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Question on Selling Etiquette


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Explain to me what you would do in this example of an item you are selling. Lets say you listed it for $1000 and from the get go you had people interested and wanting to buy it with cash. So you take the first person who offered cash to you and you give a verbal aggreement over the phone that you'll sell it to him this week sometime. Then lets say that people start calling and offering you more then $1000 like lets say $1300 and they also have cash. Should you stick with the previous buyer and take his 1000 keep ur word or go with the higher buyers and get the most money you can out of the sell???



Reason i'm saying all of this is recently I been selling something where this happened to me and I took the latter approach and went with the highest buyer instead of sticking with my original low offer. I was even kind enough to call the man and let him know the situation in a nice manner and even gave him a chance to match the price in which i'd sell it to him on the spot in which he replied "You can keep your item. Now I know what kind of person you are, thanks." This pissed me off that he was giving me lip so I replied with"well I wont be keeping the item since I have somebody buying it tomorrow buddy." I understand this guy thought we had some buyer/seller bond going on and if the higher amount was only $50 or so I would've sold it to him on principle but when it comes to making money if i'm going to make $300 more dollars going with another deal I'm going for it. I just get amused when people get all butthurt.


/sellers rant.

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Explain to me what you would do in this example of an item you are selling. Lets say you listed it for $1000 and from the get go you had people interested and wanting to buy it with cash. So you take the first person who offered cash to you and you give a verbal aggreement over the phone that you'll sell it to him this week sometime. Then lets say that people start calling and offering you more then $1000 like lets say $1300 and they also have cash. Should you stick with the previous buyer and take his 1000 keep ur word or go with the higher buyers and get the most money you can out of the sell???



Fixed so you could figure out the problem. Don't agree to something, then back out and bitch that people call you out on "what kind of person you are." If you were going to entertain other offers you should have not made a commitment and made the first buyer aware.

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i'd do it too. unless it was someone i knew or dealt with a lot, oh well. lets see...i make you happy one time, or i get $300 and make myself happy. not a hard decision.


EXACTLY. I dont know who the fuck this guy is nor do I care. He's not family or my priest. And i'm not really pissed that he gave me lip. I laughed about it b/c he thought i'd be dumb to go with his offer and not make extra money on another. And agreements dont mean shit til the money is in hand. I've got dicked with enough times with people saying they'd buy and never show up and wasting my time and me losing other buyers. Fuck that



P.S. I sleep very well at night and can look myself in the mirror and smile.:cool:

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EXACTLY. I dont know who the fuck this guy is nor do I care. He's not family or my priest. And i'm not really pissed that he gave me lip. I laughed about it b/c he thought i'd be dumb to go with his offer and not make extra money on another. And agreements dont mean shit til the money is in hand. I've got dicked with enough times with people saying they'd buy and never show up and wasting my time and me losing other buyers. Fuck that



P.S. I sleep very well at night and can look myself in the mirror and smile.:cool:


Then why make the agreement? That's my only problem with it. Be honest. Tell the buyer that a verbal agreement is worth as much as the shit you just took this morning, and they better hurry because the first person to show up with the cash gets it.


I buy/sell a lot of stuff. Believe me, I know a lot of people back out/never show. That's why I ALWAYS tell people that I can't hold anything without a deposit and a signed paper outlining a timeframe.

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Then why make the agreement? That's my only problem with it. Be honest. Tell the buyer that a verbal agreement is worth as much as the shit you just took this morning, and they better hurry because the first person to show up with the cash gets it.


I made an agreement only b/c I'm not going to make 4 people rush to my house to see who gets there first. I told him I'd call him the next day on plans to meet up. that was all. Then I called him later that night telling him I got offered higher and if he wanted to match it that i'd sell it to him. He declined. end of story

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first person to put cash in my hand wins. some one shows up first(that is not the guy i just talked to say via a phone call and says he's on his way) and offers more money. its gone.
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I would have been too. You agreed upon a price, then you bumped the price back up by $300. You should have listed it on ebay if you wanted the highest bidder.


