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Urban Meyer is a quitter


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The dude is only 45, and at least looks to be in reasonably good heath.


I wonder what the real reason is (which could be some health condition they don't want to let out).


He has a genetic heart defect apparently.


He could lower his stress and be the offensive coordinator at OSU :)

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You are just now realizing that? You should go talk to Utah...


The real health issue here is an allergenic type thing...he's allergic to rebuilding years!


The thing that makes me laugh so hard is they are calling him a legend already? Good god I hate ESPN

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Maybe it's just and Ohio thing, but why does everyone hate the Gators organization!? Men lie, women lie but the numbers don’t. What they’ve done the past few years has been very impressive and as a fan of the game, I’d imagine that most would have to appreciate a good thing.
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I think the numbers 41 and 14 might have something to do with that hatred along with the Basketball Championship tOSU lost to Florida that same year....


2 National Titles in 4 years, damn near went for a 3rd time in 4 years this year. They just got outplayed by Alabama who is going to win the damn thing anyways lol. They are a good team, will they be as good next year....well only time will tell.

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OSU fans are still butthurt that we (yes we, I'm delusional about being a part of the Florida organization) beat the shit out of them. OSU fans were embarrassed that they talked so much shit about Florida before the '06 NC game, only to see their precious Buckeyes get their asses whooped. I realize I live in Columbus and surrounded by OSU fans, but my God I had never heard so much shit talk in my life before that game. And then all the excuses after the blowout, LOL. I've been a Gator fan my whole life. Don't get me wrong I like OSU, but there's no doubt about who my favorite is.


And yeah Tebow and Spikes are gone, but UF will be back strong next year. John Brantley is the best quarterback you've never heard of. But don't worry, you'll hear plenty about him soon enough

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