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Fridge just died


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So.. just spent 800 bucks on tires yesterday.. and what happens? Our freezer crapped out on us tonight. I have a freezer full of veggies i just got prepped and frozen for the winter.. and now they are all mush. :( Came home to a puddle of water in front of the fridge.


Are they quickly repairable? is it worth it? Fridge has to be less than 10years old in my estimation (we have been in teh house for 7 years, appliaances were basicly new when we moved in)


We arent strapped for cash and will replace it if we have to, but its a big fridge (26CuFt), and the space its in will look stupid wit anything smaller(nor can i imagine anything smaller), just wish i didnt have to plunk down another 1k for something this close to christmas :(

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I'm around the corner if you need a place to store your meat for a day or two




Edit: Actually my mom has a spare fridge. Let me get the measurements on it (if you are looking for a used one for the time being)


You are? ididtn realize you lived over here :)


Let me know.. (i have no truck, do you?)

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Appliance Smart (or mart or whatever) can be a good place for a fridge, if they have lots. If they only have a few they are very expensive. I usually go to Sears and get 6 mos same as cash, and pay it off.


If you are strapped for cash, $800 tires don't really seem like the way to go as far as tires goes.

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I'm around the corner if you need a place to store your meat for a day or two




Edit: Actually my mom has a spare fridge. Let me get the measurements on it (if you are looking for a used one for the time being)


Brian’s great at storing meat, he stored mine one evening when my "Fridge went out ;) "

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If it is similar to the situation I had a few months ago, it could only be a couple hundred dollar fix. I had too much ice build up because of a heater coil or something going bad. It blocked air flow up my freezer.


May not be a big deal.

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Brian’s great at storing meat, he stored mine one evening when my "Fridge went out ;) "


LOL, I forgot my no homo tag on that post!


Sounds like Steve (Killjoy) has more space if you need a place to store it. But let me know if you need help anyway. I'm poor so my freezer is empty until I get my food stamps :p

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LOL, I forgot my no homo tag on that post!


Sounds like Steve (Killjoy) has more space if you need a place to store it. But let me know if you need help anyway. I'm poor so my freezer is empty until I get my food stamps :p


Are you coming on to me... :confused:

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Appliance Smart (or mart or whatever) can be a good place for a fridge, if they have lots. If they only have a few they are very expensive. I usually go to Sears and get 6 mos same as cash, and pay it off.


If you are strapped for cash, $800 tires don't really seem like the way to go as far as tires goes.

not wanting to spend two huge chunks a change a month doesnt mean strapped for cash. I do can but not all veggies should be canned.



Had a repaimen come out today.. 600 for new compressor..boo.. Fride for our house is in a spot where the new one should be close to the same saze or it will look silly. So we are going to price some 26cuft fridges.

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