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Love and Marriage


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When you get married, it's a commitment to stay with someone for the rest of your life, no matter what comes.


I'm committed to staying with my partner forever and we aren't married or ever plan to be. She's definitely the one. We just don't believe in marriage. It's just a societal norm, name, badge to put on something that doesn't need it.

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I often think alot about these two topics....do they still exist in today's fucked up society? With divorce at an all time high, can people just be happy forever just being together? DISCUSS.


I for one believe in love.

Marriage I feel is something that is rushed into by most. Wether it is them being too young and nieve...or a baby on the way...we live in a society of instant gradification. Not long term investments.


Agreed. One reason I'll stay fishing the seas, continuing my catch and release tactics. Not to mention, I don't want to settle either.

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I was worried as a teenager wondering if I would ever find someone I could spend my life with who would put up with me. I can honestly say that 16 years later, I am more in love with my wife than ever before and each day we grow closer. Its not always easy but I know I am married for life.
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I often think alot about these two topics....do they still exist in today's fucked up society? With divorce at an all time high, can people just be happy forever just being together? DISCUSS.


I for one believe in love.

Marriage I feel is something that is rushed into by most. Wether it is them being too young and nieve...or a baby on the way...we live in a society of instant gradification. Not long term investments.


I totally agree with you on this. I, personally, have dumped two women because they were so driven by their own personal "life schedule" (ie, have to meet the man on my dreams at 24, married by 26, buy house at 26, first kid by 27, second kid by 29 live happily ever after, etc...) I have another friend who is such a head case about this she thinks since she's made it to the ripe age of 27 that no guy would ever want her her dreams of becoming a housewife etc... will never happen and she'll become the old 'cat lady' in her apartment building. I keep telling her you cant rush chemisty, if it happens it happens if not then keep going.

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Two of my exes from the past 6 months just got married.


One got married 2 weeks after she told me she wanted to fuck me. The other 3 months after she told me she "loved" me.


Ones 19, the others 23.


Marriage = teh gay


Love = overrated


Agreed. Same thing has happened with the last 2 guys i've dated. less than 6 months later, they were married.

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edit****when I say people being happy just being together I mean in a relationship but not married.


I believe one of the most basic definitions of marriage is that I agree to stay with that person through problems/bad times/issues that I would have dumped them on their ass for if we were just dating. I don't think people have that same thought process in mind anymore when thinking of marriage.

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I couldn't imagine getting married right now. Most of my friends, if not all of them went out and got married or engaged in the last year. It's like when they all turned 23-24 they felt like they had to go get married. Screw that, I'm sure most of them will be divorced by 30. I can wait.
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