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another newb!


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Damn, your Beater is ugly as fuck. I hope it can at least go quick in a straight line, because Lord knows it couldn't do those things everyone else calls turns.


didnt build it to go around turns, if i wanna do that ill buy another bike. it can be ugly cause youll only see the tail lights anyway.

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I have been to yellowbullet many times, just not a member there.


Talking shit on the internet is about as lame as a dog with 2 legs trying to pull a dog sled.


mabe we can get those dogs to pull gtpnls1s car up the street.

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Chuck man, I tried to save you and ask about your car (pics, times etc) But the fact that you started trash talking at 5:00pm and it's now 9:30pm leaves me to believe you're just some lame as 32 year old trying to live his “Glory Days” of being a hard ass through the internet. You could have just takin the BS with a grain of salt, instead you chose to stick around and be cool for 4 hours… On a site you don’t really wanna be on. Hummm, well good luck.
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I just read this thread and to be honest I'm embarrassed. 5 pages of B.S. that looks like ebattling for the mentally impaired. If you are going to bash a newb then fucking bash them. Its bad enough that we are pushing new members away because they dont post pics. Its even worse that we are not good at it!!! Would it hurt to be nice for the first few posts? Its the internet, not a damn job application. Not everyone is going to read the instructions before they post. Just point them in the right direction and move on. I dont get how we give new people shit then act like they are suppose to take it??? Half of you fuckers are assholes anyway so why not accept one of your own?


By the way... hi new fish.

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I don't think you want to run my little Golf. You must not know much about them.


Any time, any day...........$500


dude believe it or not, im not gonna lock that race in just for the fact that it aint fair and im that a complete asshole. there isnt a mod in the world that would put that car out in front of me without putting it on a tube chassis. those lil cars are heavy. and do i know them? my buddy used to drive a R32 which would open ure shit all the way up.

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Chuck man, I tried to save you and ask about your car (pics, times etc) But the fact that you started trash talking at 5:00pm and it's now 9:30pm leaves me to believe you're just some lame as 32 year old trying to live his “Glory Days” of being a hard ass through the internet. You could have just takin the BS with a grain of salt, instead you chose to stick around and be cool for 4 hours… On a site you don’t really wanna be on. Hummm, well good luck.


One of 3 good posts in this entire thread.

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I just read this thread and to be honest I'm embarrassed. 5 pages of B.S. that looks like ebattling for the mentally impaired. If you are going to bash a newb then fucking bash them. Its bad enough that we are pushing new members away because they dont post pics. Its even worse that we are not good at it!!! Would it hurt to be nice for the first few posts? Its the internet, not a damn job application. Not everyone is going to read the instructions before they post. Just point them in the right direction and move on. I dont get how we give new people shit then act like they are suppose to take it??? Half of you fuckers are assholes anyway so why not accept one of your own?


By the way... hi new fish.


WE HAVE A WINNER! the most accurate post yet. as a matter of fact everything else on these pages can be deleted but leave that one post as something that can be learned. 5 pages of BS to get one good post.

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dude believe it or not, im not gonna lock that race in just for the fact that it aint fair and im that a complete asshole. there isnt a mod in the world that would put that car out in front of me without putting it on a tube chassis. those lil cars are heavy. and do i know them? my buddy used to drive a R32 which would open ure shit all the way up.




Did you think I was serious? I certainly hope not.




As for your friends R32.........a 2004 I assume? Any mods? I really like the R32's, although unless he had F/I, no R32 is going to beat up on a GTI.

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Occasionally I get free movie tickets. Friends, co-workers, or family lands a few and I get to go see a movie on someone else's dime. Free is great, but the people who attend free movies are not. On this particular occasion, I got a ticket to go see Sunshine, which I was very excited about primarily because the trailer used the Requiem for a Dream song, which makes any movie look like a tear-jerking, epic masterpiece. I was also excited because it was directed by Danny Boyle, whose other works include Slumdog Millionaire, Shrieking Monkey Plague, and Shrieking Monkey Plague 2 - Lets Throw Up Blood On One Another.


So my friend sat down next to me at the theater and the movie was about to begin. "What's that smell?" she asked, "It smells like pee."


Unflinching, her boyfriend responded: "It's clam chowder."


Sure enough, sitting one row back and three seats to our left was a woman holding a large to-go order of clam chowder which she'd snuck into the theater. Surprisingly, clam chowder smells very similar to urine when you don't know where the source is - it's like the asparagus of soups.


The woman herself looked like a water buffalo in a sweatshirt. She had broad shoulders and a stern, oppressive brow. Her twinkling eyes were fixed straight ahead in the dim theater light, but her powerful jaw moved rapidly to break down the large spoonfuls of chowder which she rhythmically pounded into her mouth. This woman did not simply eat clam chowder, she grazed on it.


Twenty minutes into the film I heard her. She was talking to the screen - narrating her thoughts and feelings, as well as answering rhetorical questions asked by the characters. "What will we do? There's no time!" asked the main character. "I dun' know! You be so screwed!" she belched in anguish, as if the actors in the movie could actually hear her clam-scented reply. Fifteen minutes from the end of the movie - the climax - and the water buffalo was still talking. I'd endured her for nearly two hours, and what was a mild irritation had transformed into a boiling, volcanic rage. I don't know how my popcorn tasted, and I can't remember who was sitting near me. As far as what was happening on the screen, it's a complete blank. My surroundings had become completely blind to me. All I remember is pure, unfiltered hatred. I was Ghenghis Khan. I was genocide. Stars collapsed under the weight of my fury, and when I opened my eyes all I saw was the heads of ten thousand water buffalo on bloody pikes peppering the horizon from Los Angeles to New York City.


So, without further ado, I turned around and spoke.


"SHUT UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP! You've talked the entire fucking movie now SHUT UP"


Her response?


"Nuh uh, you shut up"


Again, my memory beyond this point is a bit hazy. I remember screaming more obscenities at her, and I remember a couple sitting behind me telling me that I was now more disruptive than the water buffalo had ever been, and I remember walking down the aisle after the movie had ended and hearing another moviegoer say "Where's the guy that went psycho?" I also remember the water buffalo quietly shuffling out of the theater afterwards. I think clam chowder and darkness were the sources of her strength, without them she was a meek, fearful creature.


Did I "go psycho?" I think that's a rather uncreative way of putting it - I like to think of myself as a warrior. Sure, I embarrassed myself and made the situation a lot worse for everyone than it had to be, but in doing so the buffalo was slain. So fuck you, chowderbeast, I'm a champ and you eat seafood from a giant bucket.

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Did you think I was serious? I certainly hope not.




As for your friends R32.........a 2004 I assume? Any mods? I really like the R32's, although unless he had F/I, no R32 is going to beat up on a GTI.


i dont really know everything he had done, but it was mainly in the suspension. Eibach had alot of parts in it and some there was intake inlet stuff. had it retuned to match the exhaust that was on it. bigger wheels. it was blue with black interior.

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