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Anyone here been to Cuba?


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I've got a buddy with a go-fast boat in Naples that goes there...Cuba's not lined with machine gun turrets and barbed wire like people think. You just want to know where your destination is before you go and make sure it's friendly.


He has...uh...bizness there which justifies the trips. I'll never tell. :)


However, I wouldn't mess with going there until the embargo is lifted.

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Then why are you making the point that it's off the coast of FL if you're going to Canada to get in?


I agree with you that there are ways in, but if you go by boat from America you need to know where you're going first to avoid trouble...


I had the oppty to go a couple of times, but I pussied out.

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In the 50s it is where the rat pack dudes hung out. I have seen a bunch of shows on TV about it, and it looks cool. I want to go diving off their coast because it is fairly pristine. Plus, I want to go smoke a cigar that was just rolled - with the guy that rolled it. Basically I want to go because it looks like a cool place to me.
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In the 50s it is where the rat pack dudes hung out. I have seen a bunch of shows on TV about it, and it looks cool. I want to go diving off their coast because it is fairly pristine. Plus, I want to go smoke a cigar that was just rolled - with the guy that rolled it. Basically I want to go because it looks like a cool place to me.


You were definitely just watching Travel Channel lol. Cuba does look sweet as hell. I thought everyone looked fun and happy..........

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In the 50s it is where the rat pack dudes hung out. I have seen a bunch of shows on TV about it, and it looks cool. I want to go diving off their coast because it is fairly pristine. Plus, I want to go smoke a cigar that was just rolled - with the guy that rolled it. Basically I want to go because it looks like a cool place to me.


You were definitely just watching Travel Channel lol. Cuba does look sweet as hell. I thought everyone looked fun and happy..........


What they show you on TV and what it is in real life are completely different things. Just go to Jamaica instead, they have nice coast lines and you can smoke a different kind of cigar from a guy who just rolled it.

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I realize that Americans aren't supposed to go there, but there are plenty of ways around that.


Its like 60 miles from our shores, I have always wanted to go there.


You go there the same way I came here. On an olden wooden door. Wait by the beach long enough, you can trade a bottled water for someone's elses "raft" coming in. :D


Tip: If while riding the raft, someone knocks, don't answer.

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You were definitely just watching Travel Channel lol. Cuba does look sweet as hell. I thought everyone looked fun and happy..........


Of course everyone looks happy, just like in China or North Korea, look happy or go to jail.



Edit: Or Venesuela too.

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I have no desire to go there. Something about foreign jails that have no relations with the US kinda scares me.


They don't imprison Americans... tourism is their main source of foreign spending. And especially now with Raul in power, he may not be doing anything to help lift the embargo but that's only because Fidel is still alive and supposedly in better health. They only imprison domestic dissidents and political activists.


Of course everyone looks happy, just like in China or North Korea, look happy or go to jail.



Edit: Or Venesuela too.


I've been to Venezuela, and you'd be surprised. Most of the people are happy. Now, that's to say the majority of the people were living in horrific conditions pre-Chavez. Now at least even the poorest of people in Caracas have cable tv, healthcare, and running water. So although the rich don't end up benefitting at all from gov't programs, the majority of people enjoy a higher standard of living.



People always think South America is backwards, when in reality they're just backlashing against the unjustified U.S. interventions there. Chile had a democratically elected Communist regime that was overthrown by a CIA-backed military coup led by Augusto Pinochet. Then came 17 years of political imprisonment and assassinations. Democracy doesn't always work, much less when the U.S. forces it.

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I've been to Venezuela, and you'd be surprised. Most of the people are happy. Now, that's to say the majority of the people were living in horrific conditions pre-Chavez. Now at least even the poorest of people in Caracas have cable tv, healthcare, and running water. So although the rich don't end up benefitting at all from gov't programs, the majority of people enjoy a higher standard of living.


I will agree that the poorest people in some places there are living better with Chavez, but, I have met a lot of journalists, engeneers, doctors, etc... that have fled to Colombia because of land and businesses being seized. There is also the fact that Chavez wants to make Golf illegal, seize control of auto-industry, and more. I fear for the standard of living of the majority of people in 10 or 20 years if Chavez remains in power. Of course, I am Colombian and it is a very pro-american/anti-chavez country so I am going to be coming from that point of view.

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I will agree that the poorest people in some places there are living better with Chavez, but, I have met a lot of journalists, engeneers, doctors, etc... that have fled to Colombia because of land and businesses being seized. There is also the fact that Chavez wants to make Golf illegal, seize control of auto-industry, and more. I fear for the standard of living of the majority of people in 10 or 20 years if Chavez remains in power. Of course, I am Colombian and it is a very pro-american/anti-chavez country so I am going to be coming from that point of view.


oh i'm certainly not defending the Chavez regime he's a monster, but i'm an isolationist. i think everyone should have the same right to self-determination that the U.S. had.

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