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who has moved on??


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I haven't moved on, but I have gotten smarter about them and the way I plan to mod/ build and drive. They don't get my #1 attention anymore as I've matured. Putting money into my home seems to be a smarter choice at this point in life. But I still have that "Need for speed" if you will, and the desire to own a fast and sexy car. I'm just in limbo now if you will.
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Seems like a lot of people who attempted the having a fast car thing, got discouraged when they realized that it wasn't as easy as it appeared. It definitely takes money and patience. Most of the people who get into to cars, want to have a fast car but don't realize that you have to put a lot of work and money into it. I've never gotten into bikes, but I'm sure that they are fun as well. Just not my thing. I don't think that I have a fast car either, but I've always had fun with them even when they were a giant pain in the ass and wallet.



Its really been a battle for me the last few years, but I still love it. Will mod again.

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I just don't care anymore. The car is there if I want to mess with it, but I just don't have any interest in spending the time to do yet another setup. I think at this stage in my life, I have a lot more important things to deal with so that just pushed cars even further out of my head.


If we're being honest, I also realized that there are only a few people I like in the whole car scene. I've run into too many people that I have no desire to socialize with in any fashion.

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I just don't care anymore. The car is there if I want to mess with it, but I just don't have any interest in spending the time to do yet another setup. I think at this stage in my life, I have a lot more important things to deal with so that just pushed cars even further out of my head.


If we're being honest, I also realized that there are only a few people I like in the whole car scene. I've run into too many people that I have no desire to socialize with in any fashion.



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I loved having a car that could keep up or beat bikes....but theres just something about rolling on the throttle....carrying the tire.....and shifting into the next gear that makes me happy in my pants. Im like Ryan, Im all about just having a nice daily driver, just throwing some wheels and tint on it and making my bike fast....for cheap!
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I just don't care anymore. The car is there if I want to mess with it, but I just don't have any interest in spending the time to do yet another setup. I think at this stage in my life, I have a lot more important things to deal with so that just pushed cars even further out of my head.


If we're being honest, I also realized that there are only a few people I like in the whole car scene. I've run into too many people that I have no desire to socialize with in any fashion.



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I know my husband when i first met him was always doing stuff to his cars.. each car that he has attained since.. he has become less and less enthusiastic about the idea, and not wanting to deal with the hassles.... and for the first time in his life, he has a mechanic do all his work.. except oil changes.. not because he cant do it.. but becuase he just is done doing it all.. I think knowing that he can do all the stuff he has done, (timing belt, clutch replacement, tranmission repairs, suspension) has made him tired of working on them.. I also think the monetary values of doing it all has reared its ugly head.. no matter how much you spend, you'll never be as fast as you want to be...


I know he will continue to do tires and suspension and brakes.. but i think thats about it..


He has an itch for the two wheeled world.. but not motorcycles... we'll see how that pans out


If we're being honest, I also realized that there are only a few people I like in the whole car scene. I've run into too many people that I have no desire to socialize with in any fashion.

as for this.. since the start of COS, we have met a few douches.. but i have to say most of the people that we have met doing the whole car club scene, are people i would have NEVER met anywhere else, and have met some really great people, that make me happy to have such a diverse club, im sure thats the same for here as well, though i dont know many people on here personally.

Hell if it werent for Anthony, I would have never met my husband, and I'm sure Anthony doesn't totally realize the impact he had on Nathans life, which is why i will continue the online life in the automotive community..wether i grow tired of cars or not.

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as for this.. since the start of COS, we have met a few douches.. but i have to say most of the people that we have met doing the whole car club scene, are people i would have NEVER met anywhere else, and have met some really great people, that make me happy to have such a diverse club, im sure thats the same for here as well, though i dont know many people on here personally.

Hell if it werent for Anthony, I would have never met my husband, and I'm sure Anthony doesn't totally realize the impact he had on Nathans life, which is why i will continue the online life in the automotive community..wether i grow tired of cars or not.

Maybe you're lucky. I've met social rejects, drug dealers, complete retards (literally, I think they fall in that IQ range), violence prone idiots, wannabe gangsters, immature late-twenty-early-thirty somethings, and just plain weirdos.


I have met a couple people that I really like, but the majority I would be fine never seeing, or hearing from, again. Maybe my experiences are unique, but I find that hard to believe. I should also say, I'm not talking about the way someone acts on the internet.

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I just don't care anymore. The car is there if I want to mess with it, but I just don't have any interest in spending the time to do yet another setup. I think at this stage in my life, I have a lot more important things to deal with so that just pushed cars even further out of my head.


