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Disfunctional family members, everyone has them.......right?


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I had an uncle that tried to drop off the grid...


Stopped paying taxes and renewing his license, just drove around at 55mph so no one bothered him. Lived in a teepee (I shit you not) on a buddies land so that no one could get a hold of him. Refused to get a cell phone. He prepared as much of his own food as he could, and had some kind of hole that he dug in the ground and had some way of heating up water in it so he could bathe. Basically like surviorman or something.


We always say that he was born like 200 years too late. He does have some sweet stories though. Oh and he's a HUGE conspiracy nut, always talking about the government putting stuff in the contrials from jets and stuff hahaha. I credit him with my interest in cryptozoology and the paranormal.

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my real grandpa, we'll just say he's a sicko individual. i haven't seen/heard from him in 15 years, nor do i want to. i'll go to his funeral, but only to make sure he's dead.


then, my cousin (cousin as in my uncle married her mom when she was like ~6) and not that shes not from that trailer trash side of the family already, turned 22 like this summer, and is now pregnant with her 5th kid. i *think* only 2 of them are from the same guy. she might have custody of one of them, has been in and out of jail for not paying child support, etc.


that whole branch of the family is all sorts of fucked up. her mom, i believe is a meth head...she had a bunch of missing teeth/meth mouth last year at thanksgiving, looked tweaked out. my cousins (twins, same family), need a board across their ass. got caught skating and riding bikes thru the school halls when they found the doors unlocked...one climbed a tree, said he couldnt get down because his feet hurt, fire dept comes out, gets him down, shoes on wrong feet. they both got caught throwing rocks at passing cars, got caught throwing ears of corn at a cop car (was still chunks of corn in the grille when the cop took them home).

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32 years old


I hope he gets his shit together, but his actions say he wont.


HOLY SHIT! I assumed he was in his low twenties by the way you described him. At least if he were young he could use the excuse that its just a "phase" but i guess he's a bit old for that. Honestly I think everyone has some sort of dysfunction. I saw a therapist after my dad passed and I thought our family was fucked b/c we fought all the time, even she told me "come have dinner with my family and you'll see your not alone" sure enough I sat at a dinner table with a bunch of stranger's yelling at each other, it was kinda funny really.


Anyway, I know what your going through with your brother. I have a sibling (older) who does the same shit. The world only revolves around them and how to better themselves yet they dont see that their stepping over everyone else at the same time. It made me mad for a long time then I just realized I cant change them. I still love my family regardless you just have to set boundaries. As in, if he ask's for money or ANYTHING money related just say no. Eventually he'll stop asking.

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My uncle, he's retarded.


He's in his mid 40's, has filed bk no less than 3 times, had multiple cars repoed, having his condo foreclosed on now, swindles money from my mom and grandma, and all he cares about is drinking/smoking/hanging at the bar playing pool. Pisses me off just to think about it.

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thanks for all of the replies guys. I know I am not alone, but like many of you it pisses me off to think about it.


I know he wont change, and that is the worst part. He is dragging my parents down too, more so emotionally than financially, but they aren't exactly swimming in money and have very little retirement and are giving him money to help out which sets them back from their goals. He just got a job with my other brother, so I will give him some time to get things back in order.


If he screws this job up I am going to have a big decision to make on if I want to risk our relationship to say what needs to be said.

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thanks for all of the replies guys. I know I am not alone, but like many of you it pisses me off to think about it.


I know he wont change, and that is the worst part. He is dragging my parents down too, more so emotionally than financially, but they aren't exactly swimming in money and have very little retirement and are giving him money to help out which sets them back from their goals. He just got a job with my other brother, so I will give him some time to get things back in order.


If he screws this job up I am going to have a big decision to make on if I want to risk our relationship to say what needs to be said.


Honestly the best thing you can do at this point is air it out and tell him the truth. who cares if he gets mad at you, says he hates you or whatever his reaction may be. Never know maybe it will give him a moment to self analyze and see the shit he's doing wrong?

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