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Piano Lessons?


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IDK, I'd say wait until she is a few years older. 3 seems really young, at least to someone without kids and not in any related field. Maybe there is someone or a program out there built around teaching kids this age. That's the only way I could imagine it working.


Me and my brother and sister all played instruments. Me and my brother started in late elementary school. The school we were at started stringed instruments in 4th grade and winds in 5th. Sister might have started a little sooner, but not much. She played piano so it was private lessons, so they could have theoretically started her whenever. There is probably a reason that the school we were at waited until around that age (do schools still wait until then)?


At 3, unless your kid is some savant I can't imagine 'lessons' being very productive.

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I disagree.


Like I said, maybe I'm wrong. Just seems young at first glance. Do you know of anywhere or anyone who works with children this age?


I'm sure it could help with the right program. I don't think me starting to play at 10 held me back at all from doing everything that I possibly could in the field. Which wasn't much, but I think I developed as much as I possibly could. I could see it helping to stimulate overall learning development if done correctly.


At 3 I was probably busy eating dirt and running in circles around my house. At 5 or 6 I was busying playing the woods. I don't believe in 'teaching' kids in a traditional sense at that age. At 3 I think they are best taught reading and language by being read to and they they are best taught music by hearing.


But like I said, I'm no expert in the field and I don't have kids.


What does teaching look like at 3 years old? I don't exactly know but I don't think it's piano 'lessons'. I should state that I'm imagining lessons in the traditional sense. Starting with basics, these are the notes, then moving onto timing, scales, etc. Your traditional teaching structure where you start with basics as we know them and build up. I would think something that would be productive for a 3 year old would have to be much different and purpose built with a ~3 year old in mind.


I will go a little further and say I don't think you need to worry about having a 3 year old in piano lessons. Maybe that's a more appropriate, even if blunt way to state what I was trying to say before.

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give me a day or two. i know my sister took lessons from a guy in our old neighborhood who played for the columbus symphony orchestra or whatever it was...he wasnt much older than me either. i *think* his name was stan, but i cant remember for sure.
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I started my son around 6 or 7, but people start sooner. He takes lessons at Colonial Music in Hilliard. I think it is $60/month.





After doing a little Online looking, and making a few calls.... I think we should probably wait a little bit.





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As a music major, learning to play by year can either come really easy, or come with alot of training, one of my classes requires me to be tested on hearing a short melody and writing it on paper note for note. It isn't that easy for a drummer!


As far as lessons, I could teach a 3 year old, but prefeer to look teach older kids. As far as lessons, either of the previous listed people, or try hitting up a piano major at Ohio State, be extra beer money for them, and also probably be cheeper for you!

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