If we're being honest, I also realized that there are only a few people I like in the whole car scene. I've run into too many people that I have no desire to socialize with in any fashion.




I like tinkering with my truck, but I actually use that at the farm.

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I wouldn't say I'm done spending money to make my cars "better", but I'm def. past the need to try to make cars the fastest thing on the road, or even the fastest version of what I have. I learned along time ago to either accept what you've got power wise or buy something else as big increases in power to an existing platform only equals headaches and constant tinkering. Just not my bag anymore


I'll still spend money on suspension, tires, brakes and reliability items (cooling) to make them good on a road course, and cosmetic things for them to look the way I wish on the street but that's about it.




I couldn't agree more with Andy on everything he said.


That's why I like http://www.columbuscarsandcoffee.net :) Nice, chill atmosphere for "normal" car enthusiasts.


I'll admit that last April's track day at BeaveRun (my first track outing ever) was incredibly eye-opening, and one reason I won't get rid of my paid-off Corvette...if I want to go out and have "fun", I'll have a vehicle that can do it.

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I will never get out of modding a car, If you never have hands on put together a car from the ground up its more then just power. To be honest if I just paid someone to build me a fast car , it would get old so fast. The fun part and dedication is doing it yourself . 90% admire fast cars,10% are DIY that have a passion for cars. This fourm proves it. Cars are who I am, not going to change working on cars/building cars to make someone like me or be with me. I can and will always make room for cars, runs in the blood.
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I think most of us agree that whether or not we own fast cars, as car guys we'll always be the first judges of what needs fixing and take a stab at repairs ourselves.


I get a lot of pride fixing my cars, knowing that I am saving a lot of money on labor costs. Sure, it takes my time, but it's relaxing and I usually work after-hours which doesn't eat into family/work time...

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I think most of us agree that whether or not we own fast cars, as car guys we'll always be the first judges of what needs fixing and take a stab at repairs ourselves.


I get a lot of pride fixing my cars, knowing that I am saving a lot of money on labor costs. Sure, it takes my time, but it's relaxing and I usually work after-hours which doesn't eat into family/work time...


I know this sounds crazy but in my head I already picture me driving down 33 to a carsandcoffee meet on a warm sat morning. In something that I put a lot of time and money into. I am going to love this summer!

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My car has been put on the back burner due to remodeling my house. I spend more time in my house than I do in the car. It's where I eat, sleep, watch tv, etc. When I first got my car, I wanted to do H/C/I, exhaust, etc, but now, I'm at the point where I like being able to drive it during the spring, summer, and fall without having to worry about it breaking. I had it at a track once last year and I was scared the entire time that it was going to break. Where would I come up with the money to fix it? I think I'm not taking it to the track anymore until after I'm done working on the house and have money to throw at the car if something breaks. I'm just going to enjoy it as it is. My house has become more important.


I tried the bike thing for a year. I enjoyed the freedom, but was scared to death of other drivers. So, I gave up on the bike idea.

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My hubby and I have both kinda lost our motivation for cars lately. His car is still running but he hasn't put alot of work or money in it for awhile. I have the Audi and it's just my daily typical "mom" mobile. He talks about getting another bike though. Maybe spring will bring back some motivation for both of us.
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my heater runs non stop when im in the garage... i need to put some insulation up. that may be my weekend project


See the garage doors we have are not insulated. The company makes special pannels for them but are like 600 a peice which is crazy. What's a good alternative to making a garage thats well insulated? Sorry for the stupid questions but not good with home stuff.

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A lack of money is the only reason my passion has faded. If I had a quality job, where I was comfortable living at the level we are at now, had my retirement planned for, education for future kids planned for etc, and still had a surplus, I would definetly be modding/buying cars with that money.


However, being a new graduate in todays economy is a reality check. We just went under contract for a house, and started up 401ks, and life insurance etc. Once I get a job, and we get comfortable with our new financial obligations, the mods will come.


Being a grown up kind of sucks.

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As I've gotten older, the other thing I look for is simplicity. I've reignited my interest to get an old air-cooled VW someday...they seem pretty cheap to own and operate.


New cars annoy me. Loaded up with stuff you don't need, "dumb down" for the average driver who can't drive/maintain a vehicle properly to begin with.

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I think a fast fun daily is a good thing to have but I don't ever see myself going over the top with making a car that can perform extremely well.


Since I've gotten my bike I've just taken off for a few hours just to go see new roads and sights. It's my toy for now on.

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