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Daycare / Babysitting Rates?


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Anyone pay someone to babysit their child, or do you babysit some kids? I'm not talking "teenager" type rates here, I'm talking actual adult supervision of a child, mostly after and before school. My wife is going to start watching the neighbor kid (she is 6) for an hour each time, before school, and after school. She also might take on another kid or two before/after school.


What do you charge/pay for that? Half day, full day, weekly rates, etc. Newborn to 1 year, toddler, preschool and school age, etc. I'm also talking "friend" prices here, not what you'd pay the local daycare business. They will charge far more than we are going to charge... :)

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as someone who is now currently an employed nanny, i knowhe pay is VERRY little.


I will be making 35$ a day for a newborn. I will have the child from 10a-4pm


I know its a bit low, but i have done some research and this seems pretty par for the coarse for in house daycare.


I have read that around 40-50 a day is average in the area for a newborn/infant.

I will also be doing this under the table, so no taxes, but it also means i cant use the Daycare tax incentives either. (parts of your groceries, car payments, cell phone bill)

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Guest tbutera2112
when i was in elementary school the person who babysat me charged like 200 a week per child...so about $40 a day...summer breaks and stuff like that, i stayed at the school after school with a latchkey program during the normal days
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I will be making 35$ a day for a newborn. I will have the child from 10a-4pm


I'd say that's REALLY cheap for a newborn. That's $5.83 an hour. I was thinking of charging $7.50 an hour to watch the 6 year old, so $15 a day for the two hours we'll have her.

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I'd say that's REALLY cheap for a newborn. That's $5.83 an hour. I was thinking of charging $7.50 an hour to watch the 6 year old, so $15 a day for the two hours we'll have her.


Let me clear things up.


YOu pay a babysitter by the hour. This is temporary pay, not full time expected pay, so yes 7.50 for two hours is acceptable, as long as it was not every day.


You pay full time day care by the day, so I will be paid 175 a week for $35 a day.


I did my research on Sitters.com and talked to other Full time Nannies.


I wanted to get 40-50 a day, but the family couldnt afford it, however they are quite literally around the block, and will drop off and pick up every day, and i felt it was a acceptable with me not having to pay for gas, and being able walk basicly 5 houses away to work.


I have about 6 friends that do this, stay at home mom's with early childhood development degrees. They make $160 - $180 / week / child. They all have regimented schedules of learning, play, socialization, etc...

Exactly. ;)

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We pay $30 a day. This is for a 7 month old. She can go when she wants, meaning full or part time. We don't have to pay when we don't take her. She stays there from about 8 to 430. She is there an average of 4 days a week.
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My daughter didn't go to daycare until she was 7 and it wa like $180 a week for full time, when they had her for a couple hours in the morning they still wanted $120 a week to watch her and drop her at school. My daughter hated the place. We have found a local guy with a half dozen kids who watches her for $20 a day in the summer, and she's happy there.
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My sister does this, but mainly for evening/weekend type things where parents want to have a night out/whatever, she charges $10/hr for the first kid, and $3/more/hour for the other kids. She has probably 15 families that she does this for on a fairly regular schedule.


Just my .02

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My sister does this, but mainly for evening/weekend type things where parents want to have a night out/whatever, she charges $10/hr for the first kid, and $3/more/hour for the other kids. She has probably 15 families that she does this for on a fairly regular schedule.


Just my .02


and this is an appropriate charge for this type of babysitting, and further proves my point.

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We pay $30 a day. This is for a 7 month old. She can go when she wants, meaning full or part time. We don't have to pay when we don't take her. She stays there from about 8 to 430. She is there an average of 4 days a week.


Ours is the same. She was highly referred from people we know. Our son is 4 1/2 months old and she only has one other child in the house. We drop him off anywhere from 7:30 in the morning and usually pick him up around 5:30 or so, but she made it clear up until 7:30 PM was acceptable. That makes it great if we want to do a quick something after work. Only down side is, you pay for the whole week if he is there or not. Excluding holidays or vacations etc. Its working out great so far.

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my wife charges 10 dollars an hour to do it. (she's certified in about everything you can imagine plus has a degree in early childhood development.)


Now she works at La Petite as a full time job now, and for children under 2, the going rate is 270 a week. (I guess it's going to go up after the new year)

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Im currently looking for someone to watch my son and possibly daughter in powell. I would prefer to pay someone to come to my house or i could take them there. if anyone knows anyone interested please let me know.


How old are they?

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