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Blue Ray issues...ISF Calibration?


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I just purchased a Samsung 50" Plasma 1080P and a Blue Ray player. I have the player hooked up via HDMI. The player's output is 1080P (in main settings menu it asks for which output I want 1080i etc). I put on Iron Man and its just not Blue Ray quality. The screen looks good, but more like an up convert rather than a Blue Ray. The screen is still a little choppy when it pans out or someone is moving across the screen. The same as a standard DVD. I have watched Blue Ray before and it just does not look like I am in the room like Blue Ray normally looks. So I am having an issue here that I am not getting my full HD potential.


On a side note...anyone here an ISF tech that can calibrate the TV. I know that it will not help out much, but I have 2 TV's that need calibrated and want the full potential of my screens.

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When I first got my Samsung HDTV I purchased an up-convert DVD player by Samsung as well. For some reason the two had compatibility issues, both being Samsung I didn't think I would run into that but I had read a lot of people had the same issue as me. Try looking through this forum, http://www.avsforum.com, they had a lot of useful info that helped me when I was having issues.
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Are there no ISF techs on here or know someone who can? I am trying to avoid Best Buy...


I took the Blue Ray back to Best Buy this afternoon and they could not come up with a reason as to why I am not getting the quality i am looking for. They hooked my player up to a couple TV's and it looks like it should (camera movement has a lot of depth and gives you the feel that you are in the room) and then they hook it up to my model of TV and its just not there. The TV is more than capable of handling this type of application. I have reset all settings back to factory defaults (except being on dynamic). The player just looks like an up-converted DVD and not a Blue ray...and its frustrating the CRAP out of me.


I looked on AVS forum and found nothing of use.


Anything else???


I am just past my 30 day return policy so they are giving me the finger...I was there to buy an LED and they sold me on the plasma with full understanding of the application I was going to use it for...now I am hosed.

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On a side note...anyone here an ISF tech that can calibrate the TV. I know that it will not help out much, but I have 2 TV's that need calibrated and want the full potential of my screens.


No need for an ISF tech, just search on the internet. Look for your make and model of TV and there are many websites out there that list the settings to calibrate your TV. I did this on my Sony and it made a world of difference. It has been a few years since I did mine so I am not sure of the website any more that I used.

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Did you try a different Blu-ray player on your model of TV at the store?


If all the players look like that on your model of TV, but look great on other TV's, I'd look into returning the TV. There is no reason it shouldn't look pretty damn good straight out of the box.


I wouldn't put a ton of work/time/money trying to make a brand new TV look better, when all of its competitors looks fine.

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The Blue Ray looks great on other TV's on the floor. Just not mine or the same model as mine on the floor. The floor salesmen cant figure out why either as the TV is more than capable of displaying what I want displayed. The detail is there and the picture looks good, but its not Blue Ray quality I have seen. Issue is now that I am over my 30 day return policy. I have a tech coming out on Sat to look at it. I scoured the net and found "recommended" settings and they really did not help.
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I can have a tech do it for you, not for free unfortunately.




Ask for me and I'll see what kind of deal we can do for you.


I was going to mention you guys, I thought I remember you saying that you worked there. Are you in sales, just wondering?


Good group of guys over there from my experience. :thumbup: At the very least use this as an excuse to have Ken show you around their showrooms.


By 'tech' do you mean someone from Best Buy? :confused: I surely hope not. Why not borrow someone else's Blu Ray player and see if that fixes it. If so, the easiest and cheapest thing might be forcing them to take the player back for another one (especially if you bought both the TV and player from there), or just selling it and buying another one that you know works.


You're welcome to borrow my HD-DVD player and a few movies if you come pick it up and drop it back in a reasonable period of time (and maybe leave a deposit of some sort...). It does up to 1080P/24fps (or1080P, 1080i, etc), so should be able to output whatever your TV can take.


I'd play with every output setting and input setting that you can. Are you trying to output 1080P to a TV which can take 1080P? Just wondering because if you are good, if not, like I said, try playing around with that. The TV may just not 'like' the signal you are feeding it. If you don't send a signal of the native resolution to the TV, the TV has to do scaling (changing resolution) and/or interlacing/interlacing (changing frame rate). Every TV has input resolutions/frame rates that it can handle better than others, and there is not general rule about which ones all TV's should do better. The DVD player does this too. Sometimes the DVD player will do a better job than the TV, but sometimes the TV will do a better job.


