of his internet history, and it's not difficult, I would certainly see it coming up as a point of question. It's not like a hiring manager doing a background check is just going to let it slide as internet fun that he calls himself a redneck racer. Dismiss it completely if you want. Again, I'm entitled to my opinion just as everyone here is.


IYO, should I change my name?

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So far as doing it again or ditching employees for any other reason he wants, Ohio is an employment at will state and a private company doesn't need a reason to fire you. He can cut any employee he wants without reason.


Veracity, this. BUT...if they DO give a reason such as theft, they must be able to prove it. That all goes through Job and Family Services, if you don't claim for unemployment or to challenge the firing then nothing will happen. I've got a coworker that used to process claims at J&FS, I'll check with her on the process tomorrow.

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