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Buckeyes New Uniforms


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In case you haven't heard, the Bucks will be sporting new uniforms for the Michigan game.







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anyone else think this is a giant waste of fucking money? "we are only going to wear them 1 time" WTF get some use outta that shit


I'm not a "football guy" but this happened a year or so ago in Rugby. The largest rugby jersey maker came out with a new, modern and redesigned jersey (which this new buckeye jersey resembles) that functioned a lot better. They started to wear it for the world cup only, but now its the standard jersey. So I think this is a similar deal...technology ftw. Ofcourse the rugby jerseys dont have room for pussy pads :)

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Hate it.......dont mess with tradition. On a whole i dont feel buckeye nation will care for them as well. Work on your offense and leave the damn uni's alone.


WTF are you talking about it? It's a tribute to tradition. It's supposed to be a tribute to what they wore in the 50's...

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WTF are you talking about it? It's a tribute to tradition. It's supposed to be a tribute to what they wore in the 50's...



They said they are paying tribute to the 54 team.....it dosent say anywhere it's a 54 throwback uniform! If it's supposed to be....it dosent look much like them, our away jersery is already white, so what is throwback about this? Nothing.. Thats what i'm saying this jersery dosent pay homage to anything except PR for a new design for NIKE.

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anyone else think this is a giant waste of fucking money? "we are only going to wear them 1 time" WTF get some use outta that shit


Waste of money? Do you know how many people are going to have to go out and buy this jersey as soon as it hits the shelf? I wouldn't buy one with your money, but I'm sure everyone will buy it up once it's for sale. Just look at the ugly ass Steelers throwbacks. Everyone and their brother got one of those.

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anyone else think this is a giant waste of fucking money? "we are only going to wear them 1 time" WTF get some use outta that shit


really?! Nike provides the uniform's free of cost, you think OSU actually pays for that shit?! Be serious, this is simply a ploy to make a little more $ out of the rolling cash cow that is OSU football.

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anyone else think this is a giant waste of fucking money? "we are only going to wear them 1 time" WTF get some use outta that shit


While the rumor is official, the jersey that's in the link is not the official jersey we're going to be wearing...I actually REALLY hope it isn't. Can't we get some gray action going on?


Whoa, I didn't realize we had 2 players on the board. Good luck on Saturday guys!

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i dont care what they wear as long as they win. that said, it looks ok. but i dont want to see this turn into an oregon state situation, with their 9mil uniform combos....



also, apparently nike facilitates this deal but UM is an adidas school. hows that work?

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