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Back pain - pinched nerve...


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So, I have been down and out since Wednesday night. Walking normally through the kitchen not carrying a damned thing, something went wrong, a REALLY bad, sharp pain in my lower back dropped me to me knees, and for the first time in a decade, I cried from pain.


I went to a Chiropractor Thursday morning at 9:00. X-rays were taken, he did an adjustment on me, and it got no better... probably worse. He said shit was twisted badly and pinching the nerve that goes around to the groin. That's right, on top of crippling back pain, my junk is killing me.


He wanted me to come back the next morning to start some program, but I could not get out of bed that morning. By Saturday, I could force my way to the bathroom to take a piss, and decided to head back to the Dr, but of course, no Saturday hours.


So, for 4-5 days, I've been stuck on my back. The original sharp pain is still as bad, and now 30 other things hurt from laying down this whole time. Heading back to that Dr. or another one ASAP tomorrow morning. Ice packs, pain killers and Jose Quervo have been my best friends.


You guys been through this? How long did you hurt / have to go through treatments?

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I've suffered from Sciatica a couple of times now (it's basically a pinched nerve). I've had back pain for a few years now (stiff this morning), but the Sciatica was a freaking killer. I would come to work limping and people asking if I'd even be able to work (which I was). Two different Chiropractors weren't able to do anything for me, and I usually felt worse when I left there.


When I finally had pain so bad I couldn't walk, I went to a Sports Medicine expert. Had an MRI, and fully checked over. Gave me a steroid pack...OMG, that was the fucking savior I was needing. That was almost 2 years ago. I've had a couple minor flair-up's since (that last maybe a few hours, and aren't that bad), but never the major pain again. A year ago my role at work changed to where I am not doing some of the physical things I used to do nearly as much, which I think helped a lot. But that steroid pack was just magical.


Sometimes medicine can help. :)

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you can try dr. farabaugh, he's near 161/cleveland ave, and one of the best in columbus. my mom works there...i went for a while from a bulging disc in my back from a car accident. 614-898-1944


i did some spinal decompression, which basically pulls your back apart, then lets it back in, and back apart, etc, for like 25 minutes. its supposed to take pressure of the disc and allow it to absorb nutrients, etc...you gotta go in like 3x a week for it though, and it can get costly w/o insurance...you'll probably have to try a few things first before they put you on that machine, because they'll want you to get an MRI to look for any disc damage...and the MRI can get expensive (i think mine was like $1300 and insurance cheaped them out to like $475)


i think your copay thru ADS is probably $40, right? i know when i did it for my car accident, it billed out at like ~$260 every visit (decomp = ~200, adjustment = 40, elec stim = 20), and you go 12-20 times..


did it help me? to a point...do i still have pain? sometimes. its not that im constantly hurting, but if i sleep wrong, or twist wrong, ill have pain in my back and down my hip/ass/thigh for a couple days


if you call to set up an appt, ask for brenda and tell her evan sent you.

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In the final stages of recovery with my back. This may be a little tmi but I couldnt even number 2 because of how bad the pain was from just trying to sit on the toilet. It took about a month but I got better without any treatment. I did a mix of ice a few times a day and heat before stretching about two weeks into it.. Before that I was in so much pain that I blocked it out of my memory. Good luck, back pain sucks monkey balls.
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I couldnt even number 2 because of how bad the pain was from just trying to sit on the toilet.


I completely understand. Wiping aint your friend, either.


I forgot the coolest part. When I stand looking straight into a large mirror, I can see that my upper body is currently in the shape of an 'S'.

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My wife is going through it currently. She has a bulging disc in her L4 and L5 vertebrae and its bulging so far to the side that it is pinching a nerve that runs down her left leg. She has been battling it for the past 2 months. Lost her job because of it, its been a royal pain in the ass. She has been to the chiropractor and is currently doing steroid injections. She has one more before we decide whether or not she has to have surgery. The chiropractor she went to Dr. Charles Markulis at Complete Chiropractic in Dublin. He is really good and he won't mess around if he thinks its bad enough he won't waste time trying to adjust you to see how things go. He will have you meet with the pain management doctor that is in the same place and go from there. You definitely probably need to get an MRI also once you are physically able to.
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I have had a couple of Snooks people in the past. I generally see the stuff that does not go so well, so it would be unfair for me to judge his outcomes as a whole. The patients did seem to like him though.


