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New Late Fee


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According to the Westerville DMV, if you are late renewing your license or license plate(s), you will be charged $20.00 if not renewed within 7 days of your exporation date. WTF?


I use to sit on my tags since my B-day is in February, so that they would pro-rate my tags. This fricken sucks, I'm pissed.

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So you're mad that you let your tags expire and they're charging you? What kind of moron are you?


I'll assume that he doesn't drive or park the car on the street while the tags are expired. I thought that part of the fee was to pay for the use of the road and the maintainence of the road. If you aren't using it with that particular vehicle, then why would you think that he would need to pay for it? Just a thought.

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The only people it truly sucks for are people who have trailers that they used solely in the summer or people who have cars that they use solely in the summer where they won't go to renew until it's close to time to use it.
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Exactly, but Mr. Hal is too stupid to understand that.


Even KillJoy understands.


Too stupid? Maybe I am just not fucking retarded enough to follow your logic. Obviously the reason they put this into place was to curb this bullshit. In my opinion you're no better than all the other assholes who just want a way around the system.


You are either too cheap, or too poor to pay to renew when it is required. If you're a cheap ass, I'm assuming you're pretty fucking moronic. This is simply based on all the other cheap asses I know. If you're too poor, I'm assuming you are too fucking retarded to get a good job or you can't make proper life choices.


Dave, they actually made me have proof that my car wasn't operable two years ago when I didn't register until spring.

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Too stupid? Maybe I am just not fucking retarded enough to follow your logic. Obviously the reason they put this into place was to curb this bullshit. In my opinion you're no better than all the other assholes who just want a way around the system.


You are either too cheap, or too poor to pay to renew when it is required. If you're a cheap ass, I'm assuming you're pretty fucking moronic. This is simply based on all the other cheap asses I know. If you're too poor, I'm assuming you are too fucking retarded to get a good job or you can't make proper life choices.


Dave, they actually made me have proof that my car wasn't operable two years ago when I didn't register until spring.


That is nice of them. When my 93 sat for 2 years on the street, or whatever it was, I never renewed the tags until someone noticed that they were expired. I lived on a court and either someone, most likely the neighbor trying to sell their house, mentioned that the tags were expired or some random cop actually had zero else to do. I'm going with the neighbor calling. I had to pay a $15-20 fine since the vehicle wasn't moving at the time. I renewed the tags and never had to pay for the time in between or prove that it wasn't moving. I guess that has changed. I'll still pay for my tags every year, since my birthday is in June and you never know when you might need another vehicle to drive.

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Too stupid? Maybe I am just not fucking retarded enough to follow your logic. Obviously the reason they put this into place was to curb this bullshit. In my opinion you're no better than all the other assholes who just want a way around the system.


You are either too cheap, or too poor to pay to renew when it is required. If you're a cheap ass, I'm assuming you're pretty fucking moronic. This is simply based on all the other cheap asses I know. If you're too poor, I'm assuming you are too fucking retarded to get a good job or you can't make proper life choices.


Dave, they actually made me have proof that my car wasn't operable two years ago when I didn't register until spring.


Okay Mr. Douche Canoe, I work at a tire store (but was fired cause you are a piece of @#@#) according to the manager, lol. What an A hole! The funny thing about this is you probably don't remember me and that's fine. Did you ever get that piece of crap running!!!

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McDonald's is always hiring. It shouldn't be a permanent career choice but money is money. Having a job while searching for a better one is how everyone should operate. If not then you are lazy ass.


If I got fired from my job today you can bet money that I would have a job within 24 hours, even if it was fast food related. Keep the money flowing.

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Okay Mr. Douche Canoe, I work at a tire store (but was fired cause you are a piece of @#@#) according to the manager, lol. What an A hole! The funny thing about this is you probably don't remember me and that's fine. Did you ever get that piece of crap running!!!


I have no clue who you are and don't really care. Maybe you should have done a better job, then you wouldn't have been fired. I'm not even humoring your final question because I find it shows you don't actually know me.


Your post actually doesn't even make much sense. You work (present tense) at a tire store, yet you were fired? You are a piece of shit according to the manager? That should be in quotations not parenthesis. I'm confused now.

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I'm talking about you Douche Canoe!!!!

Lol, I've never been fired from any job. I quite from two tire stores. Nice going with your intel there champ. Let's see, Nick patlovich from Mr. Tire is on here, who knows that I came in an handed my keys to Alex. No one from NTB is on here, but Stas Ilin who a lot of members know can verify me telling Mike Doan I was done with him.


Care to destroy your credibility anymore?


Edit: Let me continue to destroy your credibility. The day I left Mr. Tire I received multiple phone calls from Mike Wolf (DM) and Blaine (Store Manager) asking me to come back assuring me I could make Sawmill my home store rather than traveling from store to store. The day after I left NTB, Mike Doan called and asked me to stay. He said he knew we didn't get along, but he would be willing to transfer me if I would agree not to quit. For my current job, my references from previous employers (read: Mr. Tire and NTB) were nothing but positive, and went beyond just "yes he worked here". How do I know that? I work with the person that called them.

Edited by Hal
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I'm talking about you Douche Canoe!!!! I never worked at a tire store dumb ass, but you did. Man and you talk about being retarded, holly crap are you dumb or should I say moronic (WTF is that???).


Use the correct punctuation and people will know what the fuck you're talking about.

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The only people it truly sucks for are people who have trailers that they used solely in the summer or people who have cars that they use solely in the summer where they won't go to renew until it's close to time to use it.

Or how about my wife's car, where it expired while she was OUT OF THE FUCKING COUNTRY, with the car parked safely in the garage.


She wasn't breaking the law, since the car wasn't outside, let alone on the street. But since she was past 7 days when we renewed it online (which she was still gone BTW), $20 late fee.


It's a fucking BMV scam to make more money.

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Where the fuck is this guy? I was enjoying laughing at his stupidity.


Steve, you're a cheap ass. It doesn't cost much to register anything, so it doesn't concern me to leave the Cobra sitting all winter. You probably pay more for one bottle of your top shelf stuff than you do to register your cars and bike.

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