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New Late Fee


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... besides the point of having the money or not. They should have to catch the car on the road. They mailed my Mom stating she has randomly been chosen to prove auto insurance, is this right? I don't think so, now everyone knows auto insurance is mandatory and I despise people who don't carry it. Same goes for the "red light camera" law. They're getting too out of hand. You should have your tags, insurance, and not speed or run red lights.... but they should catch you personally. Just my 2 cents.
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Where the fuck is this guy? I was enjoying laughing at his stupidity.


Steve, you're a cheap ass. It doesn't cost much to register anything, so it doesn't concern me to leave the Cobra sitting all winter. You probably pay more for one bottle of your top shelf stuff than you do to register your cars and bike.



Wah.... why pay for non use if you don't HAVE to? Just seems like throwing $$$ away to me. The vehicle is not using the Roadways, nor will it need any Public Utilities. Why should I be paying for that? It would be like running your home A/C 20* below the outside temp while you are gone on a month long Vacation.



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Wah.... why pay for non use if you don't HAVE to? Just seems like throwing $$$ away to me. The vehicle is not using the Roadways, nor will it need any Public Utilities. Why should I be paying for that? It would be like running your home A/C 20* below the outside temp while you are gone on a month long Vacation.




Motherfucker, don't look at my thermostat.


There is a ton of shit I don't want to pay for, and shouldn't have to pay for, but it is required so I do it. I'm going to keep doing it until the revolution. Do I dislike the way they do things? Yes. Will it change soon? No. I'll save my anger for something a little bigger than the BMV being shitty.

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You guys keep forgetting that driving is not a right it is a privilege. Pay the man for the privilege or don't own a car. If you going to be out of the country you can register online a head of time for free.


I don't think I should be paying for school taxes since I have no kids, I am done with school, and on top of that I am fixed. No kids will be had. I still pay the taxes though.


Stop whining guies.

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You mean... like arguing on the Internet?





Precisely :cool:


I see your point on this matter, which is very funny..... and I second your pwnage, but to the topic you're wrong.

Lol, anything is possible. I guess me being bored at work might have contributed to this thread in some way...

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Lol, anything is possible. I guess me being bored at work might have contributed to this thread in some way...



Fire someone?


Randomly yell at an employee?


Tell a customer they are wrong, and that they are no longer welcome?





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Lol, I've never been fired from any job. I quite from two tire stores. Nice going with your intel there champ. Let's see, Nick patlovich from Mr. Tire is on here, who knows that I came in an handed my keys to Alex. No one from NTB is on here, but Stas Ilin who a lot of members know can verify me telling Mike Doan I was done with him.


Care to destroy your credibility anymore?


Edit: Let me continue to destroy your credibility. The day I left Mr. Tire I received multiple phone calls from Mike Wolf (DM) and Blaine (Store Manager) asking me to come back assuring me I could make Sawmill my home store rather than traveling from store to store. The day after I left NTB, Mike Doan called and asked me to stay. He said he knew we didn't get along, but he would be willing to transfer me if I would agree not to quit. For my current job, my references from previous employers (read: Mr. Tire and NTB) were nothing but positive, and went beyond just "yes he worked here". How do I know that? I work with the person that called them.







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Fire someone?


Randomly yell at an employee?


Tell a customer they are wrong, and that they are no longer welcome?





Can't, we're hiring people and we need everyone.


Would love to. I told a Customer Service Rep to get shit taken care of before I had to.


That passed about 5 minutes. I get to go back and do it all over again tomorrow morning.






Alright, interesting response. I see you got the point. I am anxiously awaiting your true rebuttal, as I assume you do have something else to say.

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...maybe im out of the loop, but what the fuck are you guys talking about prorating your registration for a partial year? when i go in june, i pay my $52 or whatever it is, and it is good for one year.


They're saying that if you have a bike or summer car and your bday's in november for example they just wont update it until spring, in doing so they dont pay the for the full year, just up until their bday.

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