Are you generally covered by insurance or do patients usually have to pay you out of pocket? I think part of the reason I throw my back out every now and then is because I just suck up the pain and never get any help. Since I'm getting older but am working out like I'm 18 a visit wouldnt hurt... Or maybe I could just dial that number in your sig and ask lol..


I'm so lazy and tired right now that I'm not even going to delete my fail. Anthony, how did you feel after The good doctor was done with you?

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I've had two back surgeries thus far and the same disc keeps popping out, get it taken care of quick. the nerve damage that was done from mine is perm. Sometimes I can't pee poop, walk, all cuz my nerves are on fire. I walked around like an s for 6 months I do not suggest it lol. But I am an extream case. As they put me on oxycotin 80's for my pain
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4th grade basketball I did something in my lower back as well. It laid me the fuck out on the side of the court. My dad had to pick me up and carry me out of the building. That night (next two nights actually) I couldn't even roll over in bed without tear inducing pain.


Fast forward to 5 years ago working at Meijer's I was moving a bed or something heavy like that and caused the same pain in the same spot of my lower back. For weeks I couldn't bend my left leg while walking else a sharp pain would shoot up my back. Eventually though, it got better.


To this day, it will flair up from time to time if I have to lift something off kilter or sleep on it entirely wrong. Sleeping on a proper mattress has helped TREMENDOUSLY though. I haven't woke up sore/stiff for a while now, and if I do, it's gone in a few hours.


Every time I do aggravate it though I always say I should call a back doctor next time, and yet I never do. Eventually maybe I should have it looked at.

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Hey Vince, I can come get you tomorrow afternoon and take you up if need be. Lemme know.


Thanks for the offer, but I am heading back to the place by me today at 4:30 to go over the x-rays and his recovery plan. I was able to put my own socks on today, so that's a plus. :)


Pain has went down from 8-9 to ~2-3 over the weekend and into today. Very few killer sharp pains today. I am visually more "twisted" out of shape looking in a mirror though. My wife bought a kickass back brace Saturday that really helped.


We shall see.

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Please guys, enough.




No really, I do. I have 6. It is not the cause of the problem though. We looked at x-rays, did the vibrating table, stem, an adjustment, a half dozen exercises, and I now have an 8 week plan in place.



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Yea, so he can look at you, throw some Flexeril at you and tell you go see a PT.


Then when it continues to hurt, he will send you for an MRI for $1500 to $3000, and then tell you he does not know whats wrong, you will have to live with it. Or better yet he will tell you your getting older and you should expect to feel that way. That is the typical visits to your local MD, unless it is a fracture, tumor, or infection.

Total cost of care.... about 6K



Now there is quality care....lol


3k for an MRI? i went to proscan and they billed me at full price since it was going to go thru PI for insurance and it was 1400. do places really charge 2x as much? isnt proscan one of the best in town?

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I sense a bit of inter-medicinery hostility.




But. I also occasionally experience a knotting or tightening of the spine area in between the shoulder blades. Sometimes it takes my wife cracking my back to get rid of it, sometimes it just lingers for a while and up to a few days. When bad it effects my range of movement in my arms while playing sports.


One of you diagnose and tell me how to fix this!!!!


damnit, I'm about to turn 25 and feel like I'm falling apart.

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This just happened to me a back in September. I just went to pick up somestuff before I went to bed. Bent over picked up a five pound box and felt something pull. I lift weights everyday and couldnt believe a five pound box hurt me like that. Anyway I went to bed knowing my back was going to be sore in the morning.


Woke up and was stiff as a board, couldnt bend over or anything but could walk pretty fine. I went 3 days went to the doctor, and all he said was to take some ibuprofen and take it easy. So I did went 2 more days felt good enough to play a round a golf, especially since I was drinking with a couple buddies.


When I woke up on sunday I couldnt even get out of bed. It took everything I had to crawl on all fours to get to the bathroom to piss. I called in for work for the next 3 days and just laid around on the couch and didnt get up for anything unless it was the restroom. My shoulders went one way and my hips went the other.


Finally I just went to a med-stop and they injected some meds into my ass and gave me some tylenol 3 with codine and some muscle relaxers for 5 days, and the problem went away within in hours and I havent had an issue since. I make sure to watch how lift things now though.


Hopefully you get better and have a quick recovery like I did and not do what I did and keep putting off medical care.

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