Well thats the way life is. If you were selling ur infinity wheels for $1000 to somebody and gave them an agreement and then someone else that day said they'd give you $1400 for them dont even tell me you'd still go w/ the $1000 deal. And if you did then you for sure dont like money.

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If I worked out a deal with someone for $1000 for my wheels, I more than likely worked out a time in which we would be completing the deal. If I then received a call from another party that was interested, I would stick with the appointment I already set up and if it fell through, I would then pursue the other interested party. It's called honesty & character, look into it.
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Well thats the way life is. If you were selling ur infinity wheels for $1000 to somebody and gave them an agreement and then someone else that day said they'd give you $1400 for them dont even tell me you'd still go w/ the $1000 deal. And if you did then you for sure dont like money.


You can't buy integrity. You bet your ass if I have an AGREEMENT with someone I keep it. With a buyer I don't know or trust, I make it crystal clear that there is no binding between either party until money is exchanged.

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If I worked out a deal with someone for $1000 for my wheels, I more than likely worked out a time in which we would be completing the deal. If I then received a call from another party that was interested, I would stick with the appointment I already set up and if it fell through, I would then pursue the other interested party. It's called honesty & character, look into it.


Well you are fucking retarded then. Unless this deal is with a family member or a friend, I'm going with the higher offered amount everytime.


You can't buy integrity. You bet your ass if I have an AGREEMENT with someone I keep it. With a buyer I don't know or trust, I make it crystal clear that there is no binding between either party until money is exchanged.


Same goes for you. If i'm not dealing w/ a family member or friend you bet ur ass i'm selling it to the highest buyer. Integrity doesn't come into the picture with strangers that have a tendancy to not follow through.

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Well you are fucking retarded then. Unless this deal is with a family member or a friend, I'm going with the higher offered amount everytime.


Same goes for you. If i'm not dealing w/ a family member or friend you bet ur ass i'm selling it to the highest buyer. Integrity doesn't come into the picture with strangers that have a tendancy to not follow through.



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'Nuff said.

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Same goes for you. If i'm not dealing w/ a family member or friend you bet ur ass i'm selling it to the highest buyer. Integrity doesn't come into the picture with strangers that have a tendancy to not follow through.


Some people[1] see integrity as the quality of having a sense of honesty and truthfulness in regard to the motivations for one's actions. Some people[who?] use the term "hypocrisy" in contrast to integrity[citation needed] for asserting that one part of a value system demonstrably conflicts with another, and to demand that the parties holding apparently conflicting values account for the discrepancy or change their beliefs to improve internal consistency (seen as a virtue).


You complain about buyers falling though, but have no problem being a seller that falls though. Hence the "hypocrisy." I have no problem with 99% of what you are saying. The problem lies in the fact that you as a seller have the power to make clear the terms of the sale. If YOUR TERMS are: first person with cash/highest bidder/or what the fuck ever you want, you need to make that clear to the buyer. Just make an effort to not make agreements and break them.


No more on the subject from me. I feel like it's not going anywhere.

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You complain about buyers falling though, but have no problem being a seller that falls though. Hence the "hypocrisy." I have no problem with 99% of what you are saying. The problem lies in the fact that you as a seller have the power to make clear the terms of the sale. If YOUR TERMS are: first person with cash/highest bidder/or what the fuck ever you want, you need to make that clear to the buyer. Just make an effort to not make agreements and break them.


No more on the subject from me. I feel like it's not going anywhere.


To squash this, I should've said in the beginning that the highest offer is the one I'll take. I just wasn't expecting other people to start offering me more then what I was asking. I'm going with the higher offer, you guys can call me an asshole, night night

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Just answer the one questions you've avoided a few times now: Did you have a time set up with the first buyer?


No, I only told him that I would call him the next day to talk further about meeting and setting up a time.



And I wasn't avoiding ur question. I thought I made it clear that nothing was set in stone with this guy.

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