Having said all of that, I'm assuming you are trying to output 1080P/24 (blu rays 'native' resolution) to a 1080P display (1080P at 60 fps). Try to output 1080P (60fps) to your TV, maybe your TV doesn't like to do the interlacing (called 3:2 pull down because 24 doesn't directly convert into 60, it's not easy to do). Maybe your DVD player is better at doing that.


Does your TV have a 'display' button to see what resolution it's getting, or can you see what your DVD player is putting out (i.e. mine will say what it's outputing on startup or whenever it changes). If you TV and player are having problems with HDCP handshakes I think the player will usually output a much lower resolution (480P I think). When the player or display can't confirm that the signal is secure it won't ouput high resolution for fear(mongering) that it's being copied. If this is what's happening try turning the TV on first, then the DVD player. Try turning the DVD player on first, then the TV. Try disconnecting the HDMI cable and reconnecting it. Try connecting via component (will still run at 1080P, just not all digitial). If you’re TV and DVD player have CE controls, try turning the DVD on with the CE controls through the TV. For example my combo sometimes has some HDCP handshake issues and it takes care of that when the player is turned on via the CE controls with the TV. Weird, but HDMI is a shitty ‘standard’.


Knowing nothing about the situation, but just going off of your statement of “looks like an SD source unconverted” I’m leaning towards that last one because HDCP handshake issues are pretty common.


Sorry for that being rambly, feel free to ask any other questions or PM me and we can chat more.


If you really want to get your TV calibrated, get with Ken (iwishiwascool). Or, I don't frequent this site or know anyone who does ISF calibration, but I remember a guy doing it who's on the site http://www.hdcolumbus.net/ for relatively cheap. Someone like that is probably not ISF certified, but that's just certificate (you can be a good calibrator without one). You might also be able to find someone via avsforum.com if you can sift through the info trash pile there. They might have a list of ISF calibrators around the country, just a guess. And lastly I would think ISF themselves would have a list or be able to point you to someone. Although they may say Progressive Audio (and other places around town probably have an ISF certified calibrator).

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i just ran to best buy and they are going to do an exchange for me to a higher end tv that has the engine i am looking for that adds depth to the picture. its the model of the tv that is the issue and is being addressed. apparently i see something that the floor guys do not as they thought i was crazy when trying to explain it.
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I do. Sales is part of my job, yes.


See you in a few years if you are still there when can afford the type of equipment I really want. :bangbang:


i just ran to best buy and they are going to do an exchange for me to a higher end tv that has the engine i am looking for that adds depth to the picture. its the model of the tv that is the issue and is being addressed. apparently i see something that the floor guys do not as they thought i was crazy when trying to explain it.


Maybe that's because BB floor sales people are idiots (generally speaking). Good luck with the upgrade. Are you having to pay the difference or did you finally convince them there was something wrong with your other TV and they are hooking you up?

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What kind of equipment do you really want?


Stuff that I can't afford... while focusing on other things that I consider more financially important right now.


I have a nice TV (40" 1080P Samsung), HD-DVD (will do blu ray at some point). nice 5.1 setup (onkyo 606 and these speakers). I'd just like much nicer stuff (better sounding speakers), but I'm happy with what I have for now. Also in a much larger space, like a basement with a projector when I get a house (which would take larger speakers and possibly more power than what my receiver has). That will be the big push for new stuff (house hopefully with a basement in a few years). I'm pretty limited by the size of my apartment, having walls attached to neighbors, for now.


Only thing I may do between now and then is build a set of box's for subs and get a dedicated external amp. Not that I could use it, but I like the idea of 2 subs and I like the idea of building some speakers too.


I almost got the NHT ST4's a few years back from you guys (along with center and rears). Decided against it at the time ($$$$), but my dad still ended up picking up the ST4's for his stereo setup.


I think it's a shame NHT got out of that price bracket for floor standing speakers. I fell it's a very competitive price point and withing reach of an 'average' person who wants very nice speakers. I still love listening to the ST-4's when I go over to my parents.



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You should stop in and take a listen to some gear. B&W has done well to fill the pricepoint gap left by NHT (we don't even carry them anymore).


For some reason, people are so intimidated to come in and look around, thinking that we are akin to some kind of high end car dealership. I encourage people to bring some music, park themselves in our listening room, and hang out. Our mentality is that at best you may be a customer some day, at worst you will tell everyone you know about how ridiculous our fully automated mock apartment is and generate traffic for us.


Ill snap some quick shots of the room behind me.

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