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Global Warming=Fraud


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I just quickly read through it, but I don't see any solid proof in there that it's a fraud. Couple of sentences in there could could be misinterpreted as such, but its not very solid evidence. It's very clear on what the opinion of the writer of that article is though. Everything is always a conspiracy :rolleyes:


Need more facts from scientists that aren't influenced by politicians.

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Scanned it very quickly. IMO, there's no denying that the climate is changing. Bottom line is Glacier National Park and many of the coldest parts of the earth are not what they used to be 100 years ago.


I also won't doubt for one minute that the big bad oil companies are using money and influence to shoot down anything that will in some way impact their profits. Between Oil and Drugs, just follow the money and the truth will eventually be had.


Personally, I don't care as much about the use of fossil fuels as I do the impact we have be being so reliant on others to supply us our fix. Either way, we need to find a better source of power.

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I read a story published by a UCLA prof. a couple of years ago talking about how global warming is just a way of keeping the public uninformed about the true climate condition in today’s world... There are a few universities trying to tell people how global warming is just a political standpoint, but the "free" media doesn't want to post stuff like that. I'm going to try to find the article and post it up...
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Scanned it very quickly. IMO, there's no denying that the climate is changing. Bottom line is Glacier National Park and many of the coldest parts of the earth are not what they used to be 100 years ago.


That's just the way the world works. Climates change. I'm sure after our time there will be another ice age at some point and most things will be come instinct. I've always though global warming was a hoax.

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That's just the way the world works. Climates change. I'm sure after our time there will be another ice age at some point and most things will be come instinct. I've always though global warming was a hoax.


Yes climates do change, but not on a global scale over 100 years.

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Yes climates do change, but not on a global scale over 100 years.



And what about the CO2 levels being the highest ever measured in the atmosphere (and they are able to measure this 100's-1000's of years in the past from ice core samples).


And what about the CO2 dissolved in the worlds oceans being so high that is causes acidification and bleaching coral?

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Theres no way anyone can convince me global warming is actually going on....yes shit is changing but weather patterns have only been measured and kept since about the 1600's. The earth is estimated to be 4.55 Billion years old. You break that down into terms that are a little easier to calculate that means if the earth has been around for 1 year (365 days), we've been tracking the weather for about .0000000003 seconds. Yea, definately enough to predict whats going on.


And if pollution and humans are to blame for the weather changes, then I wanna know what in the hell the dinosaurs where driving because they got fucked over BIG TIME.

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I just quickly read through it, but I don't see any solid proof in there that it's a fraud. Couple of sentences in there could could be misinterpreted as such, but its not very solid evidence. It's very clear on what the opinion of the writer of that article is though. Everything is always a conspiracy :rolleyes:


Need more facts from scientists that aren't influenced by politicians.


We dont have very few real scientists anymore, and they are ignored because some how the media really likes to take studies done by tax payer money as gospel. The Government gives schools and organizations research money, and everyone knows the Gov.s stand on the issue. Conflict of interest.


What happens if those organizations tell the government that global warming isn't caused by people? bye-bye grant money.


Not conspiracy, common sense.

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And if pollution and humans are to blame for the weather changes, then I wanna know what in the hell the dinosaurs where driving because they got fucked over BIG TIME.


They were killed by some Martian Ricer hot-tailing his VTEC powered asteroid around the galaxy until he lost control and wrecked.

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What I'm trying to figure out is why logically, it would seem indisputable that things are getting warmer (glaciers melting and ice caps shrinking aren't being disputed, just the probable non-validity of much of the sea/air/land temperature observation data), yet my instinct says we're getting colder.
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It's a global average that's getting warmer, not the peak temperatures in every area.


He was interviewed and gave his explanations to what was written in the e-mails. If you are interested: http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2009/11/26/807934/-Michael-Mann-Responds-to-CRU-Hack


Also, everyone in this thread that thinks it's fraud has failed to address the fact that CO2 levels are the highest they have been and the problems it is causing in the environment. I, for one, believe the scientists because that's their job, that's their life's work, they pour over extremely large sets of data and do research into their fields. Right now the only people that seem to be denying climate change are politicians and average joe's that have no scientific background.

Edited by Mallard
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Right now the only people that seem to be denying climate change are politicians and average joe's that have no scientific background.


But everything we read on the internet is the truth isn't it? ;) Welcome to the age of keyboard quarterbacks.

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The articles sound damning, but are taken out of context. Scientists do "tricks" with the data all the time to make a clearer picture of a trend. Global warming isn't going away. Changes happen for reasons. I have not heard any other reasonable explanations for global warming. Edited by Richard Cranium
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I believe the climate is going to change hotter or colder naturally, without humans being a major factor.


Earthquakes and volcanic activity release more carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases than cars and factories do. Hell, cow farts do more damage than every piece of industrial machinery operating in America today.


If humans are to blame, get China and India to front most of the cap-and-trade cost on pollution...have you SEEN the crap they are putting into the air and water???

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